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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

Real talk im chilling like a mfer. Im the only relaxed person I know. Everyone around me going crazy.

Also, let me know if I should take the plane landing as a diss since im middle eastern. Not sure if I gotta knock you out for the disrespect or not.
man im talking about you just getting to jersey.

im disrespectful but not like that.

we can still scrap tho......but not over some shit i didnt say.

how you relaxed an taking shit crazy?


This is because more test have become available. Canada will be able to do 10,000 a day starting tomorrow. So I'm expecting the numbers to balloon even tho the streets are dead and most people have be quarantining and isolating.

Important number is deaths. Not infected. Niggas finna catch this shit.
Btw, for all yall the flu is worse mfers.

In about a month, the number of deaths in the US if the patern holds will be close to 10k. (The pattern is total deaths are doubled every 2-3 days btw). When its all said and done anywhere between 20k and 50k people will die and this is with all businesses closed and a good majority of the country under lock downs.

Imagine if we just went about our lives, and didnt let media hype us, kept working, like we do with the flu, we would probably be looking at over 500k deaths.

@Cain @konceptjones @Thor and i know its a bunch more i dont remember.

Told yall im petty enough to @ yall mfers.

That's nice, but this is pure speculation.

CDC estimates that we were on track to at least match last season's flu numbers. That is 31M sick, 370K hospitalized, and 34K dead in just 4 months. The 2016-2017 flu season was even worse and saw over 60K dead in the same 4 month span.

All that with a vaccine.

We're still not tracking people with mild symptoms or who are asymptomatic. If we did that it would change the outlook on corona virus drastically. The chances are pretty high that there are a few million that have been exposed to it but have only had mild symptoms or none at all. Wanna "flatten the curve" as they keep saying? Gotta count 'em all. That's the only way to get the real picture.
That's nice, but this is pure speculation.

CDC estimates that we were on track to at least match last season's flu numbers. That is 31M sick, 370K hospitalized, and 34K dead in just 4 months. The 2016-2017 flu season was even worse and saw over 60K dead in the same 4 month span.

All that with a vaccine.

We're still not tracking people with mild symptoms or who are asymptomatic. If we did that it would change the outlook on corona virus drastically. The chances are pretty high that there are a few million that have been exposed to it but have only had mild symptoms or none at all. Wanna "flatten the curve" as they keep saying? Gotta count 'em all. That's the only way to get the real picture.

Bruh. You highlighted with a vaccine.

Thanks for proving my point.

This shit way worse than the flu cause it dont got a vaccine.

Lmao. Maaan some of yall kill me.
Gotta go to the hospital at 12. I dread doing this bandaging shit. Think I'm gonna ask them to give me the shit so I can do it myself.

Forgot to mention ol girl gave me the care package so I don't gotta keep going back every 2 days just once a week.

She was kinda cute too but I decided not to be toxic.
im telling yall....they fucking yall over.

you need a blood test.

you cant hide the virus in blood.
im telling yall....they fucking yall over.

you need a blood test.

you cant hide the virus in blood.

Nigga what? You know how long it would take to microscopically test everyone's blood for that shit lol.

It doesn't just show up in ya blood levels like steroids or cocaine.

Don't you work in medicine?