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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

India is going to be a fucking mess we are worrying about Italy china and us, but india will probably be the absolute worst if gets serious over there, im still shocked by that documentary i watched about their hygiene situation

Where the money going

I was gonna look for articles detailing the specifics of the stimulus package.

I think only big corporations have to pay a low interest. If they tax it that shit is wild. Like u have to claim it on earned income at the end of the year.

But wtf does student loan forgiveness have to do with this?? Unless they mean current semester

Single people get $1200
Married people get $2400
$500 for each child under 17
Filed single: Phased out above $75k income for singles. Nothing at all if u make over $99k
Filed joint: Phased out above 150k

Student loan payments suspended along with interest/late fees until Sept.

Ppl on unemployment get extra $600/wk for four months on top of state benefits and add another 13 weeks to unemployment payments.

New pandemic unemployment assistance program for self employed and gig economy workers who can't work due to virus related issues.

State treasury responsible for providing $500 billion in loans to businesses states and municipalities. Special provision for mid size business (500-10,000 employees) with 6 month payment grace period and congressional oversight on how money is being spent.

Businesses owned by (at least 20%) president, vice president, head of executive department, member of Congress, their spouse, child, son/daughter in law will be barred from receiving any money.

Money going to department of defense but blocking any of it going in support of Trump's border wall.

Airlines getting bailed out but barred from making furloughs paycuts stock buybacks issuing dividends to investors while capping executive compensation.

Independent contractors and gig workers get fed aid but no specifics in this article.

Protection up to 4 months for mortgage foreclosures and rent evictions.

Didn't include everything in the article but the main shit
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No money for me but I wonder if I get something for not being able to work cuz they shutdown La.
Its stupid mfers everywhere in the world. Cant escape it totally but when you go to european countries, especially scandinavia, and Canada, you suddenly realize how stupid the average american is.

And those are just places I been. My boy from Peru tells me that intellect is important as fuck there and mfers get roasted for being stupid and not in the now.

Also heard the same about Japan and S.Korea.

And I love living in the US, really do, just really getting tired by being surrounded by stupid mfers

Not American, never been there, but I can confirm that literally the entirety of the world laughs at your nation.
I was gonna look for articles detailing the specifics of the stimulus package.

I think only big corporations have to pay a low interest. If they tax it that shit is wild. Like u have to claim it on earned income at the end of the year.

But wtf does student loan forgiveness have to do with this?? Unless they mean current semester
For these 2 months at least how u gonna pay student loans premiums if u can’t pay rent

in Denmark

Thompson: Denmark’s government has announced a very aggressive plan to help workers in the next few months. Tell me what it’s doing.

Larsen: Denmark’s government agreed to cover the cost of employees’ salaries at private companies as long as those companies do not fire people. If a company makes a notice saying that it has to either lay off 30 percent of their workers or fire at least 50 people, the state has agreed to take on 75 percent of workers’ salaries, up to $3,288 per month. (This would preserve the income for all employees earning up to $52,400 per year.)

Thompson: Some American economists say the U.S. should copy Germany’s work-sharing plan, Kurzarbeit, in which workers’ hours are reduced and then the government takes on part of workers’ salaries. Is Denmark’s plan like that?

Larsen: Not exactly. In the German plan, the government and the employer share the cost of paying for work. Here, the government is paying companies for employees who are going home and not working. These workers are being paid a wage to do nothing. The government is saying: Lots of people are suddenly in danger of being fired. But if we have firing rounds, it will be very difficult to adapt later. This way, the company maintains their workforce under the crisis and people maintain their salaries. You are compensating people even though they have to go home.

While the White House and lawmakers haggle over the terms of an emergency economic-stabilization package, Denmark has gone big—very, very big—to defeat the unprecedented challenge of the coronavirus.

This week, the Danish government told private companies hit by the effects of the pandemic that it would pay 75 percent of their employees’ salaries to avoid mass layoffs. The plan could require the government to spend as much as 13 percent of the national economy in three months. That is roughly the equivalent of a $2.5 trillion stimulus in the United States spread out over just 13 weeks. Like I said: very, very big.
I don’t make 75k and my wife don’t make 75K but we are above that together.

So it’s combined?
Do we both get $500 for each child?
Is this automatic or do I have to sign up?

These are things I need to know