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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona


Father John's taste like somebody took crushed up brown leaves that were left in the rain only because somebody said it might work and put it in a bottle
View attachment 248707
thoughts? I don’t kow shit about shit but still tryna gauge if we’re overreacting or under reacting or what

Right off top there's a vaccine for the Flu there is no such vaccine for Corona. The vast majority of the country have not been tested for the virus, thus the numbers being cited are woefully inaccurate with the actual number being much higher than what currently being reported. And by the time you start seeing huge spikes in infection and fatality cases it is already too late, see Italy today and apply that to us and the picture becomes much clearer. With that said, based on conservative estimates the coronavirus is likely 10xs more fatal to people than the flu. Which if that estimate holds up, would make the 50,000 fatalities cited in that post more like 500,000.

The post does concede that a response is needed, but that the one currently being implemented is not proportional to the problem. Well okay then--- What would be proportional? We can't test it, we don't know who has it, by the time someone does show symptoms it is often too late, there is no vaccine, and we do not have an infrastructure in place to care for the sheer amount of people that will need treatment. That's the reality. Personally, I don't see it as giving up anything, especially not my freedom. We are all free to make choices, word to #CoronaKatie. I choose not to put my loved ones at risk by living selfishly, and hopefully others will do the same so that we can all make it through this ordeal safely.
iight, iight im officially over this Corona virus bullshit. HA HA jokes over. Yall had yall fun. Im done. This is bullshit
View attachment 248707
thoughts? I don’t kow shit about shit but still tryna gauge if we’re overreacting or under reacting or what

I think thinking millions are gonna die in America when china the most populated place on earth and the epicenter of the virus lost thousands is hilarious. But that's just me.
Yall not losing 5mil, 500,000 or 50k.
I think thinking millions are gonna die in America when china the most populated place on earth and the epicenter of the virus lost thousands is hilarious. But that's just me.
Yall not losing 5mil, 500,000 or 50k.

tuh. china went into total lockdown after 500 confirmed cases and that was within about 3 to 4 weeks of the virus first spreading.

there are 3,000 confirmed cases in the us and virtually nobody has been tested and only a partial lockdown (if you even want to call it that) has been put in place. the cdc tested 77 ppl last week. 77 ppl theres 330m ppl in the us

at the low end 700,000 americans will die if drastic measures arent put in place soon...and by soon i mean yesterday

italy dragged its feet and their death toll has doubled within the last 24 hrs
tuh. china went into total lockdown after 500 confirmed cases and that was within about 3 to 4 weeks of the virus first spreading.

there are 3,000 confirmed cases in the us and virtually nobody has been tested and only a partial lockdown (if you even want to call it that) has been put in place. the cdc tested 77 ppl last week. 77 ppl theres 330m ppl in the us

at the low end 700,000 americans will die if drastic measures arent put in place soon...and by soon i mean yesterday

italy dragged its feet and their death toll has doubled within the last 24 hrs

How can there be 3000 cases but no ones been tested. Yall scared stupid. Stop believing what every person with an agenda against trump says and use your brain. Lol at 700000 on the low end go to bed race.
How can there be 3000 cases but no ones been tested. Yall scared stupid. Stop believing what every person with an agenda against trump says and use your brain. Lol at 700000 on the low end go to bed race.

listen to what im saying, i know niggas comprehension skills are low. 3000 confirmed cases meaning folks are going into hospitals showing aggressive symptoms of the virus and being tested showing positive.

however the majority of ppl have no symptoms and nobody me, u, and everybody else in this bitch is being screened or being tested as a precaution. then we have niggas showing mild symptoms of the virus and being denied test. we have ppl that have come in contact with folks with coronavirus and being denied test.

ru catching my drift? the reason why the situation is dismal because we dont know who has it or not.

im saying 700,000 because im basing it off the current mortality rate of 1%

look i know youre mad because your speakeasy is about to close but to be willfully obtuse out here during a pandemic is foolish lmao