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I see that a lot of ppl don't like this movie.

I don't even know how much I like it,but I don't hate it ....yet.

I actually am into the philosophical aspect more than the action,but I do like the action and effects too.

The whole "Is the world real" thing was more interesting than the shooting parts for me.

I do agree thought that I'd rather be inside the matrix than be in Zion as far as scenes.
This movie, really highlighted for me..that Keanu is a great physical actor, but..he is absolutely horrible at delivering lines. Painfully horrible, and when you surround him with others that are really good at it. It’s almost comically horrible. It was an aight movie, thank goodness I didn’t have to go to a theater to watch it.
This movie, really highlighted for me..that Keanu is a great physical actor, but..he is absolutely horrible at delivering lines. Painfully horrible, and when you surround him with others that are really good at it. It’s almost comically horrible. It was an aight movie, thank goodness I didn’t have to go to a theater to watch it.
Define great physical actor
This doesn't make any sense to me so I'ma just bid you farewell
You cant see Ryan Renolds when he is in the Deadpool costume. You can get an idea of what he character is feeling only with the eyes of the suit and his mannerisms.

Pull up a clip of Keanu in a scene where it’a dramatic but there is no fighting and pay attention to his body, put it on mute since you already know the dialogue and he is terrible at delivering it. Do not look at the whole of his face, only his eyes

fuck it I chose a good scene to highlight this
part 2 is in no way better than part 1

Didn’t say it was. I said it was MY favorite.

Yes he did.He said it was his favorite one which implies it was the best.

If I call some shit my favorite it means I think it was the best.

I'm not gonna say Part 2 is my fav even though I know part 1 was better.

This is bad logic.

Kobe Bryant is my favorite basketball player ever.

Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player ever.

Both these concepts exist in my mind without one cancelling out the other.
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YOU brought this up for debate… now that you need to save face it’s “way off topic”.

Bruh it’s ok to just say “aight… you got me on that.”
But I brought it up as a reply to a movie related comment.

You made a comment about a comment,and wanted me to reply to your comment about a comment in a comment.

And now I'm commenting about how I didn't want to reply to a comment about my comment talking about Michael Jordan and shit.

And none those replies would be about Matrix 4.....or are they?