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I just rewatched the scene, The Architect said it would be the 6th time they've destroyed Zion because of the choice Neo made and he knew the choice Neo would make because the others made the same choice.

He didnt say Zion was destroyed because of the choice Neo made though. He said the previous Neos had a general affinity for the human race and I interpreted that as they chose to go back to the source where 21 humans would be taken from the Matrix to rebuild Zion and starting the whole loop over again.

This version of Neo loved Trinity more than the rest of humanity and decided not to go back to the source.
When I watched that scene I got from it that Zion was destroyed 5 times and this version was the 6th time they were gonna do it again. Door 1 led to Zion being saved and door 2 led to the destruction of Zion. Neo had to make a choice, he chose love or door #2.

That's my interpretation of that scene.

Zion was gonna be destroyed regardless. If Neo went back to the source as intended he woulda been able to pick 21 folks from within the Matrix to rebuild.

If he didnt return to the source.. Zion would be destroyed and all of the people within the Matrix would die as well so there would be no way to rebuild Zion... hence the extinction of the human race.

Either way this Neo chose Trinity over errbody else tho lol that we can agree on
I know mfs gon go hard blaming the “agenda” and “woke” shit… but honestly…

this shit was just boring.

And again… I gotta blame the fans.

Y’all was overly critical of the sequels, because of how overly reverential everyone was of the first. Bunch of think pieces, allegorical breakdowns, and existential analysis about the “true meaning”.

To this day people still use that fake deep “red pill/blue pill” dichotomy.
It was an excellent sci fi movie that blended Hong Kong gun fu and Kung fu genres perfectly. And it worked.

Then the sequels came and for me it gave me exactly what I wanted. Great action, over the top set pieces, excellent choreography, interesting visuals… but it dialed back a little bit of the mystery which Is inevitable when you start to peek back the layers on something like this.

And all the fake deep motherfuckers shitted on it.

The result of that is this movie… it’s so far up it’s own ass trying to deliver some “thought provoking shit” that it turned into a parody of itself. We shoulda got Matrix Reloaded 2.0

Instead we got this bullshit Matrix/Cloud Atlas mish mash.

Probably would’ve been better had Neo become a mentor of sorts to Bugs, and had her be the anomaly in this new version of the Matrix
Ultimately I would've preferred they made this movie with a brand new cast and touched on the Machine War instead of what we got. Or do it as a prequel or a Morpheus Origin story.
Ehhh, then you might end up with one of those terminator abominations
The fight choreography was so bland… they coulda put this out as Sci Fi channel spin off.

And what the entire fuck did they do to the Merovingian?!! One the more interesting and charismatic characters in the sequels and they turned into an incoherent babbling hermit.

For what exactly?! What was his purpose?!!

Lana Wachowski had ONE JOB!!!

Man get this shit out my face… I’m done. I don’t even wanna be in this thread no more.
What I'm getting at is the title of "The One" was irrelevant, Neo believed himself to be able to do the things he could, which is also how Smith was able to also see beyond himself and tap into untold power all the same. Same way as how Trinity is now also able to. She has to believe. They didn't have to be "the one" in order to do that. These are things that Morpheus himself stated in the first film. That's a constant theme throughout the series and something Smith himself acknowledges in the third film. The Oracle told Neo he wasn't "the one" and the one wasn't meant to change anything, nonetheless it never mattered to Morpheus because he wanted to believe what he wanted to.

The Matrix is huge on higher consciousness and tapping into your higher power and they subliminally sprinkle it throughout the films.

That’s the thing though. In a technical sense (which everything is with the Matrix) SHE didn’t say he wasn’t the one. HE said he wasn’t the one. And because he believed as such it stood as fact.

She even proceeded to tell him he has all the attributes of “the one” but he was waiting for something. That something was the belief in himself—proof in the lack thereof being him finishing her statement by saying “I’m not the one.”

It also wasn’t set up as something just anyone could believe. Only the chosen person could have that journey.
This. This. This.
The burden of the franchise was too much in the first place. They should have really went with a new slate while still connecting it to the original them.
I’m with you on the new slate.

I would’ve been fine if Bugs was a reincarnation of “the one” and start a new matrix universe from there with a younger crew. Have Neo and Trinity as mentors
I’m with you on the new slate.

I would’ve been fine if Bugs was a reincarnation of “the one” and start a new matrix universe from there with a younger crew. Have Neo and Trinity as mentors
It’s not too late. Hopefully they get the lessons from the criticism this film is getting and get back to the drawing board.
I fell asleep like an hour in....

Woke up and saw Niel Patrick Harris... And was like WTF????

Anyway.... Y'all niggaz way too hard on shit as usual. It was an ambitious remake.. Clearly not touching the first two..... But even the third missed the mark.... So I'm not surprised a 20 year later 4th missed it too...

The beginning was way too meta.... But I'll eventually get around to watching it again. I thought what i saw was pretty cool... Just mad slow....

It's damn near 3am I started this way too late considering I was drinking and smoking 😬🙄🤦🏿‍♂️
Lol @ being too hard on the movie

It Can’t be a remake when they literally brought ppl back from the dead and then 60 years after the last entry do…I don’t even know what…movie was shit lol I kinda forgot already
One thing I always thought since Reloaded was….if I’m “the one”, what is the point of fighting anybody and wasting time/energy?

I’d do some mental shit and just terminate folks with my mind. I guess that don’t make for a cool movie tho

I don't who's to blame for her performance. But I do know for a fact that multiple people saw her doing this fake ass old woman portrayal and none of them moved to stop her.

Hobbling around like a gremlin with scoliosis, doing that weird ass voice. AND SHE DID IT WHILE BEING IN SCENES WITH A 73 YEAR OLD WHO MOVES AND TALKS LIKE A REGULAR FUCKING OLD PERSON.
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