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How the hell is Naiobi's character so old? It's been like 20 years, tops in their world.
And I’m not the dude to say a woman should be less powerful than a man. I just hate when characters are intentionally nerfed to put another on a pedestal in pursuit of an agenda. They both could have been powerful. Neo didn’t have to be an unsure and timid character the entire time.
But wasn't that him in the last one? He ain't been on superhero swag since Reloaded.
But wasn't that him in the last one? He ain't been on superhero swag since Reloaded.
Nah the last one was primarily in the real world, where he basically had powers too though. He was able to create force fields and force pushes in the real world in the last one. He was always super saiyan status in the Matrix.
OK. Finally finished.

What I liked:
The "bots" ability to swarm up instead of just morphing into agents
Neo's "force push" ability
The cut scenes of the machine war. Needed more of that.
The score. Obviously always on point.

What I didn't fuck with:
Too many cut scenes of the trilogy
The "TWO" now? FOH....
Neo's lack of swag the whole movie, and his lack of flying till the very end. If Neo was Neo the whole time, duke should've been airborne the minute he got back out.
No Oracle. I thought she was always apart of the Matrix, no matter how many times it was rebulit.
The Analyst?? C'mon son.
The idea that a video game company is somehow narrating this thing while it's simultaneously happening.
Not enough exploration of Io as a new save haven city.

What was meh to me:
New Morpheus. He had good and bad points. Loved his free spirit and energy; hated his lack of drive.
Old-ass Niobi.
Smith. Didn't make the movie greater or worse.

Glad I saw it. Even more glad I didn't pay for it. 6.5/10.
I wanna know why they practically made Neo a god in the first 3 but then downgraded the hell outta him in this. Trinity being able to fly made no sense to me

Also why did they add that new big ass metal thing on his neck? I kept thinking the 2 metal things on his head and neck would hit each other every time he looks up. That was just a bad design by whoever wanted to add something new

Neo had bubble power lol
Trinity and Neo makes up “the one”.
Last edited:
OK. Finally finished.

What I liked:
The "bots" ability to swarm up instead of just morphing into agents
Neo's "force push" ability
The cut scenes of the machine war. Needed more of that.
The score. Obviously always on point.

What I didn't fuck with:
Too many cut scenes of the trilogy
The "TWO" now? FOH....
Neo's lack of swag the whole movie, and his lack of flying till the very end. If Neo was Neo the whole time, duke should've been airborne the minute he got back out.
No Oracle. I thought she was always apart of the Matrix, no matter how many times it was rebulit.
The Analyst?? C'mon son.
The idea that a video game company is somehow narrating this thing while it's simultaneously happening.
Not enough exploration of Io as a new save haven city.

What was meh to me:
New Morpheus. He had good and bad points. Loved his free spirit and energy; hated his lack of drive.
Old-ass Niobi.
Smith. Didn't make the movie greater or worse.

Glad I saw it. Even more glad I didn't pay for it. 6.5/10.
Yeah I was under the impression that the Oracle/Architect and Neo/Smith were part of the matrix everytime it was rebooted. I thought Priyanka was the Oracle at first but she was not.
This was Neo the whole fucking movie

Matrix Resurrections Review by Sion

The Matrix Resurrections is a call back to the original trilogy that pokes fun at and challenges the viewer to think and analyze society more closely. The film is set where Neo doesnt quite feel like himself and is a hugely successful video game maker who is thriving off his recent video game ironically called "The Matrix". Trinity is now a mom, married and runs a mechanic shop for Ducattis. Neo sees a therapist because he can't decipher reality from the Matrix. But there's a twist.

What I give a huge round of applause for is the conceptual aspect which made the original trilogy so successful. Challenging the viewer's level of consciousness by tempting you to ask are you a sheep ? Are you fearful to take the red pill or do you want to live blind to the truth with the blue pill ? The machines believe people are motivated by fear and death and because of it, they never truly challenge themselves, or question their reality. The theme here is to "wake up" and the film builds on Morpheus' original idea to free minds and introduce their consciousness to a higher consciousness as well as its possibilities for themselves. I thought the film did a phenomenal job here and tries to use Neo as an example of people not being able to understand the difference between reality and fiction. This is something the machines themselves and The Analyst frequently bring up and how as a metaphor for "the system" they try to make things as comfortable and normal as possible. The film gets deep at this point and if you can see beyond the fabric of just an action movie, these themes are littered throughout. Other great points are the dialogue and interactions between characters new and old. The comic relief or humorous scenes aren't overdone and are unintentionally funny in a good way. Another brilliant component in the new storyline is how after the third film some of the machines rebelled against each other because of Neo and Smith (remember that Smith was a program bursting to leave the Matrix and Neo made a deal with them to stop Smith) and now live amongst the humans.

Cons, I felt that the cinematography wasn't smooth as it could have been and the special effects while very pretty, didn't wow to the same extent as they did 20 years ago because so many other films have done it even better. I'll also say that the turning point and climax of the film was rushed or felt as though they weren't quite sure how to end it. Essentially they tried to rewrite the first film and this film feels more like a sequel to the last film. In my view this was a sequel that wasn't necessary. Additional Questions ? How did Neo survive and end up in the new reality ? What was the point in creating Neo and Trinity if they were so powerful ? Many old faces show up, and while they're welcomed with open arms I felt the new actor who did Smith didnt do such an iconic character justice. Other criticisms were less action and No Morpheus, instead we literally got a carbon copy of the legendary Morpheus.

Some people will be upset at Trinity being able to have powers like Neo but I enjoyed that because since Neo was told he wasn't "the one" he showed you dont have to be "the one" and Trinity being able to shows she understood what Neo had left them with.

I rate this film 6.5/10

Neo was the one. Neo made the statement himself that he was not the one while finishing her sentences, and as Morpheus stated, the Oracle told Neo exactly what he needed to hear to set him on the right path—because at that point in time he did not believe himself to be the one so he couldn’t be. He had to unlock it within himself and it wasn’t until then that he began to develop abilities beyond the other hackers.
I fell asleep like an hour in....

Woke up and saw Niel Patrick Harris... And was like WTF????

Anyway.... Y'all niggaz way too hard on shit as usual. It was an ambitious remake.. Clearly not touching the first two..... But even the third missed the mark.... So I'm not surprised a 20 year later 4th missed it too...

The beginning was way too meta.... But I'll eventually get around to watching it again. I thought what i saw was pretty cool... Just mad slow....

It's damn near 3am I started this way too late considering I was drinking and smoking 😬🙄🤦🏿‍♂️
I fell asleep like an hour in....

Woke up and saw Niel Patrick Harris... And was like WTF????

Anyway.... Y'all niggaz way too hard on shit as usual. It was an ambitious remake.. Clearly not touching the first two..... But even the third missed the mark.... So I'm not surprised a 20 year later 4th missed it too...

The beginning was way too meta.... But I'll eventually get around to watching it again. I thought what i saw was pretty cool... Just mad slow....

It's damn near 3am I started this way too late considering I was drinking and smoking 😬🙄🤦🏿‍♂️

We got a lesser version of Neo.
We got a lesser version of Morpheus.
We got a lesser version of Smith.
We got supremely inferior action sequences.
A meta plot that is eye roll inducing for half the film.
And fan service with zero pay off. (ie. French dude).

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. How are people being “too hard?”
Matrix Resurrections Review by Sion

The Matrix Resurrections is a call back to the original trilogy that pokes fun at and challenges the viewer to think and analyze society more closely. The film is set where Neo doesnt quite feel like himself and is a hugely successful video game maker who is thriving off his recent video game ironically called "The Matrix". Trinity is now a mom, married and runs a mechanic shop for Ducattis. Neo sees a therapist because he can't decipher reality from the Matrix. But there's a twist.

What I give a huge round of applause for is the conceptual aspect which made the original trilogy so successful. Challenging the viewer's level of consciousness by tempting you to ask are you a sheep ? Are you fearful to take the red pill or do you want to live blind to the truth with the blue pill ? The machines believe people are motivated by fear and death and because of it, they never truly challenge themselves, or question their reality. The theme here is to "wake up" and the film builds on Morpheus' original idea to free minds and introduce their consciousness to a higher consciousness as well as its possibilities for themselves. I thought the film did a phenomenal job here and tries to use Neo as an example of people not being able to understand the difference between reality and fiction. This is something the machines themselves and The Analyst frequently bring up and how as a metaphor for "the system" they try to make things as comfortable and normal as possible. The film gets deep at this point and if you can see beyond the fabric of just an action movie, these themes are littered throughout. Other great points are the dialogue and interactions between characters new and old. The comic relief or humorous scenes aren't overdone and are unintentionally funny in a good way. Another brilliant component in the new storyline is how after the third film some of the machines rebelled against each other because of Neo and Smith (remember that Smith was a program bursting to leave the Matrix and Neo made a deal with them to stop Smith) and now live amongst the humans.

Cons, I felt that the cinematography wasn't smooth as it could have been and the special effects while very pretty, didn't wow to the same extent as they did 20 years ago because so many other films have done it even better. I'll also say that the turning point and climax of the film was rushed or felt as though they weren't quite sure how to end it. Essentially they tried to rewrite the first film and this film feels more like a sequel to the last film. In my view this was a sequel that wasn't necessary. Additional Questions ? How did Neo survive and end up in the new reality ? What was the point in creating Neo and Trinity if they were so powerful ? Many old faces show up, and while they're welcomed with open arms I felt the new actor who did Smith didnt do such an iconic character justice. Other criticisms were less action and No Morpheus, instead we literally got a carbon copy of the legendary Morpheus.

Some people will be upset at Trinity being able to have powers like Neo but I enjoyed that because since Neo was told he wasn't "the one" he showed you dont have to be "the one" and Trinity being able to shows she understood what Neo had left them with.

I rate this film 6.5/10
They can say he wasn’t the one all they want, but the things he did in the first trilogy proved he was certainly the one.

He was “the one” that could stop bullets, could beat agents, could beat dozens of Smiths, could fly, could force push robots in the real world, could see the robot world even when blind, etc.
I disagree because the one as I appreciated was essentially a program that was written to do what neo had done in the first 3 films.

Also, if you buy into the whole rearrange the letters of neo and you get one, he is the person who was supposed to do all the things trinity did in the film.

What was unclear to me was that there were supposedly versions of Trinity in every matrix which I think they ham fistedly wrote in to prop her up for this film. Every version of the matrix as I appreciate it had a "neo" but that didn't mean there was a Trinity. The motivations differed with each iteration of the matrix but the end result was the one came out victorious and the matrix was reset each time.

By having a Trinity in every version basically said that no matter what happens, the fate of the matrix was tied to the bond between neo and Trinity which I think is bullshit.
The Analyst didn't say that tho, they figured out that what motivated Neo was Love. The Oracle (in the second and third film) said she wrote Love into the Matrix because she believed Love was important.

If you remember the second film, when the architect revealed there were other Neos who came and went he said they had all failed because they chose "love" over the destruction of Zion. In this film, it was consistent with the fact that Zion was eventually destroyed because of Neo's choice.

From a philosophical standpoint this film (as well as the others) gets deep.

I thought the architect told Neo that all of the previous versions of Neo chose a select couple of people to rebuild Zion and to restart the Matrix as intended and that this Neo was the first one that chose to save Trinity instead. I gotta check that scene again
The Analyst didn't say that tho, they figured out that what motivated Neo was Love. The Oracle (in the second and third film) said she wrote Love into the Matrix because she believed Love was important.

If you remember the second film, when the architect revealed there were other Neos who came and went he said they had all failed because they chose "love" over the destruction of Zion. In this film, it was consistent with the fact that Zion was eventually destroyed because of Neo's choice.

From a philosophical standpoint this film (as well as the others) gets deep. It makes sense Love would because essentially Love conquers all and is quintessential in the face of evil. It's the counter, much of how Neo and Smith represent good and evil or yin and yang.
I really don't want to watch this again and maybe I'm splitting hairs but the architect's explanation made a whole lot more sense than the analyst

The analyst explanation to me was bullshit to push Trinity was needed to bring the best out of neo or again, somehow their bond superceded everything which I don't buy