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I don't know what 99% of actors/actresses religion or sexuality is and I really don't care. They make their money off pretending for our enjoyment 🤷‍♂️
I’d go see this lol
If you looked only at movies where someone’s religion is mentioned, you could prob argue that they are over-represented.
It’s like saying half the world is black but only 5% of characters on TV in Finland are black…yeah no shit

Muslims got Black folk in they country, how many of them are on TV? And I ain't talking about recent immigrants, I mean people that been there for hundreds to thousands of years.

Afro-Iranians, Afro Saudi Arabians...

Shit there's Christians in Muslim nations, how many of them on TV.

I'm tired of motherfuckers wanna make us Westerners bend over backwards for motherfucking minorities that don't even do the same shit in their home country.

Lol bitch please.

Make the West Great Again.
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Do folks complain about Bollywood not having enough folks of African/European lineage?

Do folks complain that not enough black folks in Korean/Japan/China movies?

i really don’t care if white people are represented or not they are actually over represented. But if y’all feel that it’s not enough Muslims in the west to put on tv that’s cool.
Relax we all know white folks jump in the culture to look cool and trendy and leave and do weird shit. Who is saying our role in hip hop is diminished tho I mean I remember fat Joe saying blacks and Puerto Ricans founded hip hop. Or is this about break dancing in the Olympics?
For once I can salute you for thinking.
it’s about all the above.
I dint think y’all are giving social media the due respect of the power it welds.
people believe anything that’s said snd wont challenge it.
so let’s flip it, let a black American say we created bachata. Merengue or tacos. Hispanics and Latinos won’t let that shit fly. Mexicans came out the woodwork going at wack for what he said.
But i get it , not everything is worth fighting for. Or well what you want us to do. Or relax we all know the truth.
For once I can salute you for thinking.
it’s about all the above.
I dint think y’all are giving social media the due respect of the power it welds.
people believe anything that’s said snd wont challenge it.
so let’s flip it, let a black American say we created bachata. Merengue or tacos. Hispanics and Latinos won’t let that shit fly. Mexicans came out the woodwork going at wack for what he said.
But i get it , not everything is worth fighting for. Or well what you want us to do. Or relax we all know the truth.

Hey jackass if you want to reach people start by not insulting them with your first sentence. It makes people not take what you say as anything worth listening too. And bro I haven’t heard no latino say they exclusively created hip hop. Nor has it been implied. And wtf did wack 100 say that’s so powerful at least give me a reference so I know what you’re talking about.

Why you have this vague way of getting your point across and mad when we can’t catch it.

And I know you’re gonna pay more attention to me telling you not to insult people vs communicating in a simple way
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