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The awakening is here and I’m loving it

But she is a capitalist too.

Can’t call out folks for doing something you’re doing yourself.

She saying all this while sitting under 12 foot ceilings

and you posted from this from your 10foot ceiling using a device from most likely made in china under crazy labor system
But she is a capitalist too.

Can’t call out folks for doing something you’re doing yourself.

She saying all this while sitting under 12 foot ceilings

and you posted from this from your 10foot ceiling using a device from most likely made in china under crazy labor system
You missed the entire point, and the crazy shit was she explained the entire point at the end.
But she is a capitalist too.

Can’t call out folks for doing something you’re doing yourself.

She saying all this while sitting under 12 foot ceilings

and you posted from this from your 10foot ceiling using a device from most likely made in china under crazy labor system

Y’all gotta stop with this a person can be against the current system and still have a life in that system. If I say our country is racist would you just tell me to move or do what our folks did and try and fight for better. It’s like y’all look at like she talking shit personally
Hey jackass if you want to reach people start by not insulting them with your first sentence. It makes people not take what you say as anything worth listening too. And bro I haven’t heard no latino say they exclusively created hip hop. Nor has it been implied. And wtf did wack 100 say that’s so powerful at least give me a reference so I know what you’re talking about.

Why you have this vague way of getting your point across and mad when we can’t catch it.

And I know you’re gonna pay more attention to me telling you not to insult people vs communicating in a simple way
Dont insult people?
You actually saying this?

Y’all gotta stop with this a person can be against the current system and still have a life in that system. If I say our country is racist would you just tell me to move or do what our folks did and try and fight for better. It’s like y’all look at like she talking shit personally

Yeah and I hate how people try to say because you live in a capitalist country, you are capitalist...

Karl Marx owned stocks, he wasn't no bum.

Capitalists own means of production. Factories, Warehouses, mining companies...major businesses

Stuff that makes stuff.

If you gotta wake up and go to work in the morning for a wage or a salary, you are a not a capitalist, you are a worker.

99 percent of the world are workers. Don't own shit, can't control shit, just clock in and clock out until they die.
Dont insult people?
You actually saying this?


I know your boy chimed again like he do whenever I post if I’m trying to reach you to see a point I don’t insult. If I gotta do some shit like explain what sexual assault is to another adult I would probably insult you. If I call some a ho ass migga and give a bunch of sage advice I wouldn’t expect them to fully hear me. You have consistently said you want to reach niggas and niggas have said you don’t communicate well. What I’m saying is not hard to get but I see you ignored everything else to harp on that like I said
covid woke people up, for the first time people had a release from work that wasn’t stressed induced. Work told them to go home with pay, covid shut shit down so people couldn’t “cap” online by going places they don’t even wanna be just to say they been there.

People actually had time to sit and be with their family. To really enjoy the fruits of their labor and it hit them. Damn…this is what I do all of this for. I get so caught up in driving to get the money to have all this that I never actually enjoy having all this.

Once that illusion was shattered, people saw work for what it is. People dont want go back to soul crushing jobs and be hustlers and grinders. People are seeking jobs with work life balances. Cause we aren’t here to work and obtain and survive. We are here to live.

And you don’t need everything you thought you needed to enjoy life, once it was taken away from you. You realized how much of burden it was.

People wanna earn more and get more to be free from the stress they are experiencing right now. But the kicker is..all you will be is stressed but with more shit. Shit..that you don’t even need.

Freedom is knowing who you are, moving to a beat of your own drum and doing shit because you want to because it fits you. When you live a life like that, you never feel compelled to share a photo of it..because you have nothing to prove to no one. You are here to experience life, not to convince others that you experience life.
I know your boy chimed again like he do whenever I post if I’m trying to reach you to see a point I don’t insult. If I gotta do some shit like explain what sexual assault is to another adult I would probably insult you. If I call some a ho ass migga and give a bunch of sage advice I wouldn’t expect them to fully hear me. You have consistently said you want to reach niggas and niggas have said you don’t communicate well. What I’m saying is not hard to get but I see you ignored everything else to harp on that like I said
Cuz the rest is bullshit
You niggas don’t comprehend when convenient. Otherwise nothing I post would make sense, yet people can argue against my points thus meaning you can comprehend to debate it.
Cuz the rest is bullshit
You niggas don’t comprehend when convenient. Otherwise nothing I post would make sense, yet people can argue against my points thus meaning you can comprehend to debate it.

Lol but then you get mad when I think majority of your viewpoints that aren’t business related are also bullshit. Folks debate you because you like to debate Dos you do it often
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