this is brilliant .... coding niggas get on it
I got a goat idea, I don’t know if I ever mentioned it here tho..
but is a store for women, right..
so, it’s by membership and shit, a chick walk into the store, she gets the lowdown
then a staff memeber takes her to the back in a room that has cameras all around and she strips to her undies. The cam does a full body scan and gets all of the lady’s dimensions.
once in the system, she can go to a kiosk that has her avatar of the image she just took. Then using the kiosk she can super impose clothing on her, like some dress up shit. See what looks good on her.
when she picks her outfit, the order is sent up to the manufacturer location the store would also have and there the clothing is custom created for her to fit exactly as she sees on the kiosk
this way, ladies can get what they want and it’s made specifically to fit perfectly for them. Not only that, with their member ship also comes a app where she can do from her phone or home PC the same thing she did at the kiosk