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This kid done asked me bout 12 questions back-to-back and called my name at least 30 times since I've been up. He just hissed at me when I told him to hold on and let me read an email from work.
U got Kids!!!!

Black married and got kids….

Seeker of magnificent ideas.

Pretty accurate I feel, I'm working on the follow through.
That's a great one too! I wanna have magnificent ideas!!
Seeker of Radiant Ideas


Give me the silver lining @B_A balance it out.
Seekers are excellent cuz they aren't pompous and they get to discover new ideas and that's an awesome feeling. And then seeing them play out or grow in numbers is like magic. It's new ideas that propel us further past our 'limits', expect pushback, "people love new ideas just as long as they are like the old ones".
An ant story.

About 8/9 years ago I watched ants march from my neighbors yard, across my driveway, through my lawn, across my other neighbors driveway and set up shop in their yard. Whole day production, was awesome to watch. I don't mind ants(except fire ants) and now their home takes up 3 yards.

Few weeks ago a friend is like wow, you have a lot of ants. I was like yeah I got some but theyre not a bother so I leave them be. Then I look and no it's like A LOT of them. So I go investigate, nah it's the fire ants stirring up a fury trying to take over. I dont think so mfs I said and got me some vinegar and started dumping on them. Ran outta that so I grabbed lysol spray cuz that makes anything choke to death and unloaded that on them.

Looking around the yard today and not a single fire ant, but the others are still roaming around. Which is nice cuz now we're war buddies.
If I didn’t know what welfare was, how was seeing the videos mean anything to me

Couldn’t understand a word them niggaz was saying
I'm sorry I keep forgetting you from another dimension.

I'll act accordingly moving forward
I went 1 time when it was Jazzland.

I used to love theme parks but I can’t rock with them anymore and if I do go I got like 2-3 coasters in me before I get that throw up feeling. And I think that shit more mental lol

But I love water parks.
They trying to add a water park to it iirc. They trying to bring it back with shops, restaurants and hotels also.

I don't think it's going to happen but I really wish it would. It's time
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