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My bad fam

Nothing about a specific poster or posts. I just feel a total different way about some of the things being said. Because I don't want to even engage about some of the shit being said that really don't make sense I just get tired of seeing it.

It's all good!!
Nothing about a specific poster or posts. I just feel a total different way about some of the things being said. Because I don't want to even engage about some of the shit being said that really don't make sense I just get tired of seeing it.

It's all good!!
It is tiring. Every couple of weeks you see another rapper shot dead. And we are asking questions like why he is wearing a certain amount of jewelry or how to ask in a certain neighborhood.
It is tiring. Every couple of weeks you see another rapper shot dead. And we are asking questions like why he is wearing a certain amount of jewelry or how to ask in a certain neighborhood.

Nah it's all the fake deep dropping jewels/ hood knowledge folks think they spitting but really not is my issue.

Honestly speaking I don't know these rappers so even though it's fucked up they dying. It doesn't bother me at all for real.
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That nigga spittin lol

gotta go to LA and wear a brown or black shirt to prevent bum ass niggas from pressin you

I was just thinking the other day too about how that whole state is in a drought and Niggas don’t care lol
Lol I was just in LA for a week end of july and there wasn't even an INDICATION that it would rain or atleast drizzle all week. As soon as 9am hit it was automatically 85 degrees and sunny.

Outside the touristy spots and the beaches, LA really ain't hittin on nothing except the mexican and asian foods.
Like wtf all our moms said don’t hit women but they also said defend yourself. Like use the common sense approach.

Not directed towards you but the bold.

Parents are babying their kids so much and then you add in technology. So much shit completely structured in kids lives that they don't even get the life experiences growing to even develop common sense. It's like some parents don't even see it and others don't even care just cause they happy shit easy for their kids at the moment.
Best thing about the internet is being able to see how miserable people are and you realize your life ain't that bad.

I've been retired for 20 years.

The bitches love me.

My house paid off.

You know, I ain't getting shot at. I'm not getting my head chopped off by a sicario. I'm not on YouTube ranting about pointless gender war shit because my ex wife took half my shit and turned my kids against me.

I'm healthy as fuck.

My dick still works.

I got all my hair.

I don't owe no child support.

I don't got no crumbsnatchers taking my money.

I ain't got no woman nagging me trying to take my money.

If I'm having a bad day, I got access to the lives of billions of people who got it way worse than me.
We never ever ever had that comfort available to us before in human history.

Every time something bad happen to me, I can go on my phone, Google some shit, and be like, "Damn, at least I ain't that motherfucker."

Lol, the 21st century is great.
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Nah she bloodied the kid and all they did was tell her not to ride the bus for a couple days.

God forbid it was the other way around.

Let her sit at home for a week.

This. Shorty not even being suspended from school for that shit. I never went to a school where you could beat the shit out of another student, who doesn't appear to be fighting back, and NOT get suspended for the shit.

Everybody seems to be brushing the shit aside cuz its a little girl beating on a boy.
This. Shorty not even being suspended from school for that shit. I never went to a school where you could beat the shit out of another student, who doesn't appear to be fighting back, and NOT get suspended for the shit.

Everybody seems to be brushing the shit aside cuz its a little girl beating on a boy.

Tbh anything less than expulsion from the school and someone gonna have to catch a fade. 🤷🏿‍♂️

Idc who. Stand on my child being assaulted to the point of blood being drawn if you want.
Can you suspend a kid from school for beating up a kid outside of school like on a bus? The bus isn’t exactly the school’s jurisdiction
Can you suspend a kid from school for beating up a kid outside of school like on a bus? The bus isn’t exactly the school’s jurisdiction

If they can suspend her from taking the bus which isn't exactly the schools jurisdiction then they can suspend her from the school. Don't hurt yourself trying to do mental gymnastics for no reason.
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