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In Poland, Poles celebrate 4th if July by cosplaying as Americans in Ohio.

Why did you decide to do a LARP based in Ohio?

It started about five years ago, together with a bunch of friends. We decided to do a LARP. Inspired by Stranger Things and X-Files – we wanted to recreate a small town in the United States where strange things happen and because of that, men in black arrive. We visited various resorts in Poland, looking for one that would perfectly reflect the small town on the edge of the great gloomy forest.

We found a resort in Łódź province, near [the city of] Tomaszów Mazowiecki. One of us – I don't remember anymore to whom this glory falls – said it wasn't the place we were looking for, but if we redesigned it a bit it would look like an American trailer park. At the next project meeting we didn't talk about Stranger Things and X-Files, but we talked about American trailer parks. That's how it started.

How did you do the research?

When it comes to production, that is the look of the game, the costumes and the scenery, we worked mainly on the Internet and how we imagined the scene when we type “4th of July” into Google. But apart from nice fireworks and costumes, it also has a 700 page plot for characters and the whole scenario. This is where we have often worked with sources like, Hillbilly Elegy, Nomadland, and Three Billboards [Outside Ebbing, Missouri]. And from books – for example, I read These Truths: A History of the United States, a great book which gives a different perspective on this country.

We grew up with a vision of the States as if it’s the land of milk and honey… Then when you grow up and information is shared more, it turns out that it's not so nice in the States. We came up with [the idea of this] “broken American dream”, and this was the motif for the project.

Mother wants more accountability after girl attacks son on Broward school bus

The mother of a 12-year-old boy attacked by a girl on a Broward school bus tells Local 10 News that she wants to see more action taken against the perpetrator, saying the school district’s actions haven’t been sufficient.

Tears ran down the face of Shakara Dennis as she described the attack, which happened in late August.

She said the girl attacked her son, who attends William Dandy Middle School in Fort Lauderdale, as they sat in the back of the bus.

The beating was caught on video. Dennis said she heard the attack was prompted by her son saying he “did not want to be friends with her anymore.”

“60 seconds of your child being attacked and nobody is helping him,” Dennis said. “I felt hopeless because I couldn’t be there to stop it.”

The video shows a girl in a yellow shirt on top of her son, throwing punch after punch, even kicking the boy as he covers his face. But he never strikes back.

“You are not supposed to put your hands on women,” Dennis said.

“And that’s something you’ve ingrained in him?” Local 10 News reporter Roy Ramos asked.

“Yes sir,” Dennis said.

Eventually, Dennis’ son made it home, but how he walked up to her remains painful for his mother to describe.

“His shirt was bloody also, his nosed was busted, he was crying,” she said.

Dennis said she reached out to the school, which she said told her that the student was suspended from riding the bus for two days.

Mother wants more accountability after girl attacks son on Broward school bus

The mother of a 12-year-old boy attacked by a girl on a Broward school bus tells Local 10 News that she wants to see more action taken against the perpetrator, saying the school district’s actions haven’t been sufficient.

Tears ran down the face of Shakara Dennis as she described the attack, which happened in late August.

She said the girl attacked her son, who attends William Dandy Middle School in Fort Lauderdale, as they sat in the back of the bus.

The beating was caught on video. Dennis said she heard the attack was prompted by her son saying he “did not want to be friends with her anymore.”

The boy's parents failed him with that chivalry bullshit. What kind of respect and dignity you giving to your child by telling him can't hit a girl and he over there crumpled up, getting ground and pounded?

If someone put their hands on you, male, female, transgender, gay, straight, black, white, alien, you beat they ass.

Especially if you stronger and bigger than them.

You beat they ass just for being disrespectful for even trying you, knowing you can beat they ass.

I had tell my little brother back in the day when we was teens, his girlfriend punched the shit out of him in front me over some bullshit and he didn't do nothing.

He just ate it and tried to restrain her.

I let him get his ass beat and then I told him, you let some shit like that happen to you in front of me again, I'ma beat your ass for being weak.

He ain't ever let nobody hit him again.

You gotta fight back in this world, no matter the cost.
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Mother wants more accountability after girl attacks son on Broward school bus

The mother of a 12-year-old boy attacked by a girl on a Broward school bus tells Local 10 News that she wants to see more action taken against the perpetrator, saying the school district’s actions haven’t been sufficient.

Tears ran down the face of Shakara Dennis as she described the attack, which happened in late August.

She said the girl attacked her son, who attends William Dandy Middle School in Fort Lauderdale, as they sat in the back of the bus.

The beating was caught on video. Dennis said she heard the attack was prompted by her son saying he “did not want to be friends with her anymore.”

“60 seconds of your child being attacked and nobody is helping him,” Dennis said. “I felt hopeless because I couldn’t be there to stop it.”

The video shows a girl in a yellow shirt on top of her son, throwing punch after punch, even kicking the boy as he covers his face. But he never strikes back.

“You are not supposed to put your hands on women,” Dennis said.

“And that’s something you’ve ingrained in him?” Local 10 News reporter Roy Ramos asked.

“Yes sir,” Dennis said.

Eventually, Dennis’ son made it home, but how he walked up to her remains painful for his mother to describe.

“His shirt was bloody also, his nosed was busted, he was crying,” she said.

Dennis said she reached out to the school, which she said told her that the student was suspended from riding the bus for two days.

Damn shame what that mother doing to that boy in terms of this situation and others that could happen in the future.
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