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Some of those RIP threads be on some shit too.

Shit just be really strange to me from some of the comments to the social media posts.

I've always said the Nipsey thread on here after he died is some the weirdest shit I've ever seen in my whole life.
These 8k tvs are a waste of money at the moment. The entertainment has not caught on to this technology yet. There are no streaming platforms, that i know of, that offers 8k. Technology is too new.

There is a lot more stuff available in 4k but you usually have to pay a separate package for 4k content. Just got my new 4k TV and started realizing that.

Get a tv with 4k, 120hz, Dolby vision and your blessed.

I recently bought the same version of the 4k tv I had before but with 120hz instead of 60hz and 65' instead of 55' and that made a world of difference in my viewing experience. I was watching everything on bullshit before. I legit went back and rewatched some shit for the visuals.
How far away do you think 8k content is from being readily available? I ask because if its close and a person has the money might be good to buy now and have it until 8k hits.
I estimate maybe 2 years. Most movie studios are not using those type of cameras to record. There have only been a few. I wouldnt get one now. They are only going to improve those tvs. Get one when that technology becomes a standard. Right now, it is niche kind of like the 3d phase and the HD dvd phase. Those both failed.
Get a tv with 4k, 120hz, Dolby vision and your blessed.

I recently bought the same version of the 4k tv I had before but with 120hz instead of 60hz and 65' instead of 55' and that made a world of difference in my viewing experience. I was watching everything on bullshit before. I legit went back and rewatched some shit for the visuals.

Question for you and anybody else really. In your opinion what's the best TV brand?

Sony been the best to me but I'm not really into the specs like that to know what might be better. Samsung is really good to to me as well.
Question for you and anybody else really. In your opinion what's the best TV brand?

Sony been the best to me but I'm not really into the specs like that to know what might be better. Samsung is really good to to me as well.

If you got a ps5 it's Sony or lg imo. But @Duwop probably knows better than me. My tv has the specs but I went for the budget option out of all the TVs that have 4k, 120hz, 2.1 HDMI inputs, Dolby vision.
Even though I don't take issue with him as much as plenty of you all do. I have to say that.

Youtube university is starting to be a problem. Folks watching too many documentaries and podcasts thinking it gives them knowledge over a person lived experiences. Shit is sad and funny at the same time.

"You aint woke. You just have internet access." - someone I saw say this
Yall niggas got to bring the jokes. This nigga dancing and singing soon as you hit play. Then follows that up with a fake Michael Jackson. Shit is fucking hilarious

I skimmed and he was talkin bout he couldnt find an honorable black hvac person to do the work on the school. get this nigga the fuck outa here lol
If you got a ps5 it's Sony or lg imo. But @Duwop probably knows better than me. My tv has the specs but I went for the budget option out of all the TVs that have 4k, 120hz, 2.1 HDMI inputs, Dolby vision.
i been asking this question all year, and keep getting told LG
@Duwop make sure you go vote

‘Yes on 4’ ballot campaign launches push to legalize marijuana in Md.
If the measure passes, Marylanders who are at least 21 will be able to legally possess up to 1.5 ounces of cannabis and grow two marijuana plants out of public view, beginning July 1, 2023.

An old high school friend was telling me they're voting for it soon in the state. She's in the dispensary business medicinally and I asked what she'd do if it's not passed. She said she's likely headed to a state where it's legal recreational too
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