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lol @ the last two tweets because as soon as I saw the headline, I was like "Didn't ATL people blame people from N.O for all the violence before?"

A lot of the violence in the South is because of transplants. That's just a fact. Outside of Miami, Gang and hardcore drug activity wasn't really a thing in most places in the South until niggas from NYC, LA, DC, etc... started moving to the South and carrying it with them.
Lol I mean back in my day it was transplants from the South moving up North that caused all types of violence because they were boxed in the ghettoes.

Lol I come from a long line of drug dealers, gamblers, numbers runners and pimps that were sharecroppers and moved to the North and become street hustlers.

Black Americans are mostly a poor and transient population. Atlanta has the greatest income inequality in the USA. Atlanta is a fucking cesspool of drugs and violence. All the uppity negroes in Atlanta like to pretend that it's a city of upwardly mobile Black people and it's not.

Atlanta for the most part is overran with homeless people and drug addicts. Atlanta is has gang wars just like Chicago where motherfuckers are confined in a 10 block radius, murdering each other over beef.

It has nothing to do with Chicago, it has everything thing to do with being poor as shit.

But yeah, blame Chicago, Hip Hop, and whatever else and avoid the real situation about why there's violence in urban areas that are predominantly Black.

Generational poverty is deep rooted in these cities that never gets addressed. And part of the reason is these uppity ass negroes that like to pretend they aren't avoiding their cousin, auntie and them because every time they come around they asking to borrow a dollar.

Black folks in these cities get a little education and a 60K desk job and act like they ain't broke and everyone they know that's Black ain't broke.
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I know for a fact when Hurricane Katerina hit, the cities of Houston, Jackson and Atlanta got worse regardless of what was and not reported.

In West Dallas and some of Oak cliff a lot of NOLA folks went there and shit was hot for a while over there.
What is it?

some kind of crazy synthetic weed that'll royally fuck you up. It got to be pretty notorious in the early-mid 2000's and I figured the shit just kinda went away after getting such a bad rep. Guess it's still out there.

I know for a fact when Hurricane Katerina hit, the cities of Houston, Jackson and Atlanta got worse regardless of what was and not reported.

In West Dallas and some of Oak cliff a lot of NOLA folks went there and shit was hot for a while over there.

They started popping up in Phoenix too. Not in large numbers but enough that folks was getting irritated 'cause they brought whatever b.s. they were on with 'em. We had a family pop up in my subdivision with a squad of bad ass kids. All them lil niggas was bad as fuck, just terrorizing the elementary school.
lol @ the last two tweets because as soon as I saw the headline, I was like "Didn't ATL people blame people from N.O for all the violence before?"

A lot of the violence in the South is because of transplants. That's just a fact. Outside of Miami, Gang and hardcore drug activity wasn't really a thing in most places in the South until niggas from NYC, LA, DC, etc... started moving to the South and carrying it with them.
Huh? Was nT NO leading the murder rate in the 90s
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