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This happen around the corner from me, I don’t know who among these people organized that game. But that is not the park you wanna hold lil league games at, at night.

I’m just now seeing vids of it, I’m surprised they white, that shit is in the back of the hood

Totally oblivious to their surroundings.

They won't be playing there again.
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He gonna forgive the student debt cause that’s the only way team blue doesn’t lose 2024 in a landslide

Got a feeling it might backfire though.

You bail out student loan debt........then what about mortgage debt..........credit card debt...........car loan debt.......etc???

Too many people are gonna be pissed off because it's ultimately gonna be their tax dollars that have to pay for this so-called "forgiveness."

He might get a little bit more support, but the DNC's gonna lose the midwest/hometown/heart of america whatever you wanna call it vote altogether.

Then again, they probably won't actually forgive student loan debt.

All they're gonna do is lead some people to believe they will, but when the time actually comes.........they'll say they tried but they didn't have enough votes in the Senate to make it happen.

And all those people who got their hopes up are still gonna be stuck with all of their student loan debt.

Had to skip all that other ranting to get to the subject for the title of the video. The scientist didn't say what she thought he said though. He wasn't admitting that the Egyptians were black. If you listen closely, he claims that the mummy must have been from a person who came to Egypt from Nubia, and then he concedes that Egyptian society was basically multicultural.

They've been kinda playing that game for a long time now. They have conceded that black people existed in Egypt, but they always say that those black people came from somewhere else originally and weren't natively Egyptian.
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