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I noticed I only ever was attracted to women with sexy laughs and giggles.

Like if woman sounds like a Disney movie evil stepmother while laughing then that was a no.
Even though this hating ass nigga clown my literally efforts...I also hit the follow...

Best of luck nigga
Appreciate it fam thats real nigga shit 💯

I fucked with all them shits to except freestyle #3. O.C. i think. Not that he not dope, but that one particularly wasnt for me. All the other ones was shit I like to listen too.

What you trying to do with this channel though fam? Building a platform to showcase up and comers?

Either way, dope shit my bro
Another downside about getting old you gotta see doctors all the time and half the time you don't know what the fuck they specialize in. And Men's Health ain't ever talked about.

I was 35 when I first heard about urology. I was like "oh there's a doctor for dicks, shit as long as the motherfucker get hard, and I ain't pissing lava, I don't need that shit."

I turn 45, I need to see the urologist. I got my bruised my shit, busted a damn blood vessel fucking with gas station pills and a stripper. My shit was turning blue and I thought it was gonna fall off. My general doctor recommended I see a urologist since I might need surgery to repair my unit.

(Gas station pills used to have the real shit in there, make your heart skip a beat if you take too much.)

I was like damn, do I want a man to touch my dick or a woman? What if a motherfucker gotta hold my shit? I don't want a man to hold my dick in his hands gloves or not.

I picked a female urologist, the cutest one I can find. She was Indian, looked about 35. I went there, I told her I had some bruising and a busted blood vessel.

She kneeled down and like cupped my shit and something about the latex and how she hold my shit was a turn on. I started thinking about all types of disgusting shit prevent me from getting aroused. But then she started talking and her breath hit my shit. I was looking at her mouth and started imagining all types of acts I wanted to do with her.

My soldier stood at attention and then she rolled her eyes at me and said "It looks fine to me, put some ice on it."

Went to the doctor to get my lil man fixed, left with 800 mg ibuprofen and a latex fetish.
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