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Lol just hit the share link and click not interested. You deleted a whole profile?
I first tried not interested, went back and unliked everything, unfollowed everything, then cleared cache..them shits still wouldn’t stop. But they were all saying the same thing.

LMAO - you gotta check out how a digital fingerprint works. Or don't. It's actually pretty scary.
What chu mean?
I first tried not interested, went back and unliked everything, unfollowed everything, then cleared cache..them shits still wouldn’t stop. But they were all saying the same thing.

What chu mean?

A lot of it depends on how much your ISP colludes with advertisers. That's why they want you using their own DNS servers. But another factor is how much your phone company colludes with advertisers. From there if your dynamic IP changes but you still visit most of the same sites from the same area they know you are you and either one could change and they can just track you based on behavior.

There are a ton of other factors but being anonymous on the internet nowadays isn't as easy as most of us think.
I wanted to try them, but I’m better off just buying my own groceries.

I'd say give it a shot just because it may show you how easy it is to cook different things based on the same standard ingredients and it's also good for portion control since it really is just enough to fill you and not leave leftovers. Plus it's easy as shit to just stop once you get over it which will probably happen sooner rather than later.
A lot of it depends on how much your ISP colludes with advertisers. That's why they want you using their own DNS servers. But another factor is how much your phone company colludes with advertisers. From there if your dynamic IP changes but you still visit most of the same sites from the same area they know you are you and either one could change and they can just track you based on behavior.

There are a ton of other factors but being anonymous on the internet nowadays isn't as easy as most of us think.
So why do I keep getting tarot readings
So why do I keep getting tarot readings

LOL because you showed interest in that shit at one point in time and you're being tracked.

Put it this way... there is reason facebook aka meta has committed to stop using client-side cookies to track user data. It's not altruistic... it's because they're at a point where they don't need to store and reference data client-side.. they can and would rather keep all that shit on their own servers.

Not too long ago I used to have to pay an extra couple hundred a month to have a static IP. Nowadays I don't because my IP doesn't renew even if I reboot my router and all that. The reason for this is because that IP address is slowly but surely becoming our households' identity on the web. Granted even if the shit changes as long as the ISP that issued it knows what your last one was you're still tagged but eventually the shit won't change at all.

It's probably also the reason that @AP2.5 is seeing more IP sharing in certain regions and from certain ISPs. Smaller markets and/or smaller ISPs don't have a large enough pool so they have to cycle them more often. because of this those same markets are more subject to spoofing or false positives because of the turnover.

Basically, there will be a time where everything you do online is attached to your IP as the billpayer just like a SSN.

Like I said... it's kinda scary.
LOL because you showed interest in that shit at one point in time and you're being tracked.

Put it this way... there is reason facebook aka meta has committed to stop using client-side cookies to track user data. It's not altruistic... it's because they're at a point where they don't need to store and reference data client-side.. they can and would rather keep all that shit on their own servers.

Not too long ago I used to have to pay an extra couple hundred a month to have a static IP. Nowadays I don't because my IP doesn't renew even if I reboot my router and all that. The reason for this is because that IP address is slowly but surely becoming our households' identity on the web. Granted even if the shit changes as long as the ISP that issued it knows what your last one was you're still tagged but eventually the shit won't change at all.

It's probably also the reason that @AP2.5 is seeing more IP sharing in certain regions and from certain ISPs. Smaller markets and/or smaller ISPs don't have a large enough pool so they have to cycle them more often. because of this those same markets are more subject to spoofing or false positives because of the turnover.

Basically, there will be a time where everything you do online is attached to your IP as the billpayer just like a SSN.

Like I said... it's kinda scary.
This and niggas are too scared to post their real thoughts under the main account so they create a burner
I googled your issue and others are plagued with shit they chronically click to go away. The reddit thread, some guy said when he logs in using his gf phone, its fine, so prolly IP attached like @SneakDZA said.

It's not just the IP though it's all about information sharing between companies and governments. I could be on vacation in Saigon at a casual friend's house... once I log into my facebook, amazon, netflix or whatever... me and that person are linked.

Not to sound like a tinfoil hat guy but these companies are using actual quantum computers and AI to track people's online activities. For now for the sole purpose of advertising but that shit is basically a trojan horse. Most of us already have willingly installed spyware devices in our own homes in the form of "security cameras" and "digital assistants" that watch and listen to everything we do. Shit is crazy to me because we've willingly opted in to all the worst Big Brother shit that science fiction has been warning us about for generations and we still don't have jetpacks or flying cars.
I know you're joking but if I'm the NSA... first thing I do is set up an anonymous proxy company. Second thing... establish relationships with the other ones.
I've been called a conspiracy theorist, I'm not. I just think to myself, if I was an evil oligarchy, what would I do?
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