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The transgendered issue involving sports speaks for itself and I don’t know why no one sees it this way...

it’s becoming more and more demanding for these people to join sports and it seems like it’s going to continue this way...

but why is it only men who transition into women who go into a women’s sport? Why aren’t we seeing an influx of women transitioning into men joining men sports? This alone proves that it’s not only unfair (and ridiculous) but that biologically sex is not a made up thing. There’s a reason women do what women do and men do what men do.

this issue isn’t about rights, either. I can’t believe that’s the point of argument... you’re a man, but now look like a woman, ok cool... join a men’s division, not a women’s. Your right to play sports still stands. You shouldn’t have the opportunity to physically dominate women just because...
That punch when dude on the ground we loose arm And that other punch at the end was wide as hell and folks that throw wide punches can’t fight.

Plus just because something was effective dont mean anything.

lol What? That's pretty much the complete opposite of reality. Effectiveness is pretty much the only thing that means anything when it comes to fighting technique.
Watching this man clean rugs on YouTube. It’s crazy the stuff people watch. Including me. He got 6.4 million views on this one video.

easy money. It seems.
Watching this man clean rugs on YouTube. It’s crazy the stuff people watch. Including me. He got 6.4 million views on this one video.

easy money. It seems.
Find a little niche and start recording. Talk about something or say nothing, just random daily living noises. Document your life however fascinating or even boring. Make it and they will come. We don't realize how many people are like us or love us, live like us or can't live without us until we make videos/audios. I got this one podcast and its a guys who just records his thoughts on shit, no fancy music or intro just someone's audio rants/thoughts/perspectives.

Literally anything is profitable in these times. Be amazed how fast a .50 cent army adds up.
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