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My son wants to go to Grammy Camp at USC (California for you South Carolinians) for the summer. The camp is for aspiring musicians, producers, writers and sound engineers. I totaled the cost out of my pocket to be 7 days $500/ day(room and food) not including flight.

Kids will dig into your pockets bruh sheesh
LMAO... that's called life. These entitled mf's crack me up every time they make a bold statement. They skipped the whole false fantasy of the American Dream and went straight to... "I graduated high school... now pay up"

LMAO. nah son... welcome to the meat grinder. I hope you have some valuable skills besides copying popular dances.

I figure that would have applied more to GenX than us.
They are a pair of sneaker bruh.
Ain’t that serious.
I like a lot of shit but that don’t mean I need it .
There a pair of sneakers that you thought was worth posting about. No it ain't serious but....you brought it up

I mean, its cool you being practical and all but if you broke just say you broke 🤷🏿‍♂️
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