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Soooo.... what type of dyno is this?

An I Dyno -saurus - get it..... cause I dunno... Like Dyno?

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Yea I saw him last week....

I was washing my car, and this hunchback came down the street with a shopping cart full of car shit...

I asked him how much for the air freshener trees....

Nigga said tree fiddy...... I looked at the package.... shit said 99¢

But this nigga talking tree fiddy..... I look at him real hard..... then I realized.....

That wasn't no damn crack head hunchback!!!

That was the goddamn loch ness monster still trying to get tree fiddy outta me!!

I ain't giving him thank funky ass tree fiddy, so he can go to hell he can
Best show on tv
You gotta watch all the wisecrack videos on YouTube for the show..

Philosophy is my favorite subject. My wife thinks I could be a teacher in it,, but I don't think I've even scratched the surface.... even though I have the best convos with philosophy students in the bar...

Anyway, watch wisecrack YouTube rick and Morty videos

Real good shit
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