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Because they're more than just an ex?
I hear u on that but that still doesn't explain the vague usage of the term.

if the kid is 10yrs old, how cn they still be called a babydaddy?

n the term is used regardless of whether the bd/bm r together or not. that's muddled af.

is someone still a babymother/babyfather when whatever kid they share has grown n had their own kids?
bruh, it showed how the war turned a humble kid into a man in like 2-3 years....it told the story of a black war vet who came home a hero yet still had to hustle like a criminal to make ends meet...

it told a story of humility on several levels.....how pride can be destructive.....

and it didn't have a happy ending, because the tragic tone prevented it..

that shit was marvelous bruh.....

watch again in a few years....
Again you and goldie are focused on the story, not how it was told, which is equally or even more important than the story itself in film. I've seen plenty of war movies that did a much better job of telling the story of a soldier's experiences. Some do it so well that you become immersed in the locations and feel as if you're there, I can't say that about DP. It's just not a well told story.
Again you and goldie are focused on the story, not how it was told, which is equally or even more important than the story itself in film. I've seen plenty of war movies that did a much better job of telling the story of a soldier's experiences. Some do it so well that you become immersed in the locations and feel as if you're there, I can't say that about DP. It's just not a well told story.
platoon ruined my life
I hear u on that but that still doesn't explain the vague usage of the term.

if the kid is 10yrs old, how cn they still be called a babydaddy?

n the term is used regardless of whether the bd/bm r together or not. that's muddled af.

is someone still a babymother/babyfather when whatever kid they share has grown n had their own kids?

Are u still a mother of the kid when the kid grows up and have their kids?
yes. am I a mother to a baby when my child is an adult? no.

child's mother is a more accurate term.

Oh you're one of those people who think of a real baby when a nigga calls u baby, oh ok, gotcha
It does change the "flaws" you pointed out because you can't say the bm served no point in the movie when her role was pivotal lol
Know you're putting words in my mouth, I didn't say she wasn't pivotal, I said she was simply there to drive the plot along. It's like in those movies where a there's an important item a character has to hold on to but a bird or some shit comes and snatches it. Like why of all things to grab i.e. food like a real bird would grab does the fictional bird grab the important item?

You get what I'm saying here, she's simply there to drive the plot along
I just tackled the nam part of the movie, so I'll cover the heist part of the movie.

His girls sister is supposed to be on the black empowerment tip and all that, but she's down for a heist and not only that but through violent means. It makes no sense that someone who's heavily into black empowerment would want to willingly put themselves in that position. And sure you could argue poverty but she seemed to living pretty nice to me, she had their childhood home while the sister with the kid was staying in a roach infested apartment. So not only was her character's motivations inconsistent but the main character's daughter and bm are just there for the sake of moving the plot along (a burden on the main character) and not there to add any depth.

Neither him nor his latino friend use any of their training from the military to acquire a job when they went to civilian life, he was in a spec ops unit and settled for a job as a butcher, which again conveniently sets up the his motivation for the heist. He didn't even try to live move back in with his parents or his bm's sister. He just went straight into a life of crime. Again more inconsistent behavior that only serves to move the plot along.

Then comes the heist, they include a drug head (chris tucker), the fucked up preacher's son (Trumpet player from the ray charles movie), and his dumb friend who got hurt by his own grenade in nam (his childhood latino friend. All fuck ups

Again the main character his military experience in a spec ops squad and these are the people chose to pull of a heist with, not only him but the dude with 1 leg spent time in the military as well and they were both cool with it. Like wtf kinda shit is that?

Don't even get me started in his dumb ass pyromaniac friend who burned most of the money.......

To end the foolishness off they never skipped town and gtfo of dodge, they stayed in the city and got caught because of the crazy ass preacher's son.
bruh you willlllllding....

first of all she was mad young....

dude got shortty pregnant before he left for the war.....

he was 17-18 tops....

so when he came home... his daughter was mad young.....i forget how old exactly but unde 5 for sure...
meaning that he was 22..23 at the oldest....

his girl's little sister.....was even younger...

we're talking a 18-20 revolutionary.....

mad impressionable....it took nothing to recruit her to be a revolutionary, and it takes nothing to recruit her for a robbery...she's young, and angry as all black folk during this time were, and she was antsy to prove herself

her character makes 100%

i don't know if you've ever planned a robbery before.... but.....imma jsut say.....it ain't like you gonna get a bunch of professionals rushing up......

drug addicts are often your go to...especially on a first time...
shit shit went bad because it was designed to go bad.....

it wasn't supposed to be a great or smart robbery.. it was supposed to be an act of desperation by a person in an impossible situation...

the only reason the movie worked because the plan had so many holes in it...

if it was a smart and successful robbery. there is no tragic story to tell
Know you're putting words in my mouth, I didn't say she wasn't pivotal, I said she was simply there to drive the plot along. It's like in those movies where a there's an important item a character has to hold on to but a bird or some shit comes and snatches it. Like why of all things to grab i.e. food like a real bird would grab does the fictional bird grab the important item?

You get what I'm saying here, she's simply there to drive the plot along

I don't think she was just there to push the story along lol, coming back from war and your whole world changing was a real thing and the most important thing to a man is his woman and child... a child that he doesn't even know is his lol Mannn, u gotta stop trollin b
Oh you're one of those people who think of a real baby when a nigga calls u baby, oh ok, gotcha
no, I'm not. a romantic partner calling u a pet name is a completely different topic from a parent's description of a child. that's a false equvialency.

I wouldn't use baby to describe my adult child. I might lovingly call them my baby, cuz that's a term of affection, but I wouldn't refer to the child as a baby when trying to accurately describe my affiliation to another person.

people use the term babymama/babydaddy for people who are still together - basically just an unmarried couple with a kid/s.

people use the term babymama/babydaddy for people who don't actually have babies anymore.

people use the term babymama/babydaddy for people who r no longer together but currently co-parent.

people use the term babydaddy/babymama when one party might not even be involved with the kid/s (ex. calling deadbeats babydaddies).

the term says very little beyond "share a kid" n I'm surprised it gained traction.
no, I'm not. a romantic partner calling u a pet name is a completely different topic from a parent's description of a child. that's a false equvialency.

I wouldn't use baby to describe my adult child. I might lovingly call them my baby, cuz that's a term of affection, but I wouldn't refer to the child as a baby when trying to accurately describe my affiliation to another person.

people use the term babymama/babydaddy for people who are still together - basically just an unmarried couple with a kid/s.

people use the term babymama/babydaddy for people who don't actually have babies anymore.

people use the term babymama/babydaddy for people who r no longer together but currently co-parent.

people use the term babydaddy/babymama when one party might not even be involved with the kid/s (ex. calling deadbeats babydaddies).

the term says very little beyond "share a kid" n I'm surprised it gained traction.

You're missing the point, babymama/daddy is a slang word, it wasn't meant to be taken literal.
You're missing the point, babymama/daddy is a slang word, it wasn't meant to be taken literal.
I know it's a slang word but I'm saying it isn't a helpful one. Imo it'd be helpful if it wasn't as vague.

from babymama/daddy, you can't tell whether they're even still together or involved in the kid's life. therefore it says little about the relationship between the adults or the kid in question.

slang terms r there to make a long story short (to me). otherwise the shit it was supposed to denote, has to be clarified with the literal terms anyway.

so I get that it's a slang term, I just think it's a useless one.
I don't think she was just there to push the story along lol, coming back from war and your whole world changing was a real thing and the most important thing to a man is his woman and child... a child that he doesn't even know is his lol Mannn, u gotta stop trollin b
Lol you keep trolling I'm serious, everything I said in the quote is true about the movie.
bruh you willlllllding....

first of all she was mad young....

dude got shortty pregnant before he left for the war.....

he was 17-18 tops....

so when he came home... his daughter was mad young.....i forget how old exactly but unde 5 for sure...
meaning that he was 22..23 at the oldest....

his girl's little sister.....was even younger...

we're talking a 18-20 revolutionary.....

mad impressionable....it took nothing to recruit her to be a revolutionary, and it takes nothing to recruit her for a robbery...she's young, and angry as all black folk during this time were, and she was antsy to prove herself

her character makes 100%

i don't know if you've ever planned a robbery before.... but.....imma jsut say.....it ain't like you gonna get a bunch of professionals rushing up......

drug addicts are often your go to...especially on a first time...
shit shit went bad because it was designed to go bad.....

it wasn't supposed to be a great or smart robbery.. it was supposed to be an act of desperation by a person in an impossible situation...

the only reason the movie worked because the plan had so many holes in it...

if it was a smart and successful robbery. there is no tragic story to tell
No you're just making excuses for the plot, if they where so young then why didn't the movie spend anytime highlighting that? And where was there mother during all of this. When he comes back home his bm's mom is never shown again.

Also how do we know that the sister was "mad" impressionable? Again it's never conveyed in the film, they just make the characters do whatever serves the plot and moves the movie along which causes the glaring inconsistencies I pointed out.

Again it's not a very well told story.
No you're just making excuses for the plot, if they where so young then why didn't the movie spend anytime highlighting that? And where was there mother during all of this. When he comes back home his bm's mom is never shown again.

Also how do we know that the sister was "mad" impressionable? Again it's never conveyed in the film, they just make the characters do whatever serves the plot and moves the movie along which causes the glaring inconsistencies I pointed out.

Again it's not a very well told story.


they painted the hell outta the little sister...

she had a crush on him when he was dating her big sister....that part was illustrated through several scenes...when he came home she still had affections for him, but you could see she was trying to maintain character with the revolutionary stuff...

good movies don't have to spell everything out, they give you enough of the charter that you can easily fill in holes...the way she was looking at dude told a whole lot about why she was so willing to ride for him......

you the only one reaching....the movie told a great story...

you just trying to go against the grain to show off your wit....

dead presidents was a great movie fam.....


they painted the hell outta the little sister...

she had a crush on him when he was dating her big sister....that part was illustrated through several scenes...when he came home she still had affections for him, but you could see she was trying to maintain character with the revolutionary stuff...

good movies don't have to spell everything out, they give you enough of the charter that you can easily fill in holes...the way she was looking at dude told a whole lot about why she was so willing to ride for him......

you the only one reaching....the movie told a great story...

you just trying to go against the grain to show off your wit....

dead presidents was a great movie fam.....
I'm not being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, if you feel that DP is a great movie that's you. But imo with what I pointed out, it's not what I would consider a good movie.
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