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lol i dont play that shit...plus i keep dirt on everyone just in case

I hate office politics. Genuinely hate that shit 'cause I ain't the type to kiss ass. When shit's going wrong I'm the first one to speak on it. Had a 2 hour meeting yesterday where we were talking about how the techs keep coming to our team for answers and 'cause they're too lazy to even attempt to figure shit out on their own. My wife came into the office a few times like "Everything alright? You gettin loud and soundin' mad as fuck. I can hear your whole conversation in the dining room".
Inb4 swift downward spiral to heroin

Nah b, Kratom ain't an opiate. I can't even function with Vicodin, Percoset, or any of that shit in my system. My wife had me try her Gabapentin and Tramadol, both of them shits put me right to sleep. Kratom took away all of my pain, got me feelin alert and my mood is significantly better.
So I'm at work waiting on a fresh pizza... Imma buy a slice. Ole girl come out and just all lazy with the slicing.... So bad the register chick just staring at her in disbelief. So after she walk off, I calmly take the spatula and break off what has to be like 3 times the normal slice size due to the dimensions she left me. I could barely fit it all in the single slice box. They whole process was unexpectedly difficult, but I got it in there. The chick at the register just shook her head at the entire thing and without saying a word charged me for only one slice.

This may seem like nothing to many, but I found this too hilarious not to share
Bruh... Back in 2008 I was on this heavy ass project where everything was behind schedule and I was one of three "darkies" pointing out how we were going about getting shit done all wrong. I got written up and put on a PIP because my honkie bitch team lead kept saying I was being uncooperative and not hitting the deadlines. I actually got in a shouting match with her in front of my director and an HR rep over it all. A couple of months later and my vacation time was coming up. Had a week off where me and the wife were supposed to fly out to Cancun. We were supposed to do a dry-run of my tests the week before my vacation so that if anything was wrong I could make adjustments and re-run it before I left. This bitch re-scheduled the dry-run with Lockheed and PMW-146 during the time I had off. Talmbout "oh, don't worry about it, just go on vacation, you've earned it, we can take care of it".

Fuck ALLLLL the way out of here.

I canceled my vacation but didn't tell 'em. The day I was supposed to be gone, the bitch had 'em come for the test at 8am... And I showed up. Bitch lookin shook with my procedures printed out and in her hand about to get started. I snatched them shits outta her hand and said "Nah b, I got this" (yeah, I actually said "Nah b"). I sat down, ran through the shit with Lockheed and 'nem next to me and when it was done, successfully, I went straight to my HR rep and let her know what was up. She called my director in and told 'em both about how she intentionally set this shit up to run my shit in the hopes they would fail and I wasn't there to fix it or explain anything.

After our final run, where the bitch scheduled my shit first again, she got demoted. The next lead they put in place changed everything we were doing and the shit ran so fuckin smooth and efficiently we made up all the lost time and ended up ahead of schedule for every milestone.

Ain't God good?
My wife is in constant disbelief that skin tight ankle high pants, shin high black socks w/shorts and stone wash jeans are in fashion.

So I took her on a tour through IG where she is still in disbelief. She either explain it away as being gay, lame, or a 90's party. I just told her that she is old and her sense of style is outdated. But it is okay because if we tried to dress that way. We would look like fools.
So I'm at work waiting on a fresh pizza... Imma buy a slice. Ole girl come out and just all lazy with the slicing.... So bad the register chick just staring at her in disbelief. So after she walk off, I calmly take the spatula and break off what has to be like 3 times the normal slice size due to the dimensions she left me. I could barely fit it all in the single slice box. They whole process was unexpectedly difficult, but I got it in there. The chick at the register just shook her head at the entire thing and without saying a word charged me for only one slice.

This may seem like nothing to many, but I found this too hilarious not to share

pure fuckery, but you got a big ass slice so it ain't all bad.

So...I've always saved my loose change since I was a kid, something I got from my dad. Usually I save up about $20 before cashing it in. I decided to see how much I could actually save starting at the beginning of 2017. From what I've counted so far it's at $192 with silver change alone. Don't know when I'll count the pennies...
Anybody else save their coins?
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