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bruh....i think you moved waaaay past the joke.

i am a very patient person....a very non combative person.

when i do shit like that...its for jokes.

your calm, mello thought out posts just seem funny to me. the post was a joke off of that.

kinda like if someone is always angry...ill fuck with them about why they dont smile more.

wasnt that serious bruh.
It pretty much is all jokes but I try to understand people and I see a lot of people even on this site calling people out of their names and calling saying stuff and I always wow how did this happen. How did it get there. So i just wanted to continue the conversation to see if we could get other peoples perspective. It wasn’t nothing between you and I.
It pretty much is all jokes but I try to understand people and I see a lot of people even on this site calling people out of their names and calling saying stuff and I always wow how did this happen. How did it get there. So i just wanted to continue the conversation to see if we could get other peoples perspective. It wasn’t nothing between you and I.

i can go many places with this.....

i think it all comes down to some people need to not look weak. which ends up making them look weak.

from the time i was young until now....i have yet to run into many people who will fight.

some people get caught up in the hype from the outsiders and some get caught up in image.

my dad used to have these saying....one was

if there was no one around to impress, no one around to see or watch, no one to stop it, no weapon. nothing but your hands. would you really fight a guy bigger than you or would you run.

this is one of those questions...people are quick to answer in front of everyone....but has it truly been tested. most wont fight unless they have a clear advantage.

most guys are bitches and like to speak tough and escalate things online or from safe distances,mostly to impress other guys. not even the women....the guys.


i can say.....i got pulled outta character a time or two......but collected myself and kept it moving.
That is exactly what I am talking about. I wasn’t always like this at all. I still have a semi quick temper but my reaction to things are completely different than before.
Corinthians 13:11
When i was a child, I talked like a child, I thought Like a child. I reasoned like a child. When i became a man, I set aside childish ways.
Now I was a child for a long time because I have only been comfortable with my livity the last 8 years or so. Before that I was as childish in my opinion as any one could be.

i have a very quick temper aswell. So i try to avoid most conflict. I have even found myself backing down or walking away when things should have gone to a nigga losing some teeth.

But that got me nowhere when i was young. And i know i may sound like a chump......but i truly dont want or like to see people hurt or hurting, nor do i want to be the cause of it.

a fight is a fight....but people go waaaay past fighting and usually the winner goes past the win and goes for the kill based off unresolved anger from something else but cant control the outburst of emotion.

then you have the guy who seems like he finally got a win and says shit like "dont ever in your life talk to me like that again"


you can tell alot by the words and context.
You pay taxes, i get free bands at the start of every year
It ain't free

It's money you overpaid to the government

They took your money just gave it back to you
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