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Why you mad bro? They don't have daiquiri shops on the west coast and I've also never seen a man drink a daiquiri I've only seen women drink them, hence it's a ladies' drink out here. Must be a regional thing....

heard you
I was like awwww, wait.... nooo
I wish my bestie would buy me a damn wine glass that big. I'd put it to use quickly.

Yo so... hey hi how are you... I see we've never been introduced...

So... I'm Sam, it's nice to meet me... so how is your ABW experience going? Just wanna say we appreciate your activity
Damn y'all some uncultured motherfuckers

I swear y'all just be not liking shit just to not like shit

Let y'all tell it, if it ain't Hennessy or ciroc, it's a woman's drink. FOH

A glass of water with a got damn lemon wedge is considered a lady drink?

Come to the south and go to the daiquiri shop and see if you just see women in there. FYI, the daiquiri shop sells actual liquor too

SMH at this shit

I remember there was a big kerfuffle on the IC about alcoholic beverages, and what folks should and should not drink.
Yo so... hey hi how are you... I see we've never been introduced...

So... I'm Sam, it's nice to meet me... so how is your ABW experience going? Just wanna say we appreciate your activity

LOL, hey Sam. Nice to meet you, my experience is going great. Thank you!
How my night/morning is going



Two car collision took out a distribution pole for SCE&G power.

They killed power to the entire front part of the city which set off alarms for outagaes in 4 nodes.

I had just fell asleep from returning home from an outage in the opposite part of town
Created first real fire in the fire place.

Not burning evenly but I think I'll have it down by next week.

Don't know if my living room to big or what but I'm not feeling NO heat
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