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Y’all know anyone that just always falls into pussy vagina?
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I knew a guy that stayed in vagina tho he had no home, no job, no car......no nothing

Nigga was a legal hobo, but stayed with a different female every month surprisingly
I knew a guy that stayed in vagina tho he had no home, no job, no car......no nothing

Nigga was a legal hobo, but stayed with a different female every month surprisingly
were these upstanding women, or the kind who wld be lucky to get bums?
You see this is why it’s easy to be celibate...

I see my friends with a whole bunch of garbage ass dudes...
I think to myself DAMN Is the struggle that real that these women take whatever is out there?

I don’t get it?
Monkey know which tree to climb. My cousin has never worked a job in his life and he always has a woman taking care of him. He knows how to choose them and they are all upstanding women. Some women just like a man that they can take care of.
maybe they are dick deprived
maybe it's maybelline
maybe they are dick deprived
maybe it's maybelline
My humble opinion is some women are nurturing by nature. So whether it be a child or man that is what they go for. I once dated a woman and after two weeks she told me I had paid for more dates then all the dates she went on in the last two years. She had a big job. Head of Human Resources of something. She said she never wanted to date a man that had the same headaches as her. She doesn’t want to hear about your rough day at the office because she had one too.
You see this is why it’s easy to be celibate...

I see my friends with a whole bunch of garbage ass dudes...
I think to myself DAMN Is the struggle that real that these women take whatever is out there?

I don’t get it?
were these upstanding women, or the kind who wld be lucky to get bums?
A strong mix of both

It was like sometimes he was sick of really attractive chicks and would get with a non attractive one.

Or the attractive one left him and he would bag some ducks to get his confidence up

They always had funds tho cause he never had shit money wise. But he never went hungry
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