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Tbh she deserved it
Ya'll cheating your tails off.

Who reset the votes? LMBO!!

Ya'll on some OB and Khaleesi ish huh? I C Ya'll. :scust1:

i couldnt edit josh's poll to see who voted...i had to create a new thread and merge it with the old one...there is no collusion going on madam
all this talk and people still havent voted...smh
Chi's simping and crying and didn't get BNE banned, everybody having to follow the rules has been applied since day one.

BNE IS NOT BACK, stop running with that bullshit
You are like a pro athlete getting paid for something you would do for free!

this statement bothers me for a number of reasons but the main one being that NO person is going to do ANY work at a professional level for free

the same people that talk about spoiled athletes and how they would play in the NFL for free are full of it and lying out of their asses
@Reesey because of the morality clause in my ABW contract I can not participate in that thread. I did look at the thread but the voting violates my terms of usage.
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