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Again, what keeps being forgotten is Netflix snagged Rock from HBO. He had leverage

Netflix was also trying to really push their comedy section in their streaming library and who better to headline that than Dave Chappelle? He won a Grammy for best comedy album for his 2017 special that was on there.

Monique has no leverage in this negotiation. Plain and simple
I dont know if I would call it color bias. I know for certain tho women are paid significantly lower than their male counterparts so maybe she has a claim when it comes to being some level of gender basis.

I think Mo’nique can still get asses into seats and I think she still has moved moutains for Black women comedians. I still find her to be funny af even in her delusions as yall call it.

I think she deserved a better deal at the end of the day and I dont think she should be policed for asking for more.

Im just not understanding why the general public reaction to Tracee Ellis Ross and Viola Davis was supportive and the public’s reaction to Mo’Nique has been so mixed and dense when they’re essentially requesting the same thing?

@ the bold. I don't know exactly the specifics of TER and VD's issues on pay I guess other than the gist of calling out gender equality payment, but with Mo'nique she came out the gate asking for a boycott of Netflix!

That in itself is a headline grabber 1) as she was calling PEOPLE TO ACTION and 2) she specifically targeted a major corporation entertainment entity which either people subscribe to at best or certainly are familiar with at worst. So when people went in deeper on what her issue was, on top of the fact she called herself "humbly the most decorated comedian alive", it was inevitable she got a lot of "GTFOHWTBS" reception. Her message may have been just, correct, honest etc......but her delivery did her no favors. That's why I think the reaction to Mo'Nique was as you described it "mixed and dense".

its not bout no racism nor sexism its about the fact that she thought Nextflix was just handing out bags and got in line to get hers and her feelings were hurt

Nailed it in one sentence! The fact that she keeps harping about someone from Netflix apparently calling her "a legend" and less about tangible, quantitative data (i.e. recent ticket sales from her comedy tours although to her credit she did use "Almost Christmas" budget and profit, although it's already been easily debunked that she wasn't the draw rather than it was an ensemble cast), she clearly thought she should be getting more than Amy's numbers.

The $500k offer was low-balling her, but I honestly don't think she would have been cool with even $5m to be honest based on all her arguments thus far.

it’s not my place to say how much someone is worth. I don’t find amy schumer funny at all. but netflix gave her $11-13 million. mid-tier NBA players getting 150-200 million contracts. an average QB is about to becomd the highest paid player in NFL history. if these entities feel they’re worth that much, who am I to say otherwise? get your money

if a potential employer offer me a salary i feel is beneath me, i’d say no and move on. monique feels she was low-balled. she has a right to feel that way

but where i think she fucked up at is asking everyday folks to boycott netflix because SHE turned down $500k. netflix is people’s primary source of entertainment. people are cutting the cord and rather pay $130 a year for netflix than $130 a month for cable. 99% of your fanbase will never have the opportunity to make 500k for one hour of work. you turned that down and want people to feel sorry for you?

@ the bold. Honestly if she said everything she said minus the "everybody boycott netflix" piece, the public's reception to her grievances would have been a lot more sympathetic from the outset I believe.
Monique has never been funny in my books besides in Precious, and that even shows we laughing because she being extra and stupid not because she legit funny. Netflix saved themselves from dropping low end filler content.

I thought Precious was a drama. Never saw the movie.
Thought Crimez talks about it:

For those that missed The Black Authority's live broadcast about this:

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She nor her husband never answered charlamagne's question. He repeatedly told her why he gave her DOTD.

BTW what has she done that's legendary for her to be called a legend? Other than precious, minor roles and the parkers, what has she done?
She nor her husband never answered charlamagne's question. He repeatedly told her why he gave her DOTD.

BTW what has she done that's legendary for her to be called a legend? Other than precious, minor roles and the parkers, what has she done?
Most blacks feel if u was doing something a long time you a legend which is bullshit.

Dennis rodman is a legend, Horace Grant is not.

Ita not how long you been doing it, its what you did while you was here. What impact you made.

Whoopi Goldberg>>>wanda sykes>>>monique

Sister act us classic and had all demographics watching. Only love n hip hop fans watched the parkers
Personally I just dont find women stand up comedians funny, in TV shows and stuff I do, but in stand ups I just find them cringe worthy... Maybe women find them funny because they can relate??? In TV shows and schitt its different, Monique and plenty of women have had me laughing...

But with regards to Netflix, like others have pointed out, its leverage what has Monique actually done lately??? Like does she sell out shows??? Ive not heard her name for years... I cant stand that Amy Schumer chick, but she seems to be successful and popular atm so she has that leverage, unfortunately for Monique she needs to put in work again and hit up talkshows on TV and get her name buzzing again, especially to the newer generation...

IMO she should of took the deal if shes that confident that her material and product will sell, made it work got and some numbers under her belt (if she thinks she is a great stand up) and came back to the table with more leverage and negotiated a better deal...

Dave and Chris are on a totally different level, they are some of the best comedians in the world so I dont understand how she can even compare herself to them and expect a deal even close to theirs after being quite for so long....