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Added to Calendar: 06-13-24

Sir, if you are black man that’s not in the streets and doesn’t condone black men killing and selling drugs to their own, but accepts it as a reality of life you can’t change and have to just deal with. Does that make you a killer or dealer? Or do you just get it how you live? If you made shirts and sold it to the black community initially aimed at everyone and it became the style that dealers wear..do you stop making the clothes, do you tell dealers to stop wearing your clothes? Does it make you a supporter of dealers because you accept that you can’t control who fucks with you? Do you do marketing to find out what they like and aim to make more stuff that they want to buy? Does that mean that you are supporting drug dealers? Homelander operates in a gray area because he doesn’t have to be black and white.
That's a horrible comparison.
That's a horrible comparison.
Nah it’s the same thing…

he supports what the American majority supports..that’s why A train is on the team..diversity sells, if he was racist he would fight it, Meave is on the team because it’s diversity for women,..he didn’t want her to be gay openly because he thought it would tarnish their image, once it was spun as a positive, he didn’t care anymore..he doesn’t care, he only cares about the majority popular opinion. If that happens to be racist people, to him..hey, that’s your deal, he will run with it as long as it makes him look good. Your point is being ok with racism makes you a racist..and my point was in the same vein of guilty by acceptance. Is being ok with rap music that is toxic, make you toxic too. It’s the same difference
I honestly don't believe Homelander gives a shit

He'll pander to whoever he needs to pander to get his ratings up

He's killed plenty of innocent white people

See Flight 37
Nah it’s the same thing…

he supports what the American majority supports..that’s why A train is on the team..diversity sells, if he was racist he would fight it, Meave is on the team because it’s diversity for women,..he didn’t want her to be gay openly because he thought it would tarnish their image, once it was spun as a positive, he didn’t care anymore..he doesn’t care, he only cares about the majority popular opinion. If that happens to be racist people, to him..hey, that’s your deal, he will run with it as long as it makes him look good. Your point is being ok with racism makes you a racist..and my point was in the same vein of guilty by acceptance. Is being ok with rap music that is toxic, make you toxic too. It’s the same difference
It's not the same to compare a dude making shirts for street hustlers/gangsters to a dude supporting systematic and historic racism.

Shit apples and oranges.

But if you market your shit to the streets specifically you are some off shoot of the streets.

Difference is that Homelander does carry racist idealogies and he is a leader who can become active in racism.

Just like how they had that one supe in Trenton who murdered a black person,Homelander on that same shit.
LOL plenty Americans speak Spanish.

"American" is just code for White American and more specially white males
Because that’s the majority of who support the seven and more likely to buy into what they do which gives him more rep and influence. Y’all getting wrapped up in the way y’all want things to be, the right way in y’all’s minds. He doesn’t care, he accepts what is here and now and utilizes it. Another point being, when SF brought it up and he basically is like fuck that noise, that shit don’t matter..I am him..I am the great one..he doesn’t care about race. In fact, his own race matters to him only because it matters to the majority in his mind. He would be wearing Girbualds and Jordan’s if black men were the majority..as long as the majority loves him
He also was in love with an actaul Nazi.

Not a neo nazi but an actual Nazi.
Because she fed into his narssatic ego..same reason why he loved the chick who breast milk he used to drink and you can argue that she was a corporate liberal
Because that’s the majority of who support the seven and more likely to buy into what they do which gives him more rep and influence. Y’all getting wrapped up in the way y’all want things to be, the right way in y’all’s minds. He doesn’t care, he accepts what is here and now and utilizes it. Another point being, when SF brought it up and he basically is like fuck that noise, that shit don’t matter..I am him..I am the great one..he doesn’t care about race. In fact, his own race matters to him only because it matters to the majority in his mind. He would be wearing Girbualds and Jordan’s if black men were the majority..as long as the majority loves him
why would I want Homelander to be racist?

What is "the right way in our minds"

You making excuses.

You sound like the ppl who said "Trump used neo nazi's and known white supremicists and ideas to gain popularity,but he's not racist"