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Added to Calendar: 06-13-24

But America is racist so if he's Amercan and all about his Homeland built on racism he is himself racist

Now you getting it?

So if america was not, he wouldn’t be, where as with SF..an actual racist, it didn’t matter if America was or wasn’t..she flat out believed regardless of poplar opinion, every race is inferior to the white race..where as his opinion is based on the popular opinion. Which means it’s not his own, because he doesn’t actually care.
So if america was not, he wouldn’t be, where as with SF..an actual racist, it didn’t matter if America was or wasn’t..she flat out believed regardless of poplar opinion, every race is inferior to the white race..where as his opinion is based on the popular opinion. Which means it’s not his own, because he doesn’t actually care.

I’d argue that in this show, Homelander has killed more white people than POC. And has yet to target anyone specifically because of their race
why would I want Homelander to be racist?

What is "the right way in our minds"

You making excuses.

You sound like the ppl who said "Trump used neo nazi's and known white supremicists and ideas to gain popularity,but he's not racist"
Oh no, trump is racist..there is actual evidence of trump specifically targeting POC out of spite when it came to business and housing. And he said out of his mouth that he believes white people are superior to black people. That’s actually taking stand, not rolling with popular opinion..a better comparison would be Ted Cruz..or Marco Rubio..that on the fence, hey whatever y’all say, I’m going to Cancun type shit
I’m looking at the big picture. Objectively..y’all aren’t. I get it.
again.. you're trying to break down the philosophy of racism...you're trying to break down it's logic... which is broken to begin with... racism isn't a sustainable mindset... it requires some madness to even be adapted..

which again is why home lander is by definition a racist...

no racist is working with a full deck... the entire ideology is contradictive...and often exposes the person for having deeper insecurity issues.....

like you can't be a racist and lynch someone then go have sunday dinner with your family like nuffin happen... you're broken inside....

that's part of the whole point
again.. you're trying to break down the philosophy of racism...you're trying to break down it's logic... which is broken to begin with... racism isn't a sustainable mindset... it requires some madness to even be adapted..

which again is why home lander is by definition a racist...

no racist is working with a full deck... the entire ideology is contradictive...and often exposes the person for having deeper insecurity issues.....

like you can't be a racist and lynch someone then go have sunday dinner with your family like nuffin happen... you're broken inside....

that's part of the whole point
Fam, a racist white man that does that, takes a white man to trial while he Lynch’s a black man for the same crime or maybe no crime at all. Because it’s all about race…when threatened with exposer..homelander didn’t say I’ll go and kill every nigger, spic, Jew, chink and so on..dude said he’d destroy the whole eastern coast..he does not care about race, his motives are not racial. A racist is motivated by race..that’s why the word race is in the fucking word.

when they spoke on contra,.they said they got orders to stay clear of white neighborhoods , a racially motivated action..Race being the key component
a racist is motivated by a perceived superiority

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rac·ism | \ ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi- \
Definition of racism

1: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
he feels he's above everyone else, thus he's an inherent racist

he "excused" stormfronts nazi shit cuz he felt she was closer to his level and gave him the idea that they could have a superior child....

he's noticed the super traits in his son... he feels his son is superior...

he prefers to be loved, but he's okay with being feared...

as long as he's perceived to be better or superior.....as long as he can do what he wants
a racist is motivated by a perceived superiority

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rac·ism | \ ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi- \
Definition of racism

1: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
He doesn’t believe that..that’s what storm front believes and when she said that…he said it didn’t matter because who he is matters more than anything

soulja boy voice

“word for word, bar for bar”

his own words dispelled your point
he feels he's above everyone else, thus he's an inherent racist

he "excused" stormfronts nazi shit cuz he felt she was closer to his level and gave him the idea that they could have a superior child....

he's noticed the super traits in his son... he feels his son is superior...

he prefers to be loved, but he's okay with being feared...

as long as he's perceived to be better or superior.....as long as he can do what he wants
Fam he is human, this only applies if you say that humanity itself is a race..if that’s your point. My point was not that..my point was he is not picking individuals races within the human race..to specifically hate based on his own feelings..because they are of said race. His feelings are motivated by other things
everyting about homelander is the belief that he is superior