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Added to Calendar: 06-13-24

boss says I’m not hiring him because he is black and I don’t like black people—-racist

that is not racism... that is prejudice. you have a personal prejudice towards black people..

racism would be ....

"we don't need nor do we want people seeing black ins our business"
"a black person doesn't deserve this job, it's too good for them"
"it's bullshit inclusion to even think we should hire a black person"
"the only people working this job should be white folks"

not liking a race doesn't equal racism...

sincerely believing a race is inferior is
naw you just got dragged for 3 pages and in a state of denial....

but you'll never admit it
If homelander had an equal.. . He would be disgusted if they showed comparison.

He truly feels he's superior
3 pages of nonsense rambling from germs and not enough discussion about homelander's comments about A-Train.

That's easily one of my favorite sub plots so far.

He told him "i can see your fucking girdle you fat fuck" LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Oh shit🤣🤣🤣
I'm about to watch the first 3 episodes again.

They are REALLY doing a great job with Homelander's character.
Just finished the first 2 seasons to catch up. This show is 🔥🔥🔥🔥.

Homelander is a fucking psychopath. I'll be a milk merchant for Becca and Starlight