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The #ADOS Movement

I just don’t understand niggas thinking things and having opinions instead of just taking the time to learn history and facts

I don’t understand people putting low ass limitations on what can be done, what can be accomplished

It’s a spit in the face of your DNA and those who came before you

Stop throwing water on shit and saying what can be done if all you know of your history is slavery. If you don’t have solutions and actively pushing those agendas, you don’t get to talk down on the next people making a effort

Cool, it’s a shitty plan, what yours?
Bruh....welcome to the struggle.
Shit is crazy frustrating.

I hear how great we were but we not there now but I'm not supposed to say we can do better because that seems like I'm assuming your not doing good or should be where I think they should be....

I think you are now seeing why I always say niggas don't really want something.
I can't speak for everyone, but I think the most prominent problems we face right now are ones that need to be faced as a united group that includes all black people. I don't think it serves us well to drive a wedge between DOS and other blacks for a goal that has a lower probability of success.

And I'm sure you can address many of our issues through reparations, but it makes no sense to me to reduce your political power (because numbers are power) to address issues through a least likely option.

Also, I have to guess that most of the people with the stupid "Kamala isn't black" criticisms are supporters of the ADOS movement. To me, that whole stance is idiotic. Kamala is a bad candidate, but not for those reasons. However, now she's getting defended like she's a good candidate because people are reacting to that stupid criticism. That kinda thing doesn't help us at all.

Kamala would tell you that she isn't black, I think that's where the whole criticism comes from. Has she denied being black lately no, but she hasn't always fully claimed her black side. That's where the heat is coming from, a group of ppl just don't wake up and start the whole Kamala isn't black narrative for nothing, something made them make this notion.

Political power, If ADOS are in line and want reparations, why would that reduce political power, if anything, it should increase it right?, you want what's best for your brother and you know that you wasn't apart of what your brother did, why should you not back him??

The treaties on the books belong to ADOS, that's what's owed to us, that's why we are seeking, if you fall in that pot, then by all means, you good, but if you don't, why hate or be jealous?? That's what I'm trying to get at, what's the hating and being jealous stance coming from??

If the gov't decided to pay off ADOS from those treaties because of the push, then how would that be viewed to those who don't get payments?? How would you think that should make them feel??
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If you'd have asked a slave if a black man could be president in a world with tranny's and people able to fly in space, he would of considered that a long shot. He may have thought that you were out of your mind even. But look at where we are. We are a large number of people that can fight at different fronts and multi-task. We can prioritize with an end goal in mind. No different than a team trying to win it's way to a championship.

If I'm correct in my thinking and ADOS can do irreparable damage then we were never that unified to begin with. Those numbers were people that would of jumped ship or betrayed us anyway. If not from fear, then from thinking the grass is greener on the other side.

Yeah, asking a slave about some possibility for what could happen in 200 years isn't comparable to what I'm talking about. I'm talking about fixing things like police brutality. We don't need to let another century pass without that being addressed. That needs to be handled now, and it will be better handled as a united front. Maybe in the future the country will decide DOS deserve something. I'm not completely taking it off the table. I just believe there are other things that we can handle first quicker and with a more likely success rate. Let's get those problems fixed first and then if you need to split the community to work on other issues that affect subgroups, that's fine.

Kamala would tell you that she isn't black, I think that's where the whole criticism comes from. Has she denied being black lately no, but she hasn't always fully claimed her black side. That's where the heat is coming from, a group of ppl just don't wake up and start the whole Kamala isn't black narrative for nothing, something made them make this notion.

Political power, If ADOS are in line and want reparations, why would that reduce political power, if again, you want what's best for your brother and you know that you wasn't apart of what your brother did, why should you not back him??

The treaties on the books belong to ADOS, that's what's owed to us, that's why we are seeking, if you fall in that pot, then by all means, you good, but if you don't, why hate or be jealous?? That's what I'm trying to get at, what's the hating and being jealous stance coming from??

If the gov't decided to pay off ADOS from those treaties because of the push, then how would that be viewed to those who don't get payments?? How would you think that should make them feel??

I can't speak on Kamala's far past. As far as I know, she's claimed her blackness for a long time.

As for who gets reparations, again, I agree that should be restricted to DOS. That's not my issue with ADOS. I just think it's a silly movement to have at this point in time.
Folks don't know history, it's not a knock or a big me lil you moment either, I'm still learning, more of us together need to know, just imagine if everybody knew about every fact of our history, how much that would do to this world, that's why there's a fight with what's being talked about on these issues/topics, folks are still conditioned (including myself a bit), still plugged in, when there's information out there that can unplug folks

Hidden Colors series can be something to really help understand this world we live in. Beautiful ass documentary, movie night with you aint your ole lady and her kid. Order some pizza and watch the movies.

I'm still trying to the learn, the more I learn, the more my heart becomes hard and cold.

The Black History Reader by Dr. Claude Anderson 101 Questions, Every, and I mean every dayum black person from 17-101 should read this book, God Help Us

Never stop learning.
I always saud it will take the black Americans to lead the global black population. We are the head and they are the body.

Never stop learning.
I always saud it will take the black Americans to lead the global black population. We are the head and they are the body.

Knowing your history. I mean as much as you can, Black history especially, now in the times we live will save your dayum life I feel, Knowing your history is important to having money in the bank,
If you don't know your history, you're a sitting duck waiting to get pluck. Be the 1st one to get caught up out here wit your draws down
Learning without being told is the opposite of lazy.

Too many lazy people want to be told what to read and how to interpret it.
because he is not a "ADOS"

We need to confirm the linage of his parents before I agree with that. His father was a black American if I recall correctly. His mother was the black immigrant I believe.

But that would not change anything anyway. ADOS is not about if black people should accept you or not. It's not about who we should or shouldn't look up too. He is still one the greatest men to ever walk this planet and ADOS, and every one else, should always respect him.

And too be honest, given his life and parents would have been affected by Jim Crow laws, his father being viciously murdered, I would not be against people like him seeking compensation as well.
I don’t care how you fancy up shit. We’re still fucked. No power but screaming, following and groupthinking after every platform created by folks who you can’t even touch or personally talk to.

They get a platform funded by white folks, and then start appearing on entertainment programs, congratulating themselves.
Yeah, asking a slave about some possibility for what could happen in 200 years isn't comparable to what I'm talking about. I'm talking about fixing things like police brutality. We don't need to let another century pass without that being addressed. That needs to be handled now, and it will be better handled as a united front. Maybe in the future the country will decide DOS deserve something. I'm not completely taking it off the table. I just believe there are other things that we can handle first quicker and with a more likely success rate. Let's get those problems fixed first and then if you need to split the community to work on other issues that affect subgroups, that's fine.

The comparisons are both as far fetched to individuals of the time. And while you're saying we need to prioritize stuff we can fix now, police brutality is a bad example as it's been a problem for black people since their creation. It's a very old problem, older than some reparation arguments at this point. A large number of the problems black people are facing are almost as old. Your idea of what we can fix now looks flawed when taking that into consideration. Most of it is all old stuff we've already been trying to fix.

And black movements usually split the black community some way, especially in modern times. This idea of a united front and getting numbers, sounds like something that looks good on paper, but is equally as far fetched. I see all your points, but then there's like this big elephant in the room that comes with them. But I'll stop now, it's a movement I think worth trying is all. ADOS could fall flat on it's face like so many other attempts we've made already. If it works great, if something else works great too.
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Can someone tell me what the point of this "movement" is?

Without mentioning reparations.

From the official website:
ADOS—which stands for American Descendants of Slavery—seeks to reclaim/restore the critical national character of the African American identity and experience, one grounded in our group’s unique lineage, and which is central to our continuing struggle for social and economic justice in the United States.
From the official website:
ADOS—which stands for American Descendants of Slavery—seeks to reclaim/restore the critical national character of the African American identity and experience, one grounded in our group’s unique lineage, and which is central to our continuing struggle for social and economic justice in the United States.

LOL that's just a bunch of words in a row. Sounds like the gibberish I used to hear in meetings when I worked in advertising.

I gotta say as far as "tangibles" go I'm not really seeing much in the way of detail overall and I'm starting to think that a lot of this shit coming directly from Russia to some of y'alls favorite youtubers.
LOL that's just a bunch of words in a row. Sounds like the gibberish I used to hear in meetings when I worked in advertising.

I gotta say as far as "tangibles" go I'm not really seeing much in the way of detail overall and I'm starting to think that a lot of this shit coming directly from Russia to some of y'alls favorite youtubers.
So you just want to shit on anything?
But your doing what?

So you just want to shit on anything?
But your doing what?


Your deflections aren't going to work on me. I asked for details specifically about what the thread topic is about and aside from crickets I got a vague marketing pitch that said nothing of substance and responded to that as such. This isn't and will not be a conversation about what I am doing. Not all of us are as flagrantly self-aggrandizing as you.

If you're going to insert yourself into the conversation try to add something of value relevant to the topic at least.

So I can shit all over it.