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The #ADOS Movement

Was our culture developed do to free expression or based on what we was allowed to do and we never changed it?

The very staple of black american household foods ...was it born out of freedom to experiment or scraps left to us by our oppressors. And that's what we celebrate as ours.

These are just questions.

I know the history and origin. Im sensing insecurity from your questions why the black american slave descendant supposed to feel shame for our history

What history is that? To me it’s not enough to just say “Africa”. Africa got 50-something countries and multiple tribes within each of those.

I believe some of us were already here, too, but how many people even know or can trace that back to which tribes and/or culture.

Im talking about Americans tho. Not the 54 african countries. Im talking our history. We for whatever reason as a whole aint proud enough. Ita billions of descendants of slaves in the world. Black americans the only ones who think we dont have a culture tho.
You should really dig deeper into who you are and who you were before 1500 and beyond before you make claims like your last three sentences

It matters

Have you? Because no im not rolling with some lost hebrew tribe stuff( shit is lowkey white centric) I dont think most of us or even a big amount of us came to the Americas enough to make all the natives black. See no reason why we would willingly leave Africa in large numbers in the past 2000 years. All those natural resources and people want to think we moved to places with less resources and colder weather.

Im not saying it impossible just not my line of belief.
I mean other groups got reparations and you don't think we can get it, why??

There's already a cac lady that has made more noise, has a plan, budget on the amount she thinks ADOS should get and we can't get Kamala or Cory to even use the word black when fixing things for us.

We can't even get folks, especially black folks to say what they will do for black folks, thus us being in the same situation for 300 years.

Are we willing to kill white people is the question. Reparations for black people aint about legality.
That's cool and all but what are these groups doing on a national stage?? A block party, yelling at the cops, cool, but what are they doing for black folks as a whole on a stage that will make some noise and help us all out

Black folks paved the way for black immigrants to even come into America They were on the front line fighting for them to even be able to come over here and reap the benefits

That's what I mean about what are these groups doing on their own for Native Blacks

As a poster said, all ADOS is going to do is wake up the other groups to get on code and go after what they are owed.

Thats how ADOS can spark this off. Everybody has a job to do.

If the asdos thing was just about waking folks up whats this stuff post about africans playing african americans. That little shit is gonna get more attention then whatever the real intent is
I'm glad you pointed that out. Black Americans can be too inclusive when considering more recent generations could also qualify for that label. It will further prove my point why ADOS is a needed specification when considering tangibles to bring forth. Cause this isn't just about problems we are all facing IMO.

Land allotment is one, there's also civil war pensions that were denied to ex-slaves, we also deserve something for the atrocities they committed against slaves that is the foundation of American modern medicine, and Claude Anderson has been pushing for years for the government to honor the treaty of 1866. There's also some items worth looking into listed on ADOS website. Plus I'm certain a person even more knowledgeable in the history of slavery before/after could list even more things to put on the table.

Given such items as the above I suspect something else is actually fueling the fracture. Call me cynical, but I doubt this is all just about unifying all black people from all nations. Ultimately, this boils down to a form of reparations, land and money. In my opinion the opposition to ADOS is actually stemming from non-ADOS not being able to get them a piece of such compensation if it's ever actually given. Their lack of lineage to American slavery would disqualify them.

I figured this was what it's all about. So basically, ya'll want to push other blacks away and hurt the fight for things we may actually achieve all to fight for reparations, which is unlikely we'll ever achieve. It's basically what the Native Americans did. Good luck with that.
I know the history and origin. Im sensing insecurity from your questions why the black american slave descendant supposed to feel shame for our history

Im talking about Americans tho. Not the 54 african countries. Im talking our history. We for whatever reason as a whole aint proud enough. Ita billions of descendants of slaves in the world. Black americans the only ones who think we dont have a culture tho.
Insecure is something I can never be accused of .
You post shows how your perspective can think it's one way because of what you think you know.
Should I be proud my people were given scraps and made the best of it? Yes and no. Doing the best with nothing is one thing. But continuing doing it when you don't have to...is a reminder that we didn't grow and still trapped thinking scraps are a way of life. It's even marketed to us now. You see it as a proud history....ok fine.
I don't. It's not about shame. It's about fuck your scraps then and fuck them now.
But somehow you see it as a bad thing.
Ok well why you're stupid is because slavery wasn't an American thing it was a worldwide thing so why cape for a American movement instead of caping for a worldwide movement... because you're stupid. Yall in here arguing about stupidness. All of us are descendants of slavery. But yall rather be divisive for what reason I don't fucking know.
Stupid huh?
Ever hear of the Arab spring?
Started in one country and spread to others by a group looking for shit to change in their own countries.

You are making it divisive. You just not looking at it right .
I think you are of Jamaican background.
Why can't you take ados as a way to hold your Homeland govt accountable? Or hold the British govt accountable?
Shit in the UK....they tried to get at the govt because of windrush. The French need to pay all the islands the colonize and took money from to have such a "strong" economy.
It's not as divisive as you think. Take this as that spark that starts a conflagration.
Ados may not get something but it doesn't mean Jamaicans can't I they tried. And it would be only for Jamaicans.
Your not trying to understand but don't make crazy assumptions in the process.
What did I just say fam? Us being in the same position and nothing being done is why I dont think anything will be done.

Dont get me wrong, I'm not against the movement. There core message 8s nothing to really disagree with. We are owed much more than what anybody can tangibly come up with. But based on history I have no reason to believe it's gonna go anywhere. It's asking too much of white people period, let alone the ones in govt, to see something like that and do what they're supposed to do and I have 0 faith in more than 2 white people coming together and doing right on behalf of nonwhites.

I'm pessimistic af but I'm also realistic. I try to stay out of these discussions cuz I dont wana be the salty nigga throwing dirt on good convos. Yall make some headway lemme know how I can help. But until then I'm not getting my hopes up. Not believing it til I see it.
I can respect this.
You know where you stand.
Always Gabi with smoke ready but controlled.
A few more before I come blazing in with pralims style flames.
Simply because I see where this is going.
Stupid huh?
Ever hear of the Arab spring?
Started in one country and spread to others by a group looking for shit to change in their own countries.

You are making it divisive. You just not looking at it right .
I think you are of Jamaican background.
Why can't you take ados as a way to hold your Homeland govt accountable? Or hold the British govt accountable?
Shit in the UK....they tried to get at the govt because of windrush. The French need to pay all the islands the colonize and took money from to have such a "strong" economy.
It's not as divisive as you think. Take this as that spark that starts a conflagration.
Ados may not get something but it doesn't mean Jamaicans can't I they tried. And it would be only for Jamaicans.
Your not trying to understand but don't make crazy assumptions in the process.

Says not to make assumptions while writing a whole dissertation assuming I'm jamaican. Word.
I figured this was what it's all about. So basically, ya'll want to push other blacks away and hurt the fight for things we may actually achieve all to fight for reparations, which is unlikely we'll ever achieve. It's basically what the Native Americans did. Good luck with that.

If your ancestors were not slaves of the US government, you should not qualify for US reparations anyway. So black immigrants wouldn't deserve reparations regardless of ADOS.

Simply having black skin should not qualify a person for reparations. If not being a ADOS disqualifies a person from reparations so be it. Their ancestors weren't in them fields. Why even try to sell that? Should I apologize and wish US slavery on there ancestors? Should I fight for someone to get money for a tragedy I know they're ancestors didn't suffer? Should I just lie, cause .... just cause? All so they can get some money? Do they apply that same logic to their everyday lives? Is their boss or client suppose to be pay all the people that didn't do the work? People that they weren't even obligated to pay?

There is no symmetry to that logic. I don't know your status, but it's your choice to view it like that, just like it's the choice of non-ADOS to view it like that. But remember that ADOS have always supported foreign black people that have empowered themselves. Even if it wasn't us that benefited, we've always cheered for them. If a non-ADOS wants to get salty at this, it is essentially nothing more than jealousy. And it sounds like this fracture would of happened regardless of ADOS being a movement. As long as reparations was a topic of discussion, black immigrants would of eventually had to hear the word NO.
If your ancestors were not slaves of the US government, you should not qualify for US reparations anyway. So black immigrants wouldn't deserve reparations regardless of ADOS.

Simply having black skin should not qualify a person for reparations. If not being a ADOS disqualifies a person from reparations so be it. Their ancestors weren't in them fields. Why even try to sell that? Should I apologize and wish US slavery on there ancestors? Should I fight for someone to get money for a tragedy I know they're ancestors didn't suffer? Should I just lie, cause .... just cause? All so they can get some money? Do they apply that same logic to their everyday lives? Is their boss or client suppose to be pay all the people that didn't do the work? People that they weren't even obligated to pay?

There is no symmetry to that logic. I don't know your status, but it's your choice to view it like that, just like it's the choice of non-ADOS to view it like that. But remember that ADOS have always supported foreign black people that have empowered themselves. Even if it wasn't us that benefited, we've always cheered for them. If a non-ADOS wants to get salty at this, it is essentially nothing more than jealousy. And it sounds like this fracture would of happened regardless of ADOS being a movement. As long as reparations was a topic of discussion, black immigrants would of eventually had to hear the word NO.

I don't think anyone disagrees that reparations should only be due to descendants of American slavery.

I just think reparations is such a long shot and there are far more prevalent concerns that affect the black community as a whole. I think we should prioritize those things over something that has a lower chance of success and may do irreparable damage to black unity.
I don't think anyone disagrees that reparations should only be due to descendants of American slavery.

I just think reparations is such a long shot and there are far more prevalent concerns that affect the black community as a whole. I think we should prioritize those things over something that has a lower chance of success and may do irreparable damage to black unity.

If noone disagrees, then why is there backlash for the ADOS movement? That's what I ask, folks seem to be jealous about a movement that focuses on a certain group of ppl that put in work and they didn't, why is there a fuss?

Reparations can come in the form of those things that will help the black community. All what you are asking that we focus on, can be in a form of reparations.
Are we willing to kill white people is the question. Reparations for black people aint about legality.

Just need folks who will hold the gov't to their treaties, No killing needs to be done, less voting, less support to give to ppl who won't speak up for it. If you not speaking on reparations for black folks, then you won't get the vote, get 9 more Trumps, by that time, everybody will be killing everybody. That's the way it's shaping, it's all shaping up for the anti-christ person to walk right on in there.

No blood needs to be shed, the other groups killed not one person, they had folks speak up for them to get things done for them.
If noone disagrees, then why is there backlash for the ADOS movement? That's what I ask, folks seem to be jealous about a movement that focuses on a certain group of ppl that put in work and they didn't, why is there a fuss?

Reparations can come in the form of those things that will help the black community. All what you are asking that we focus on, can be in a form of reparations.

I can't speak for everyone, but I think the most prominent problems we face right now are ones that need to be faced as a united group that includes all black people. I don't think it serves us well to drive a wedge between DOS and other blacks for a goal that has a lower probability of success.

And I'm sure you can address many of our issues through reparations, but it makes no sense to me to reduce your political power (because numbers are power) to address issues through a least likely option.

Also, I have to guess that most of the people with the stupid "Kamala isn't black" criticisms are supporters of the ADOS movement. To me, that whole stance is idiotic. Kamala is a bad candidate, but not for those reasons. However, now she's getting defended like she's a good candidate because people are reacting to that stupid criticism. That kinda thing doesn't help us at all.
I don't think anyone disagrees that reparations should only be due to descendants of American slavery.

I just think reparations is such a long shot and there are far more prevalent concerns that affect the black community as a whole. I think we should prioritize those things over something that has a lower chance of success and may do irreparable damage to black unity.

If you'd have asked a slave if a black man could be president in a world with tranny's and people able to fly in space, he would of considered that a long shot. He may have thought that you were out of your mind even. But look at where we are. We are a large number of people that can fight at different fronts and multi-task. We can prioritize with an end goal in mind. No different than a team trying to win it's way to a championship.

If I'm correct in my thinking and ADOS can do irreparable damage then we were never that unified to begin with. Those numbers were people that would of jumped ship or betrayed us anyway. If not from fear, then from thinking the grass is greener on the other side.
I just don’t understand niggas thinking things and having opinions instead of just taking the time to learn history and facts

I don’t understand people putting low ass limitations on what can be done, what can be accomplished

It’s a spit in the face of your DNA and those who came before you

Stop throwing water on shit and saying what can be done if all you know of your history is slavery. If you don’t have solutions and actively pushing those agendas, you don’t get to talk down on the next people making a effort

Cool, it’s a shitty plan, what yours?

Folks don't know history, it's not a knock or a big me lil you moment either, I'm still learning, more of us together need to know more, just imagine if everybody knew about every fact of our history, how much that would do to this world, that's why there's a fight with what's being talked about on these issues/topics, folks are still conditioned (including myself a bit), still plugged in, when there's information out there that can unplug folks

Hidden Colors series can be something to really help understand this world we live in. Beautiful ass documentary, movie night with you and your ole lady and her kid. Order some pizza and watch the movies.

I'm still trying to the learn, the more I learn, the more my heart becomes hard and cold.

The Black History Reader by Dr. Claude Anderson 101 Questions, Every, and I mean every dayum black person from 17-101 should read this book, God Help Us
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