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The #ADOS Movement

Falling for what? You people don't make any sense. A candidate is honest about the fact that he is interested in helping all disenfranchised people, lays out his plans and proposed policy changes, and explains how those changes would benefit blacks as much as or more than anyone else and ya'll act like he's setting some kinda trap. Meanwhile, if some politician came along and did what politicians usually do and lied to saying they would seek to give reparations, ya'll would be all up on it. Kamala is claiming she'd be up for it. You going to support her now? Remember she also said she was for Medicare 4 All too, until somebody questioned her about it and then she waffled. From the sounds of it, I really do hope you DoS niggas sit this one out like you said. Looking at the polls and trends, I think it's a good chance we'll get a decent president and 100% chance will get a better president than we have now. It's better ya'll take your seat like you're saying rather than come up with an even dumber course of action that would do our community more harm.

That's such a jaded way to look at his stance. It's not that he doesn't believe in reparation for black folks. He simply believes in trying to help all disenfranchised people. That's a completely reasonable stance for a presidential candidate to take since he's supposed to be the lead or the U.S. not just U.S. bred black people.

You're correct that his policies would help all. But this movement wants politicians to specifically speak on what they're going to do for black folks the same way they specifically speak on how they help the LGBTQ, Immigrant, and Jewish communities.

We want politicians to actually have the balls to say they're going to do this and that for black folks.

We just want the same attention that these other minority communities get.
You're correct that his policies would help all. But this movement wants politicians to specifically speak on what they're going to do for black folks the same way they specifically speak on how they help the LGBTQ, Immigrant, and Jewish communities.

We want politicians to actually have the balls to say they're going to do this and that for black folks.

We just want the same attention that these other minority communities get.

May I ask... did Bernie specifically say what he was going to do for LGBTQ, Immigrants and Jewish communities specifically in this interview or elsewhere? Or did he say what he would like to do to benefit everyone?
May I ask... did Bernie specifically say what he was going to do for LGBTQ, Immigrants and Jewish communities specifically in this interview or elsewhere? Or did he say what he would like to do to benefit everyone?

Answer to first question: No

Answer to second question: Yes he included ALL people.

In Bernie's political career, he has specifically called out those three communities and how he would have policies that would specifically help them.

This whole #ADOS and #Tangibles2020 thing is all about black folks just wanting to be called out specifically by politicians within their policies.
Answer to first question: No

Answer to second question: Yes he included ALL people.

In Bernie's political career, he has specifically called out those three communities and how he would have policies that would specifically help them.

This whole #ADOS and #Tangibles2020 thing is all about black folks just wanting to be called out specifically by politicians within their policies.

Thanks for responding. I asked because I see a shift in Bernies tactics this go around...he's TRYING to reach out to us.. whether thats working or not has yet to be determined.

Personally i'm not worried about what they promised in 2016.. Im more concerned about what they are promising now. So far.. i've heard most of these dems be on some "how to help everybody" shit as opposed to focussing on specific groups.

Someone let me know if I missed any blatant pandering towards any specific group tho
Thanks for responding. I asked because I see a shift in Bernies tactics this go around...he's TRYING to reach out to us.. whether thats working or not has yet to be determined.

Personally i'm not worried about what they promised in 2016.. Im more concerned about what they are promising now. So far.. i've heard most of these dems be on some "how to help everybody" shit as opposed to focussing on specific groups.

Someone let me know if I missed any blatant pandering towards any specific group tho

In a way that's what #ADOS want, only this go round towards black people of American slavery descent.

#ADOS is a purposely selfish movement.
In a way that's what #ADOS want, only this go round towards black people of American slavery descent.

#ADOS is a purposely selfish movement.

That didnt answer my question though fam..

has Bernie blatantly pandered to other groups on specific shit or has he been consistent about trying to help everyone? Honest question.

And aint nothing wrong with looking out for your own interests.. but when your only options are.. someone that aint finna do a gotdamn thing for you and is actively working against you... and someone that might do like half or more of what you want... you can live with sitting the vote out and not picking a side?
That didnt answer my question though fam..

has Bernie blatantly pandered to other groups on specific shit or has he been consistent about trying to help everyone? Honest question.

And aint nothing wrong with looking out for your own interests.. but when your only options are.. someone that aint finna do a gotdamn thing for you and is actively working against you... and someone that might do like half or more of what you want... you can live with sitting the vote out and not picking a side?

The answer is yes he has pandered to the specific three groups that I have mentioned. I can provide links and proof if need be but it's easy for you to look it up also.

I have also said in this thread that there is a huge negative with this movement and that it could lead to the re-election of Donald Trump. Nonetheless this movement is here and will dominate the political conversation within our community leading up to the election.

Me personally, I will be voting for someone this upcoming election. I do not intend on sitting out.
You're correct that his policies would help all. But this movement wants politicians to specifically speak on what they're going to do for black folks the same way they specifically speak on how they help the LGBTQ, Immigrant, and Jewish communities.

We want politicians to actually have the balls to say they're going to do this and that for black folks.

We just want the same attention that these other minority communities get.

But you're comparing our community to other communities that have specific and unique problems that can't be addressed through measures that help everyone, so the politicians have to speak directly to those communities. Pushing universal healthcare won't help gay couples adopt kids. Giving free college education won't stop ICE from deporting immigrants. If there are unique and specific needs that only DoS have that can't be addressed by larger initiatives, then by all mean hold these politicians' feet to the fire until those are addressed. However, even when looking at the list of things given from that DoS website, most of the shit either is something that affects everyone, but blacks especially or not as much a problem as it is something DoS supporters believe we deserve. Again, ya'll can push and promote that all you want, but stop acting like some of these politicians don't have a plan for black people when they are giving you plans that will unquestionably improve the lives of blacks if implemented. Just say ya'll want handouts in response to the shit our people went through in the past and leave it at that.
Hell no he ain't. LOL Check out the comments. Most of the people ain't falling for it.

And you honestly believe the people who are making these comments, including Professor Black Truth are register for voters to begin with???


That's bullshit I, and few others here see
Basically we have people who don't have no leverage to demand shit! Talking about: ""Oh we not going to vote!"""
Motherfuckas YOU are the ones that have a history of telling black people NOT to vote, their vote don't count, voting doesn't change anything,both parties are the same etc.etc.etc.

So how the hell are you going to threatening someone with something you have CONSTANTLY, for years now preached is useless and doesn't mean anything????

Oh but be sure to buy tickets to our lectures, donate to our PayPal,Superchats,patrons, the #ADOS web page!

The main reason I never even bothered to engaged or invest too much into this ADOS sca....umm....movement
But you're comparing our community to other communities that have specific and unique problems that can't be addressed through measures that help everyone, so the politicians have to speak directly to those communities. Pushing universal healthcare won't help gay couples adopt kids. Giving free college education won't stop ICE from deporting immigrants. If there are unique and specific needs that only DoS have that can't be addressed by larger initiatives, then by all mean hold these politicians' feet to the fire until those are addressed. However, even when looking at the list of things given from that DoS website, most of the shit either is something that affects everyone, but blacks especially or not as much a problem as it is something DoS supporters believe we deserve. Again, ya'll can push and promote that all you want, but stop acting like some of these politicians don't have a plan for black people when they are giving you plans that will unquestionably improve the lives of blacks if implemented. Just say ya'll want handouts in response to the shit our people went through in the past and leave it at that.

Unique to ADOS:
Jim Crow
War on Drugs
Mass incarceration

As I'm sure you know there has been a concentrated effort in this country's history to keep black folks at the bottom society.

Those are issues that are specific to black people and is what a bunch of black people want addressed by politicians.
Basically we have people who don't have no leverage to demand shit! Talking about: ""Oh we not going to vote!"""
Motherfuckas YOU are the ones that have a history of telling black people NOT to vote, their vote don't count, voting doesn't change anything,both parties are the same etc.etc.etc.

So how the hell are you going to threatening someone with something you have CONSTANTLY, for years now preached is useless and doesn't mean anything????

Oh but be sure to buy tickets to our lectures, donate to our PayPal,Superchats,patrons, the #ADOS web page!

The main reason I never even bothered to engaged or invest too much into this ADOS sca....umm....movement

There is power in threatening a political party that you're gonna not vote. I don't agree but it definitely had a affect in 2016.

The answer is yes he has pandered to the specific three groups that I have mentioned. I can provide links and proof if need be but it's easy for you to look it up also.

I have also said in this thread that there is a huge negative with this movement and that it could lead to the re-election of Donald Trump. Nonetheless this movement is here and will dominate the political conversation within our community leading up to the election.

Me personally, I will be voting for someone this upcoming election. I do not intend on sitting out.

I'm definitely annoyed by this #ados/tangibles bullshit. We consistently find new ways to get in our own way and then wonder why people outside of our community don't wanna help improve the system. We won't even help ourselves.

I don't need no fuckin checks from no one. My wife and I work our asses off and we're happy to do it. I just want a society that's gonna give my son a fair shake and ensure that future generations won't need a gas mask to go the grocery store.

If niggas wanna be dumbasses, and get Trump elected again, so be it. His faggot ass ain't gonna give no one no fuckin reparations either.
There is power in threatening a political party that you're gonna not vote. I don't agree but it definitely had a affect in 2016.

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Here's the problem with that logic... whoever does actually win knows for a fact that you didn't vote for them so their attitude is gonna be "fuck you" regardless. In fact they're gonna do whatever it takes to keep your black ass from voting since that shit worked better than trying to get your vote in the first place.

It's one thing to say "if you don't meet my criteria I'm going to vote against you"- but to say "if I don't get exactly what I want I'm not going to vote at all" is just... I don't even know what to call that other than really poor logic and reasoning skills.
There is power in threatening a political party that you're gonna not vote. I don't agree but it definitely had a affect in 2016.

Yeah, all that got us was Kamala Harris and Cory Booker. Who the very same mfs spend 95% of their time bitchin' & complaining about

So what the hell has really changed????

Other than these guys Youtube subscribers getting bigger which equals $$$$$ for THEIR pockets ?
Yeah, all that got us was Kamala Harris and Cory Booker. Who the very same mfs spend 95% of their time bitchin' & complaining about

So what the hell has really changed????

Other than these guys Youtube subscribers getting bigger which equals ₽₽₽₽₽₽ for THEIR pockets ?

Fixed since they probably get paid in rubles.
Here's the problem with that logic... whoever does actually win knows for a fact that you didn't vote for them so their attitude is gonna be "fuck you" regardless. In fact they're gonna do whatever it takes to keep your black ass from voting since that shit worked better than trying to get your vote in the first place.

It's one thing to say "if you don't meet my criteria I'm going to vote against you"- but to say "if I don't get exactly what I want I'm not going to vote at all" is just... I don't even know what to call that other than really poor logic and reasoning skills.

Or controlled opposition

But I'll do you one better.

It's one thing to have TANGIBLES of you putting someone in a place of power. And then threatening to take that away by not voting for them again.

But none these guys pushing this ADOS "movement" can point to where THEY help influence the vote of putting this or that person in office.


Not a fuckin' local city council member!

Pull we can pull up this
Majority of these fools are admittedly anti-voting and apolitical
but they are demanding to hold out on what they have historically claim is useless....voting

And some of you can't say the con here??