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The #ADOS Movement

Non ADOS niggas salty and sassy as fuck in this thread. Caribbean and African niggas shouldn't be in their feelings at all about this movement. Seems the support and loyalty we give to black folks outside America isn't always reciprocated.
Non ADOS niggas salty and sassy as fuck in this thread. Caribbean and African niggas shouldn't be in their feelings at all about this movement. Seems the support and loyalty we give to black folks outside America isn't always reciprocated.

Blacks that’s not American support us more than we support them TBH

At 18:40 he says he is AGAINST cash compensation as reparations and we should instead focus on "poverty" affecting LATINOS, NATIVE AMERICANS AND WHITES.

At 30:00 he was asked what has he SPECIFICALLY done for Black people. His answer was I WENT TO THE MARCH ON WASHINGTON but he had NO LEGISLATION . . . other than his SUPPORT for the 1994 CRIME BILL.

At 18:40 he says he is AGAINST cash compensation as reparations and we should instead focus on "poverty" affecting LATINOS, NATIVE AMERICANS AND WHITES.

At 30:00 he was asked what has he SPECIFICALLY done for Black people. His answer was I WENT TO THE MARCH ON WASHINGTON but he had NO LEGISLATION . . . other than his SUPPORT for the 1994 CRIME BILL.

He addressed why he voted for that bill, and it's a reasonable answer. Like it or not, that's how shit is done in this country. It's not like the bill was written to fuck black people over. That's just what happened as a result of the racist implementation of the law, so you can't act like Bernie made that vote to shit on black people.

And anyone that believes we should get cash compensation as reparations instead to policy changes that favor blacks is stupid. I'm not saying everyone should support Bernie. There are plenty of candidates out there now, so it's perfectly possible to believe someone is a better choice. I just think it's stupid that people keep launching these silly criticisms, but completely ignore how his proposed policies would all directly help blacks.
lol @ teaching broke, poor people about finances. That sounds like cruel and unusual punishment to me.

Also lol @ the idea that "generational wealth" is a concept that can be taught in the first place. White people in america don't have generational wealth because they learned about it... they have that shit because they stole it and continue to steal it from others.

Facts. Its the idea poor people dont know what to do with themselves.
Facts. Its the idea poor people dont know what to do with themselves.

Well i mean... I can see both sides of this one.

But I try to err on the side of not being a condescending know-it-all that thinks it's up to me to make wise and benevolent decisions for others for their own good.

Basically I do believe there would be a solid "standing on line for Jordans at 5am with the occasional gunplay" contingent of reparations getters. But I also believe that shit is on them.

Shit I'd open up a Foot Locker with my check. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A lot of people aren't poor due to ignorance but fucked up circumstances. I'm sure a lot of poor people would use their reparations smartly.
Thats good but youndont know what could be or not be
dont matter....you can always get better financial advice.
and assuming a person is poor....they may need some help.

its not a problem to need help...its ok to admit it.

and its also ok for someone to think back to those who may need help and offer help.

the problem you may not give enough importance to those who dont give a shit if you lose you money or those who dont care to try to help you.

i keep saying its about perspective. everything is not a slight to you or anyone else.

but poor people may need more help than others....and thats ok.
thats not calling anyone stupid or less than.
Hell no he ain't. LOL Check out the comments. Most of the people ain't falling for it.

Falling for what? You people don't make any sense. A candidate is honest about the fact that he is interested in helping all disenfranchised people, lays out his plans and proposed policy changes, and explains how those changes would benefit blacks as much as or more than anyone else and ya'll act like he's setting some kinda trap. Meanwhile, if some politician came along and did what politicians usually do and lied to saying they would seek to give reparations, ya'll would be all up on it. Kamala is claiming she'd be up for it. You going to support her now? Remember she also said she was for Medicare 4 All too, until somebody questioned her about it and then she waffled. From the sounds of it, I really do hope you DoS niggas sit this one out like you said. Looking at the polls and trends, I think it's a good chance we'll get a decent president and 100% chance will get a better president than we have now. It's better ya'll take your seat like you're saying rather than come up with an even dumber course of action that would do our community more harm.

Bernie obviously doesnt believe in reparations for black folks... aint hard to tell

That's such a jaded way to look at his stance. It's not that he doesn't believe in reparation for black folks. He simply believes in trying to help all disenfranchised people. That's a completely reasonable stance for a presidential candidate to take since he's supposed to be the lead or the U.S. not just U.S. bred black people.