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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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I actually listened to the press conference. What the tweet leaves out is that he also said he’s talking to Mexico and other South American countries to make the roll backs smooth.

According to him, if he rolls back everything day one, you’ll have 2 million people at the border in weeks. We have to replace judges, administrators, infrastructure, etc. that Trump stripped away to make the immigration process smooth once the roll backs are done.

Not defending the fact he seems to have lied in the campaign, but the logic of rebuilding infrastructure first makes sense. You don’t want millions of people at the border with nowhere to go until they can get processed.

Great point.
yall make excuses for anything. not listening to the same nig nogs that side stepped bidens rape allegations while also doubling down on him disrespecting civil rights leaders

And you don’t fact check anything you read on your Twitter feed. Matter of fact, Twitter is all you read.

Bye ma’am.

Mr. Biden did not negotiate with lawmakers on the stimulus directly, but his incoming chief of staff, Ron Klain, and other officials tapped to be part of the administration were kept abreast of the hour-by-hour developments in the talks, according to Democratic officials familiar with the situation.

Behind the scenes, Mr. Biden quietly pushed for lawmakers to strike a compromise that would deliver at least some modest help after months of congressional inaction. He has lavished praise on the bipartisan group of moderate lawmakers who crafted a framework over weeks of video calls, texts and huddles on Capitol Hill, helping prod leadership out of a monthslong impasse and inspiring a flurry of last-ditch negotiations.

At a November meeting in Wilmington with the top two congressional Democrats — Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California and Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the minority leader — the three leaders discussed their shared agenda, the deep policy divisions with Republicans and the additional work they planned to pursue come January.

And in drastically lowering their demands for another multitrillion-dollar package, Democrats cited the surprise success of initial vaccine trials, Mr. Biden’s victory in the election and his promise to pursue another relief package in January as part of their reason for doing so.
But really what type of compromise were they doing that getting half of what we got last time is a good thing. And the situation has gotten worse. Why can’t Democrats actually be stubborn
i read a lot loser

i just dont make excuses for a lame party such as the dems unlike your weak ass

be mad elsewhere
Resorting to name calling as usual. Typical tactic of those that can’t defend their argument with sound logic, reasoning, and proof.

Yet I’m the one mad, lol.

And I’m not making excuses, I’m just adding context to the Tweet you posted.
Resorting to name calling as usual. Typical tactic of those that can’t defend their argument with sound logic, reasoning, and proof.

Yet I’m the one mad, lol.

And I’m not making excuses, I’m just adding context to the Tweet you posted.

i said what i said

you chose to keep engaging with me after “bye sir”

so boo
move around
Trying to be Bipartisan and bend over backwards to "heal" the country is gonna doom the biden admin.

Shoulda came in guns blazing and told everyone to get down or lay down.

Instead he playing connect four while mcconel playing chess

if they continue this way they will not make it in 2024
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