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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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No he wasn't, but he pretended to be a populist and a DC outsider, so that struck a lot of people as different.

Very few people want the left to go socialist. Even Bernie is not a full on socialst. What people want is for the country to be more progressive and join the rest of the developed world. There is no reason why Americans shouldn't have accessible healthcare. There is no reason Americans should be saddled with student debt for life just to get the basic college education you need to do basic shit now. There is no reason we should be spending billions of dollars on the military especially given that most of that money goes to defense contractors who don't even do what they're contracted to do a lot of the time. Our system is bullshit, and people refuse to see it.
I don't know, there's a large part of the US (Mid-West and the South) that ain't trying to hear that
I don't know, there's a large part of the US (Mid-West and the South) that ain't trying to hear that

You'd think that, but they've found that when people actually explain the policies to them, people all over the country largely support left wing policies. The problem is the believe the bullshit they see and hear on the news and that's what most of them think are facts. Whenever someone talks about Universal Healthcare or Free College, the people on the news start yelling out socialism and Venezuela when that doesn't have anything to do with what's being discussed.
Maybe but he had an opportunity to make a larger point when question was about payback for helping Biden instead of doing this

Don't diss good ol Uncle Remus
You'd think that, but they've found that when people actually explain the policies to them, people all over the country largely support left wing policies. The problem is the believe the bullshit they see and hear on the news and that's what most of them think are facts. Whenever someone talks about Universal Healthcare or Free College, the people on the news start yelling out socialism and Venezuela when that doesn't have anything to do with what's being discussed.
Indeed true, I guess I see the problem being in who does the explaining and how open those folks are to giving the explanation a chance listen to. But once over that hump the sky isn't even a limit anymore
Indeed true, I guess I see the problem being in who does the explaining and how open those folks are to giving the explanation a chance listen to. But once over that hump the sky isn't even a limit anymore

Yeah, that's why I think FOXNews should be taken to court or something. All these news agencies are bad, but FOX hosts get on there and blatantly lie, and it shouldn't be legal for a company to call itself the news and report blatant falsehoods. Like even right now, half the FOXNews shows are reporting that Republican observes were denied entry into vote counting centers in places like Philadelphia, even though Trump's own people had to admit in court that that's not true.
Yeah, that's why I think FOXNews should be taken to court or something. All these news agencies are bad, but FOX hosts get on there and blatantly lie, and it shouldn't be legal for a company to call itself the news and report blatant falsehoods. Like even right now, half the FOXNews shows are reporting that Republican observes were denied entry into vote counting centers in places like Philadelphia, even though Trump's own people had to admit in court that that's not true.
That's because FOX will say that most of their shows are opinion pieces on the news and not actual news and so its a loophole
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