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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Trump wasn’t offering anything different, just a return to the past, which conservatives love! I’m not going to go as far to say all of them are racist, but I will say most of them are ok turning a blind eye to it.

So he didn’t offer anything different at all really. He just tapped into something that was already there.

People want the left to go socialist, but there’s not an appetite for it. And people who want it do not want to accept that reality. Instead they just insult the intelligence of those that do accept the reality or don’t agree with that approach.

No he wasn't, but he pretended to be a populist and a DC outsider, so that struck a lot of people as different.

Very few people want the left to go socialist. Even Bernie is not a full on socialst. What people want is for the country to be more progressive and join the rest of the developed world. There is no reason why Americans shouldn't have accessible healthcare. There is no reason Americans should be saddled with student debt for life just to get the basic college education you need to do basic shit now. There is no reason we should be spending billions of dollars on the military especially given that most of that money goes to defense contractors who don't even do what they're contracted to do a lot of the time. Our system is bullshit, and people refuse to see it.
to play devil's advocate

sounds like he's sayin not for him personally

not do nothin for anyone

but I digress
Maybe but he had an opportunity to make a larger point when question was about payback for helping Biden instead of doing this

Maybe but he had an opportunity to make a larger point when question was about payback for helping Biden instead of doing this



go back & listen again

dude asked him what would he personally want for himself (individually) for the help

& he said he don't want nothin for himself cuz he's old but do sumn to help the kids comin up

least that's what it sounded like to me
like I have & I'm sure most of yall have helped a friend out but didn't want nothin in return cuz you did it out of love

you didn't need a favor for a favor, jus pay it forward
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