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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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This was a lawsuit filed AGAINST the government . The one Obama represented. Lol He didn’t give them anything. He fought it and even tried to cap it AFTER he ran on it.

10 million people lost their homes UNDER Obama/Biden. Not because of Bush, because the program he used led to people losing their homes.

these are indisputable facts... you have talking points
The homes people lost were due to unfair lending practices of the banks. They abused the system. They put people in variable rate mortgages they couldn’t truly afford because they could sell that mortgage for profit. The ones buying the mortgages rolled them up and sold them as securities. Once the bottom fell out everybody with those mortgages got foreclosed on.
This was a lawsuit filed AGAINST the government . The one Obama represented. Lol He didn’t give them anything. He fought it and even tried to cap it AFTER he ran on it.

10 million people lost their homes UNDER Obama/Biden. Not because of Bush, because the program he used led to people losing their homes.

these are indisputable facts... you have talking points

How old are you? Are you really trying to blame the financial crisis the started before 2008 and the crash that happened in 2008 and the effects of that on Barrack Obama who was sworn in in January 2009?

Why are y'all going to great lengths just to be wrong about Barry O?
The homes people lost were due to unfair lending practices of the banks. They abused the system. They put people in variable rate mortgages they couldn’t truly afford because they could sell that mortgage for profit. The ones buying the mortgages rolled them up and sold them as securities. Once the bottom fell out everybody with those mortgages got foreclosed on.

They made a whole ass movie about it. Niggas are really blaming Obama for shit that happened before he was POTUS. Sounding like a bunch of them racist ass white folks that used to do that shit.

This was a lawsuit filed AGAINST the government . The one Obama represented. Lol He didn’t give them anything. He fought it and even tried to cap it AFTER he ran on it.

10 million people lost their homes UNDER Obama/Biden. Not because of Bush, because the program he used led to people losing their homes.

these are indisputable facts... you have talking points

wait what?

This white boy is a riri
When President Obama announced the Home Affordable Modification Program, or HAMP, on February 18, 2009, in Mesa, Arizona, he promised it would assist 3 to 4 million homeowners to modify their loans to avoid foreclosure. Almost seven years later, less than 1 million have received ongoing assistance; nearly one in three re-defaulted after receiving inadequate modifications; and 6 million families lost their homes over the same time period.

Now the program is ending.

The Financial crises happened 2 years prior to this. The whole reason for HAMP was to try and assist with the crisis that happened under Bush. You don't knw what the fuck you are talking about. You can get this education though my nigga. It's free on here.
so thats why you made that “im privileged” post

makes sense now
Did you miss the part about me earning my privilege? You know that is possible, right?

I’ve lived in trailer parks and projects sweetie. I was given nothing in this world except a grandmother (on my black side) that took me in as a teenager because my mother and father couldn’t be bothered to raise me. And only after I bounced around from aunts and uncles houses for a couple of years. Even then it was just me and her living off of her nurse’s salary and her working 2nd shift everyday.

Then I worked my ass off in college racking up student loans, got my MBA via more student loans, then my CPA. Now I’m a 6 figure income earner whose wife and 3 kids want for nothing in this world. Above all, we love each other and eat every night together at the dinner table, share stories and jokes, etc. and make lifetime memories everyday.

That’s my success story. That’s why I’m privileged.

What’s your success story?

Are you even reading what you're writing man?

HAMP was made to assist home owners and help modify their loans to avoid losing them. Meaning people who bought their homes before Obama was even in office. You're blaming Obama for trying to save people who bought their homes under Bush and the financial crisis.

I mean this in all honesty fam. You need to watch The Big Short. It's a good movie that shows you exactly why it's silly when people try to paint Democrats and Republicans exactly the same.
Did you miss the part about me earning my privilege? You know that is possible, right?

I’ve lived in trailer parks and projects sweetie. I was given nothing in this world except a grandmother (on my black side) that took me in as a teenager because my mother and father couldn’t be bothered to raise me. And only after I bounced around from aunts and uncles houses for a couple of years. Even then it was just me and her living off of her nurse’s salary and her working 2nd shift everyday.

Then I worked my ass off in college racking up student loans, got my MBA via more student loans, then my CPA. Now I’m a 6 figure income earner whose wife and 3 kids want for nothing in this world. Above all, we love each other and eat every night together at the dinner table, share stories and jokes, etc. and make lifetime memories everyday.

That’s my success story. That’s why I’m privileged.

What’s your success story?

ok 8 mile
The housing crisis was Bush fault. Obama was given the money to clean it up , but he made the banks richer. Of course a tap dancer would side with banks.

Obama was given money???????

Man you must be very young or you have no idea how our government works. There's actually a lot of Documentaries on Netflix that you can catch that will catch you up on all of this.
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