Mister B. M. Ed.
The Devil’s Greatest Advocate…..
I've been out in the streets for the last hour.
Not since Obama's 2008 election has the people been THIS happy and hype to see someone elected.
I just remember the day after the 2016 election. New York was gloomy, silent, sad, and overall dejected. Today is the COMPLETE 180 of that. AND the day is nice!
We partyin ALL fuckin weekend! This goofy muhfucker is GONE!!!
@Los216 - if I had more than 1 mill to give, I'd fork that shit up. You earned it.
Not since Obama's 2008 election has the people been THIS happy and hype to see someone elected.
I just remember the day after the 2016 election. New York was gloomy, silent, sad, and overall dejected. Today is the COMPLETE 180 of that. AND the day is nice!
We partyin ALL fuckin weekend! This goofy muhfucker is GONE!!!
@Los216 - if I had more than 1 mill to give, I'd fork that shit up. You earned it.