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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Or, how about counting the popupar vote as is like every other civilized country in the world.

Fuck all this other confusing shit and fuck the states.

Who ever gets more votes should be president.
The issue with that idea is that people seem to believe that would unfairly favor the major cities - especially NY and Cali. This method would at least keep voter turnout reasonable if they felt their votes actually mattered.
She said if she was elected President she would get rid of the Electoral College. Why would you expect her to flip flop on that if she was Senate Majority Leader?

A lot of Democrats in Congress have publicly stated that they are in favor of getting rid of the Electoral College. It's not an unpopular opinion.

Wouldnt abolishing the electoral college need a constitutional amendment? I dont think the dems currently have the numbers for that
The issue with that idea is that people seem to believe that would unfairly favor the major cities - especially NY and Cali. This method would at least keep voter turnout reasonable if they felt their votes actually mattered.

Word, but fuck those people.

Every other "democratic" country goes off the popular vote. Its bout time the US does the same. The people that dont wanna vote can not vote.
The issue with that idea is that people seem to believe that would unfairly favor the major cities - especially NY and Cali. This method would at least keep voter turnout reasonable if they felt their votes actually mattered.

The problem that you're missing is that The United States Senate already un-favors major cities

There are 600K people who live in Wyoming. There's 39M people who live in California. Each State gets 2 Senators. The Electoral College and The United States Senate both disproportinately benefit rural white America already.
Democrats are going to win The Senate in January. Why do you keep ignoring that?
Biden was also on track to win by 17 points according to ABC polls two weeks ago. Nothing is guaranteed like I said earlier and you’ve been way too cocky when Democrats are getting beaten handidly downballot around the country.

Edit: ABC had a 17 point Biden poll but my point still stands
Dying at Biden coming on TV and making a speech showing confidence and acting like he already won when I know for a fact hes dying of nervousness on the inside
Wouldnt abolishing the electoral college need a constitutional amendment? I dont think the dems currently have the numbers for that

You can get a Constitutional Amendment by getting 38/50 States to agree to to it.
Reality is certain places will vote the way they have always voted and no fire politician is going to change that whether it be with socialism capitalism or whatever... a deep red county in Alabama is not going to ever turn blue unless the people there are supplanted by people who will move there, Mercer County in New Jersey will never turn red... You want change start moving out of your comfort zone and move into places that make you extra aware of your surroundings for lack of better words
How many of them rural states you think are gonna agree to that shit... which will in some shape or form lessen their voting power?

It's not about rural states. It's about how many of the 12 least populates states do you think would get onboard. getting to 38 is not hard if you consider that these are the 12 least populated states

West Virginia
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
North Dakota
South Dakota

Now also you have to add D.C statehood and Puerto Rico

So basically for every state not on this list that you believe may be against it you have to have a state that is on this list that would be for it

New Hampshire
Rhode Island
Washington D.C.
Puerto Rico

Those 8 states are already blue so basically you can afford to lose 8 states that are red and still get to 38. It's a numbers game that's not that far fetched

Oh and Arizona, Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are Blue now. And the heavily populated states like Florida and Texas that are red don't have any incentive to go against dismantling the Electoral College.
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