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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Staying the same

Not yet. Slow your role. Dems will easily retain The House.

Collins (R) is basically tied with Gideon (D) in Maine

Georgia will have a runoff between Loefller (R) and Warnock (D) in January

Also in Georgia there's still votes left and it's close to being another runoff between Perdue (R) and Ossof (D)

The Senate races are not over. Just like last night niggas need to stop jumping the gun.
Well if he wanted to be president maybe him and his staff shouldve come up with a better strategy.. Instead of hope field stayed large so he can get only 30 to 35 percent of vote to win.. Then don’t try build on your existing base.. Also not checking his staff who running around on tv & social media trashing anybody who didn’t w/ 100 percent agree with all of his policy points.. Plus he didn’t have great massaging to connect with black folks.. His whole thing was if your economic standing improves then the racism will go away wasn’t it...
Doesnt change the fact that a man with this intelligence and foresight displays the traits of the type of president we should have
Wow! This comment still got negative reactions

Yall desperate and might lose yet the way to prevent losing 2020/solution for 2024 was shot down by abw. Niggas are hopeless af

Crazy ain't it?

But shit them the same dudes who said me wanting a black agenda was racist so not surprising
Mathematically, we good. But Trump gonna run to the Supreme Court lol

He can't. There's no basis to run to The SCOTUS and challenge legally counted votes.

Y'all gotta stop repeating Trump's insane and crazy theories and ideas just because he says it.

It does not matter that he said he's going to run to the SCOTUS. Counting votes is a State issue. There's literally no case to take to the Supreme Court.

Trump would have to argue a case with each individual State. He can't run to the SCOTUS and say "Look at this" Counting votes is a State issue. Not a Federal issue.
If he’s so intelligent well didn’t realize he needed craft a better message for black folks and try to form better relationships with influential black leaders...
Because unfortunately smart people have the tendency to treat others as having the same level of intellect and understanding as they hold themselves to.
If he’s so intelligent well didn’t realize he needed craft a better message for black folks and try to form better relationships with influential black leaders...

No matter what message Bernie crafted he wasn't going to get the backing of influential black leaders. Biden had that sowed up the moment he ran because of Obama backing him. Damn near everyone else was just going to fall in line and back Biden.
It truly is amazing

I've come to realize that people feeling "Comfortable" matters more than anything.

If folks are comfortable they can let a lot shit slide no matter what the truth really is.
It ain't even comfort.

It's preference and entitlement.

People actively seek out what they want to hear because they feel they deserve to be validated in whatever the fuck they come up with.

Like if they want to be right, all that they have to do is find people who support their point of view.

Truth, right and wrong, ethics, morals.....

All that shit is being pushed aside for preference. People want to be around people who agree with them. You ain't gotta look no further than the comment section of every news story.

People been stopped caring about the truth.

I always feel good when someone @'s to that realization. Because it's truly an eye opener when you pay close attention.

That's why I been stopped giving a fuck about being on the wrong side of dumb arguments like movies and music shit. Cuz.... Who the fuck cares who's right. Just make an argument that sounds good....somebody gonna believe that shit ??‍♂️
Nola and BR both voted Biden so they aren't the issue.

They are two of the heavier populated areas as well. They did their job.

The state as a whole only accounted for 70% of the total votes. There are more democrats here but they didn't go out to vote.

The registered Democrats who didn't vote are the issue here.

Naw bruh. Folks ain’t voting like they should on local or national
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