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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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So at 87% reporting

with Bernie having over a million votes

and Biden not even at 800,000

and with counties like San Diego, San Francisco, Orange, Sacramento at 100% reporting Bernie won

You think BIDEN, is gonna pull some proverbial rabbit out of a hat and win California???

Biden Texas win was a loss then if a blowout is your dumbass standards

This will be my only reply to you, I know what you are.

The primary isn’t over at all but alright.

The primary is over. Joe Biden is gonna cut into the delagates that Bernie wins in Cali. Bernie is not gonna be able to make up the difference.

Biden is already polling 3 points ahead in Michigan btw. They vote next Tuesday.
The results of elections.

For all of you shitting on Biden, are you saying Bernie has the juice? Cause that’s just stupid given his performance last night. I wish he had it cause I like him over Biden, but let’s be real here. He wouldn’t beat Trump either. This is an election and getting votes is the only thing that matters.

So what the fuck is y’all’s point?
For all of you shitting on Biden, are you saying Bernie has the juice? Cause that’s just stupid given his performance last night. I wish he had it cause I like him over Biden, but let’s be real here. He wouldn’t beat Trump either. This is an election and getting votes is the only thing that matters.

So what the fuck is y’all’s point?

Michigan is a must win for Bernie, cause if he can't pull off decisive victory there it's not going to bode well for him in the General election
Michigan is a must win for Bernie, cause if he can't pull off decisive victory there it's not going to bode well for him in the General election

Biden is gonna win Michigan. They fuck with Joe Biden heavy in these rust belt states. Heavy. This is where Joe Biden separates himself from the field. No other Democrat can tap into the black voter base as well as those Bush republicans in the Midwest who hate Trump. In order to get a better turnout than Biden you need to get the black vote which every Democrat needs and the young vote. What people are in denial about is the voter turnout for young people. It's not where they want it to be and that shit makes them aggy. I feel it.
You care too much about optics and not enough about winning. It doesn't matter how you look fighting nigga did you win?
Looks isnt the concern my main man, the establishment doesnt reinvent the wheel, they package and sell it differently. Show them something that works well, and they continue the strategy until it no longer works..

As so
Looks isnt the concern my main man, the establishment doesnt reinvent the wheel, they package and sell it differently. Show them something that works well, and they continue the strategy until it no longer works..

As so

My nigga please tell me who the establishment is. Please elaborate.
President Obama was the most intelligent president we've ever had. You really think that the first black president and a man as smart as him didn't set this shit up for long term success?

*glances at @realdonaldtrump for a moment*



I think he TRIED to, but.......he surrounded himself with too many of the wrong people feeding him the wrong assumptions and it all added up into paving the way for Trump.

"A half billion stimulus is enough, you don't need to make it bigger, Barack."

"We cant give bank bailout money to people losing their homes, Barack."

"This healthcare bill is fine as-is. You dont need to push for single payer or a Public Option, Barack."

"Withdrawing from Afghanistan would be messy. We need to stay there another decade, Barack."

"There's no way Libya is gonna collapse into Mad Max Fury Road if Gadaffi is gone. We should bomb Libya, Barack."

"Republicans will surely compromise with you on taxes if you compromise with them on Social Security, Barack."

"Don't nominate a cool young black judge from California to the Supreme Court, nominate this old moderate white guy instead. McConnell won't block HIM in the Senate, Barack."

"These terrorists are scary. We have to keep bombing them with robot planes. Don't believe the hype about a bunch of kids dying everytime we drone somebody, Barack."

"Hillary's got this, Barack."

I defended Obama HARD for 8 years and I still think he's the best President since maybe FDR but got dayum. I truly respect that he was always trying to be cautious and long term focused in every decision. But goddamn. Cautious to a fault.

Black people need to separate their personal admiration for the man from the reality that most of the smart experts he had a choice of........believed in flawed ideologies from a corrupt system.

Farrakhan really was not bullshitting with that "CEO of a racist corporation" analogy

Btw if Biden completely fucks this up and loses to Trump bad and 2nd term Trump really do some next level Hitler shit like nuking Iran.....people WILL remember that niggas annointed Biden.
Let me ask y'all something because I think a few of y'all are missing it.

Why do y'all niggas think of all the options available to him Obama chose Joe Biden to be his Vice President.
For all of you shitting on Biden, are you saying Bernie has the juice? Cause that’s just stupid given his performance last night. I wish he had it cause I like him over Biden, but let’s be real here. He wouldn’t beat Trump either. This is an election and getting votes is the only thing that matters.

So what the fuck is y’all’s point?

Did Bernie have a bad night?
Hell Yes.

Did Biden have the best night of his political career? Definitely.

But The primaries aren’t over. And y’all are ignoring what was behind this surge. It didn’t come out of nowhere. And Biden still has to debate Bernie 1 on 1 Multiple times and win a lot of states where he has weaknesses

The core base will largely come out in the General.

The people that stayed home in 16’ were the young black voters, broadly young voters in general, and Latinos.

Bernie performs well with all of those groups. So he has an X factor that we will need to beat Trump

A lot of these red states will still be red in November.

I am most concerned about the swing states.
Arizona, Florida, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Biden did very well in NC, and MN.
Sanders performed even better than Biden in NH, and NE with a larger field

It looks like it will basically be a draw in Maine.

So we have
- AZ
- *PA
- *WI
- *FL
- *MI

* - The most important Big Four

How does Biden's surge transfer to those states?

Because that is where the election will be won.

And before the Establishement teamed up like Voltron against him; Sanders was out-polling Biden in the majority of those states.

They are basically tied now.
If Biden crushes Sanders in this primary going forward Sanders should bow out and support him.

Biden should do the same if it was the other way around -but he won’t.
In other words, Sanders problem is that he cant appeal to stupid people

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if u cant win stupid people, you have zero shot at getting elected to anything lol


Joe Biden is not against progressive policies man. Y'all really let Bernie Sanders gas y'all up into thinking that he's the only forward thinking politician huh? Y'all really think Joe Biden is a political dinosaur that doesn't know his way around the ring huh? Y'all gonna learn real quick why this is all coming together.

Keep that same energy when Biden hugs Netanyahu and covers for his apartheid genocide.

Bernie jewish ass was legit the only chance this country EVER had of telling Israel to fuck off.

Her job? Is she Bidens security?

No but she is a Senior Adviser on his campaign and clearly the security wasn't doing their jobs. So she's supposed to let some protestors fuck up a Presidential candidate because she doesn't have a security role? Think man. She would probably never get another job in her field if she would've sat back and did nothing.
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