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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Iuno man, Bernie is fighting a major uphill battle. He out spent dude 7-1, had huge leads and also campaigned longer than him. Not to mention in 3 days Biden got the endorsements of 3 major players. He's also got the lead for delegates. What is Bernie doing wrong ?

Niggas were blaming the black community but Bernie didn't really win a whole lot of states either. What is the disconnect and how is Biden capitalizing where Sanders should ?

I generally agree with this. It is an uphill battle compared to how it has been.

I still think he is in better shape than most people give him credit for.

Look what had to happen for Biden to get this momentum.

- Glowing Media Coverage
- A pass on poor debate performances
- Multiple candidates dropping out and endorsing him
- Black voters overwhelmingly supporting him
- The Democratic Establishment demonizing Bernie Sanders
- Instances of Voter Suppression in multiple states

And after all that, they will end up basically tied.

Y’all assume Progressives and young people will all go quietly into the night as a senile, quintessential representation of the establishment gently coasts to victory.

Y’all are like being prisoners of the moment real talk.

Take a breath, take a Few weeks.

If that y’all are right, and Sanders movement doesn’t exist. Y’all have nothing to worry about. Biden will win all of his delegates in a landslide.

All I’m saying is , consider for a moment the possibility that you are wrong.

This could be the inspiration that Sanders supporters needed
Bottom line is this. The strength of the Democratic party is black voters. Where the party fucks up is continuing to cater to the interest of other people. Trying to win over whites. Republican whites. Progressive whites. never Trump whites. That's a total failure on the party. This idea that whoever the Democratic nominee is can't win unless that have those blocks of white voters is simply a falsehood that is stated to make those white voter feel more important and crucial than they are.

So knowing that, as black people we need to focus on the candidates who currently and historically have the black voting interest. Right now that's Joe Biden and it's not even close. Bernie Sanders doesn't have a history with black voters. Warren was a Republican when Bill Clinton was in office so yea. Bloomberg damn sure doesn't have a positive history will black voters. That leaves Joe Biden who like I said previously is a part of the coalition. So vote accordingly niggas.


Um, isn't Bill Clinton to blame for that? Before he ran for President, the Democrats always looked for support from the Proletariat Class, and that included Black People. The min Clinton switched gears and appealed to the Middle Class is when the Democrats abandoned Poor People, including Blacks. Don't let his appearance on a now-defunct late-night Talk Show playing the Saxophone like he was Sonny Rollins or John Coltrane cloud your judgment.
Let me ask y'all something because I think a few of y'all are missing it.

Why do y'all niggas think of all the options available to him Obama chose Joe Biden to be his Vice President.
He chose him cause he was told to by his campaign manager David Axelrod as the most viable VP candidate based on the fact that his previous work had been center right and working with the GOp. Obama was being attacked as a leftist candidate at the time. It made the most political sense because Biden is not a center left politician, like yall are tryna convince us of now.
All his attacks on Bloomberg were fucking HILARIOUS.

I fell out when I saw that lmfao

He did a rally where he was like "imma do a Bloomberg impression" and shrank down behind the podium 6 inches and the crowd went fucking wild lol

Dude has become really effective at using humor to beat up his opponents.


He’s a “poor debater”, good sir.

He is so improper and ghastly with his crude commentary.

Alas - no one in this great country will ever consider themselves amused, entertained or impressed by such distasteful shenanigans “


Either that or it’s 2020, we have been shaped by Twitter culture, and this is the type of shit that “WINS” debates among public opinion of the electorate.

The people that didn’t vote for Trump didn’t do so because he was a horrible candidate.

To the people who are succeptanle to his reality show con job - this matters.
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- Glowing Media Coverage
- A pass on poor debate performances
- Multiple candidates dropping out and endorsing him
- Black voters overwhelmingly supporting him
- The Democratic Establishment demonizing Bernie Sanders
- Instances of Voter Suppression in multiple states

- Bernie had a head start on media coverage
- All of the debates so far have been trash. Nobody won. The formats sucked and the moderators sucked.
- That was gonna happen regardless. It's not Biden's fault that Bernie doesn't have many friends in the party.
- Black voters were supporting Biden and not Supporting Bernie years before Super Tuesday. That didn't change last night.
- Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat and has been bashing the party for years. His whole shtick is bashing the party.
- Voter suppression is being done by Republicans and is aimed to hurt all Democratic candidates. Not favor one over the other.
Yeah I agree, Trump isn't a good debater at all and his hype is overrated. What makes him dangerous is that he's good at bringing people to his level and they seem to fall for it everytime. He's going to go digging on Biden, hopefully find something and tell everyone why they shouldn't vote and how they're the same.

Bruh what the fuck is Biden saying to them to get these endorsements tho ? He must be promising everyone VP lmaoooo because normally a strong endorsement or major player waits closer to June before they endorse someone. Even Bloomberg man, like wtf is Biden telling them ? I dont get it. He's doing the least but getting the most, or at least that's what it looks like to me.

It’s not Biden. It is the wealthy Donors and Democratic Establishent on behalf of Biden.

They are all corporate tools at the end of the day.
He chose him cause he was told to by his campaign manager David Axelrod as the most viable VP candidate based on the fact that his previous work had been center right and working with the GOp. Obama was being attacked as a leftist candidate at the time. It made the most political sense because Biden is not a center left politician, like yall are tryna convince us of now.

Nobody is trying to convince y'all that. We're trying to show you that this is how The Dems are gonna take back The White House and The Senate. Not by some political grassroots revolution that's for damn sure. Listen to the people.

Why on God’s geeen earth should a candidate have to come to my church to convince me to vote for them

How much does that impact the next 20 years of my life. How much does that impact my day to day?

An old white Dude sitting awkwardly in the first pew trying to sing Amazing Grace off key???

What about their damn POLICIES?

The shit that actually matters.

Joe Biden might accelerate the destruction of the earth and our way of life as we know it with his anemic repose to the climate crisis.

“But he knew Obama - so fuck it if Alaska is burning and my grandkids have to where masks to go outside.”

Joe Biden is going to do nothing to stem the massive income inequality in this country. Which will lead to a cycle of angry people that will elect another Trump in 8 years.

I can’t stand this obsession with surface shit that doesn’t matter when we have actual problems to solve

This and the power of endorsements is wild to me.

Like I could really like a certain politician but I would give a fuck less who that politician tells me to vote for.

But people get swayed by this shit like crazy. "Oh, so and so told me to vote for this mfer, and so I will!". Wild shit.
He chose him cause he was told to by his campaign manager David Axelrod as the most viable VP candidate based on the fact that his previous work had been center right and working with the GOp. Obama was being attacked as a leftist candidate at the time. It made the most political sense because Biden is not a center left politician, like yall are tryna convince us of now.
Biden helped Obama in rural states like Pennsylvania and Ohio
Yeah I agree, Trump isn't a good debater at all and his hype is overrated. What makes him dangerous is that he's good at bringing people to his level and they seem to fall for it everytime. He's going to go digging on Biden, hopefully find something and tell everyone why they shouldn't vote and how they're the same.

Bruh what the fuck is Biden saying to them to get these endorsements tho ? He must be promising everyone VP lmaoooo because normally a strong endorsement or major player waits closer to June before they endorse someone. Even Bloomberg man, like wtf is Biden telling them ? I dont get it. He's doing the least but getting the most, or at least that's what it looks like to me.

Joe Biden ain't telling them shit. People just keep ignoring his status in the game. Joe Biden is a fucking OG in DC. Period. The muthafucka has clout on both sides and has had that for years. Like it or not that type of person is respected in DC. Niggas will yell and scream and call him a moderate or a low key republican but what they should be calling it is an asset. Joe Biden is the perfect political asset for The Democrats right now. there's nobody like him in the country who could run for President and beat Trump right now. Nobody has that cache like he does.

Niggas are just upset because he's not their guy but they shouldn't be focusing on that. Joe Biden is not a self centered asshole who's power driven. He knows what his purpose is. His purpose is to get the Democratic Party aligned so that we can get rid of Trump get shit cracking.
Nobody is trying to convince y'all that. We're trying to show you that this is how The Dems are gonna take back The White House and The Senate. Not by some political grassroots revolution that's for damn sure. Listen to the people.
So dems are gonna take back all of that and do the same nothing they been doing. And it's cool cause it at least it ain't Republicans..

Got it
Some of us are advocating to use our presence to provoke change and the rest of yall are advocating to use our presence just to be a presence. That's the difference here.
- Bernie had a head start on media coverage

If you think Bernie had any benefit with Media Coverage you have absolutely no idea what you are taking about

- All of the debates so far have been trash. Nobody won. The formats sucked and the moderators sucked.

“All of the debates so far have been trash”.

“Nobody won” either of them

This sounds like a nuanced, objective opinion of what transpired. Just lump it all together so it looks better for the guy you like

- That was gonna happen regardless. It's not Biden's fault that Bernie doesn't have many friends in the party.

Let’s just discount the fact the three candidates dropped out of the race and two prominent candidates joined him on stage and enthusiastically endorsed Biden; propelling his momentum days before Super Tuesday.

Yeah. That had no effect at all. Cool.

- Black voters were supporting Biden and not Supporting Bernie years before Super Tuesday. That didn't change last night.

Black voters have always supported Biden. But not with these numbers.

What happened Tuesday was politically historic and largely driven by black voters who made a split decision largely impacted by Jim clyburn’s endorsement.

Bernie was actually leading nationally among African American voters and 3 Pts behind Biden in SC before that.

- Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat and has been bashing the party for years. His whole shtick is bashing the party.

His whole shtick is fighting for working people and affecting actual change in this country. And yes - reshaping the corrupt Democratic Establishment that has allowed the terrible conditions in this country to persist for generations

But is shouldn’t be up to the Establishment. It should be up to the voters. Even if they don’t like the candidate.

- Voter suppression is being done by Republicans and is aimed to hurt all Democratic candidates. Not favor one over the other.

It doesn’t matter who is doing it or what their intent is, it is hurting Bernie Sanders support.

Thousands of Students on College campuses have had to wait 7 hours to vote.

What do you know - it’s that young vote that you keep complaining about.

By the way - Joe Biden IS A REPUBLICAN. He just has a “D” next to his name.
I ain’t say shit about low risk in my entire post. The fact is, if you can’t even get Democrats out to vote for you, how are you going to win a general election? You’ve got to get more than your Progressive Bernie Bros to the polls come November. Bernie proved Saturday and last night he can’t. He can’t get Democrats he for damn sure not getting independents and moderate Republicans.

Is it fucked up Biden is our best option, hell yeah! But Bernie ain’t it and you niggas need to get over it.

I ain’t say shit about Bernie being it in my entire post either lol!! I knew it was BALLGAME when I saw 60%+ black vote for Biden at like 7pm, bruh. If Bernie was gonna lose, his campaign getting exposed early like this was the best way tbh. Rip the band-aid off. Again, using diverse states instead of cac states Iowa & New Hampshire would have saved everybody a lot of trouble.

I do think the idea that black people wouldn't come out for Bernie to beat Trump is crazy tho. You could nominate a broomstick.

Idk the youth vote really might be depressed tho. The youth support for Bernie is that strong and they are absolutely crushed.

If Bernie lost we get more Trump but if Biden lose we really might see the beginning of the end of the Democratic Party, straight up. That's what I mean about RISK.
So dems are gonna take back all of that and do the same nothing they been doing. And it's cool cause it at least it ain't Republicans..

Got it

No nigga listen god damn.

You niggas think you can get this shit done in one fell swoop. It doesn't work like that. First of all the candidate y'all want in Bernie Sanders is not popular in DC. He is not well liked in DC. He doesn't have enough support in DC. All of his ideas are DOA if he's President. Period.

Niggas need to learn how to see shit in phases.

Phase 1 - Align the party
Phase 2 - Align the voter base
Phase 3 - Beat Trump
Phase 4 - Win the Senate
Phase 5 - Actually get some progressive policies in place!!!!!!!!

Niggas kicking and screaming like Bernie want to get Phase 5 but they don't realize that you cannot skip any of those steps. They have to be done in that order or they won't be done. At all. So get behind the candidate who can do all of those things. Bernie Sanders cannot align the Democratic party. get out of your feelings and go outside. There aren't enough Democrats who will get behind Bernie. Black people in particular. So stop wasting time on that and get behind someone who can get these things done.
Some of us are advocating to use our presence to provoke change and the rest of yall are advocating to use our presence just to be a presence. That's the difference here.

So then why don't y'all vote for Warren instead of Bernie. What does Bernie offer that she doesn't. She's smarter and lees problematic than he is yet people want to force his finger wagging ass on us while he keeps repeating his Wall Street talking points.
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