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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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You completely missed my point. I wasn't comparing Kamala and Trump. I don't like Biden or Kamala, but I'm voting for them precisely for the reasons you listed. I'm criticizing the logic in that tweet. Sellers was basically making it seem like Biden was some great supporter of black people because he appointed Kamala, wants to appoint a black woman supreme court justice, and supposedly has a plan for blacks. The point I was making is that him playing identity politics making Kamala VP or some other unknown black woman a justice is not proof that he's going to do anything for black people. We can agree that Harris would be a better presidential candidate than either Biden or Trump. That doesn't mean she'd be a good president, and it definitely doesn't mean she'd be good for the black community.

No you are missing the point. You keep saying Biden doesn't support black people and that is false.

You keep saying Biden isn't going to do anything for Black people and that is also false. Joe Biden wrote the Affordable Care Act which greatly benefits millions, MILLIONS of black people. Trump and republicans have been waging war on Obamacare since it was written.

You know how Trump and other people keep saying Biden hasn't done anything in 47 years?? Well here's a list of bills that Joe Biden authored that directly benefit black people.

William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protections Reauthorization - This bill enhances measures to combat trafficking which disproportionatly effects black women more than any other race.

PROTECT Our Children Act - Maximizes resources to investigate and prosecute child predators.

Recidivism Reduction and Second Chance Act - This bill authorizes a grant program for reentry of violent offenders back into the community. It helps people who have served time for violent crimes get their lives back on track after they get released. It has a grant that will provide funds for these offenders. In essence this bill is the flip side of the crime bill. They wasn't just locking niggas up and not giving them shit when they came out contrary to popular belief.

Justice Integrity Act - This bill addresses any unwarranted racial and ethnic disparities in the criminal process

International Violence Against Women Act - Combats international violence against women and girls

National Underground Railroad Network To Freedom Act - Preserves the history of the Underground Railroad

Equal Credit Opportunity Act Amendment - Amended the Consumer Credit Protection Act to include discrimination based on age, race, color, sex, religion, national origin, political affiliation, receipt of public assistance benefits.

Now you can dismiss these any give those same bullshit talking points about these not being tangible or not only affecting black people and I'm telling you that using that logic is stupid as fuck. If niggas would open their eyes and get off the internet and go outside they would see what America really looks like.


This is exactly what I was beginning to think myself.

Tho both sides are putting politics first, and Trump is talking that "go big or go home" on approving stimulus, they are just fine if Dems don't budge on negotiations. Just in case Trump doesn't get elected, not passing a stimulus bill today will cause more suffering later, when Biden actually takes office, making recovery harder during his term.

These mfs are dirty.
This is exactly what I was beginning to think myself.

Tho both sides are putting politics first, and Trump is talking that "go big or go home" on approving stimulus, they are just fine if Dems don't budge on negotiations. Just in case Trump doesn't get elected, not passing a stimulus bill today will cause more suffering later, when Biden actually takes office, making recovery harder during his term.

These mfs are dirty.

It's what they did to Obama after he was elected. The Great Recession. This is why any nigga that even considers sitting at the table with Republicans like Killer Mike and Ice Cube are idiots.

Republicans do not give a fuck about niggas yet these celebrities trip over themselves to sit at the table.
It's what they did to Obama after he was elected. The Great Recession. This is why any nigga that even considers sitting at the table with Republicans like Killer Mike and Ice Cube are idiots.

Republicans do not give a fuck about niggas yet these celebrities trip over themselves to sit at the table.

What is your solution when Republicans are in power then? If sitting down with them to discuss terms is off the table... what options are there until it's election time? Honest question

These muthafuckas dont magically dissapear when people we like are elected.. they still have to be dealt with on some level....
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