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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Idk if it was Biden himself who said he didn't want an early endorsement from Obama bc he wanted his campaign to have it's own legs to stand on first.

Any support out of Obama thereafter is to hammer the shit home.

So what exactly is Obama hammering home then?
Barak Obama is the most popular politician in America. He's also one of the most popular and well like persons in the entire world. You're asking how Obama is helping when and that's totally the wrong question.

The fact that you're asking how Obama hitting the campaign trail for Biden/Harris shows you exactly why he's doing it.

Didn't answer my question thank for the reply though.
My assumption is he's the nail in the coffin for wrapping up the campaign. Since he's so popular and well liked he should be able to attract more 3rd party or undecided voters.

Maybe but most 3rd party and undecided voters are that way because they don't fuck with either party.
Maybe but most 3rd party and undecided voters are that way because they don't fuck with either party.
Well u know there's been non voter shaming going on. Michelle got criticized for that messaging. I'd expect to hear more of that from Barack as we get closer to the election.

See this is the dumb shit that keeps us going nowhere. I get it. People don't like any black person talking to Trump because Trump is a racist and openly supports white supremacy. I personally don't feel Cube did anything wrong according to his account of how things went down, but I understand why people would knock.

However, look at this dumb shit as an example of critiques people are handing out. Biden chose Kamala Harris, a race transformer that defines her identity based on what will serve her best and was not a friend to black people when she had the power to be. Biden's going to put some unnamed black woman in a Supreme Court seat that might not even open up during his presidency. Biden has got a plan for black people that he hasn't promoted, hasn't confirmed will be enacted, and hasn't shared with the public.

Come on, you can criticize Cube for working with Trump, but to act like he's falling for the okie doke and then make a post where you're clearly falling for the okie doke is just stupid.
smh seeing Cube get bamboozled hurt tho

also I'm real tired of watching rich black celebrities trying to push that "economic empowerment" bullshit about every poor person starting a small business. O'Shea Jackson hasn't worried about rent & food money since the Reagan Administration.

See this is the dumb shit that keeps us going nowhere. I get it. People don't like any black person talking to Trump because Trump is a racist and openly supports white supremacy. I personally don't feel Cube did anything wrong according to his account of how things went down, but I understand why people would knock.

However, look at this dumb shit as an example of critiques people are handing out. Biden chose Kamala Harris, a race transformer that defines her identity based on what will serve her best and was not a friend to black people when she had the power to be. Biden's going to put some unnamed black woman in a Supreme Court seat that might not even open up during his presidency. Biden has got a plan for black people that he hasn't promoted, hasn't confirmed will be enacted, and hasn't shared with the public.

Come on, you can criticize Cube for working with Trump, but to act like he's falling for the okie doke and then make a post where you're clearly falling for the okie doke is just stupid.

You need to stop thinking that every time there's a black candidate running that it's an okie doke.


Stop thinking that there's always a fucking catch. there ain't no catch. Kamal Harris is more than qualified to be VP and even POTUS. Period. Bottom line.

Donald Trump is not fit or qualified to be POTUS but I don't see you bringing the same energy towards him. You'd rather spend your time tearing down a more than qualified black women while ignoring that the people she's trying to replace were never qualified to be there in the first place.

No disrespect but take a step back from the keyboard and observe how stupid that looks.

Stop trying to be tit for tat.

Sounds about right and not surprising at all. She's a scammer and I know exactly what she is talking about cause I know some youngins who scammed that PPE loan money when they don't even have businesses but they got big deposits put into the bank accounts they set up.

It's dumb bitch logic but when a person lives off scams they are going to go wherever the money is.
You need to stop thinking that every time there's a black candidate running that it's an okie doke.


Stop thinking that there's always a fucking catch. there ain't no catch. Kamal Harris is more than qualified to be VP and even POTUS. Period. Bottom line.

Donald Trump is not fit or qualified to be POTUS but I don't see you bringing the same energy towards him. You'd rather spend your time tearing down a more than qualified black women while ignoring that the people she's trying to replace were never qualified to be there in the first place.

No disrespect but take a step back from the keyboard and observe how stupid that looks.

Stop trying to be tit for tat.

You completely missed my point. I wasn't comparing Kamala and Trump. I don't like Biden or Kamala, but I'm voting for them precisely for the reasons you listed. I'm criticizing the logic in that tweet. Sellers was basically making it seem like Biden was some great supporter of black people because he appointed Kamala, wants to appoint a black woman supreme court justice, and supposedly has a plan for blacks. The point I was making is that him playing identity politics making Kamala VP or some other unknown black woman a justice is not proof that he's going to do anything for black people. We can agree that Harris would be a better presidential candidate than either Biden or Trump. That doesn't mean she'd be a good president, and it definitely doesn't mean she'd be good for the black community.
Sounds about right and not surprising at all. She's a scammer and I know exactly what she is talking about cause I know some youngins who scammed that PPE loan money when they don't even have businesses but they got big deposits put into the bank accounts they set up.

It's dumb bitch logic but when a person lives off scams they are going to go wherever the money is.
Yea, I heard the government didnt really check before hey sent out those loans, because they wanted to quickly send the money out. But now they're going back and checking and rounding up the people who scammed.
So enjoy it while they still can, cuz i know they dont how enough legit money to hire a high price attorney that will get them off light with just restitution and probation.
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