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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Make a "black agenda" without getting tangibles or punishing and defunding race soldiers


Black celebrities are useless.


He's not wrong

The message would have been better had he been holding Trump accountable the last 4yrs. This is a last minute cop out imo

At this point, Trump doesn't earn any more negotiating. But I think he got the right idea
I truly believe biden will win in a historic landslide, similar to Reagan vs carter. But trump will still dispute the election n claim voter fraud. And he and barr will sue and force the supreme court to decide the election.

If they dont rule in his favor he might call for a civil war

A civil war between who exactly?

Are you familiar with international politics? Do you know how civil wars start? It's not by dudes losing big in elections and getting mad. If Trump loses in a landslide then he has absolutely no leverage to wage any war on anybody.

Losing in a landslide means the people have already spoken. If the people speak overwhelmingly like that hen there are no sides to war with. At that point it's Trump vs.......everybody thus making civil war a non starter.
He's not wrong

The message would have been better had he been holding Trump accountable the last 4yrs. This is a last minute cop out imo

At this point, Trump doesn't earn any more negotiating. But I think he got the right idea

He's not wrong

The message would have been better had he been holding Trump accountable the last 4yrs. This is a last minute cop out imo

At this point, Trump doesn't earn any more negotiating. But I think he got the right idea

Agreed... I think that's the same tip Killer Mike was on when he met with Kemp. if dealing with a typical politician I could see the reasoning behind someone trying to play both sides. Trump has earned no good will or reasonable doubt to make me think he's gonna follow through with ANYTHING in that bullshit "platinum plan" tho.

I just thought it was weird how folks took him trying to get something from either side morphed into him being full on MAGA... but I forgot theres no nuance on social media just pick an extreme and run with it
Bruh... not Cube. Today is not a good day.

I can understand trying to work with both sides, but the timing of this is shifty. Plus you got a whole Tweet and put out songs condemning this president. I really hope he don’t expect people to not give him the side eye.
A civil war between who exactly?

Are you familiar with international politics? Do you know how civil wars start? It's not by dudes losing big in elections and getting mad. If Trump loses in a landslide then he has absolutely no leverage to wage any war on anybody.

Losing in a landslide means the people have already spoken. If the people speak overwhelmingly like that hen there are no sides to war with. At that point it's Trump vs.......everybody thus making civil war a non starter.

To be fair he said Trump will call for a civil war, not that there will be one

When it comes down it only a very small number will be willing to ride for him. There will probably be some domestic terrorist events but no organized war.
A civil war between who exactly?

Are you familiar with international politics? Do you know how civil wars start? It's not by dudes losing big in elections and getting mad. If Trump loses in a landslide then he has absolutely no leverage to wage any war on anybody.

Losing in a landslide means the people have already spoken. If the people speak overwhelmingly like that hen there are no sides to war with. At that point it's Trump vs.......everybody thus making civil war a non starter.

Jus cuz he calls for a civil war dont mean it will happen.

You think trump gives af what the voters say. He will still claim fraud....and maga, racists n the white militias will believe it.

The lame duck session will be chaos.
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