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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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i tell you one thing, white ppl wouldnt have signed off on no 3 strikes rule if they knew it would adversely affect them. white ppl dont be hype to send their children up schitts creek but Black ppl have internalized so much bullshit that they cant even begin to think critically what they need and most importantly what they deserve
This team is soooooo trash and these Dems will have no one to blame but themselves if they lose
Biden and Kamala would be absolute fools if they didn't include in their campaigns as a major platform promise... the legalization of weed on a federal level, access to business loans for communities affected most by the so called war on drugs and releasing non-violent drug offenders.

That's some shit people from both sides of the aisle could get behind and the fact that they aren't running on that as a major issue is baffling...

it's right there and the majority of the country wants it


Yesterday, the House of Representatives rejected an amendment from Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) to cut the Pentagon’s budget by 10 percent on a vote of 324-93. While Republicans voted in lockstep against the amendment, the Democrats were split, with 92 voting for the amendment and 139 voting against it.

At $740.5 billion, the military budget authorization that was passed by the House after the amendment was rejected will almost certainly be more than half of all 2021 discretionary federal spending and will dwarf amounts spent on functions like healthcare, housing, and education. If the House level is adopted after the Senate passes its version and any differences are resolved, 2021 will be the sixth year in a row that the Pentagon’s budget will be increased by Congress.

Everyone that voted against cutting it get big donations from defense contractors

The Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) platform committee on Monday rejected an amendment calling on the party to support marijuana legalization as an official 2020 policy plank.

Several delegates testified in favor of the proposal, arguing that legalization and ending the war on drugs will help resolve racial inequities and stimulate the economy. But following discussion of the measure, it was shot down in a 50-106 vote, with three abstentions. The panel opted to keep the language included in a draft platform that was released last week.

That document calls for decriminalizing cannabis possession, automatic expungements of prior marijuana convictions, federal rescheduling through executive action, legalizing medical cannabis and allowing states to set their own laws. Like presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, it stops short of endorsing adult-use legalization.

The Democratic National Committee's Platform Committee on Monday blocked Medicare for All from the party's draft platform despite polls showing overwhelming support for the proposal from voters.

The Platform Committee voted 125-36 to reject the single-payer plan during a virtual meeting. The panel also rejected separate proposals to expand Medicare to children and all people over 55, as well as a proposal calling for the legalization of marijuana.
How many people positing on this board were adults when the crime bill was signed? For all the talk about Joe Biden and The Clintons and the crime bill I'd like to hear about it from black people who were adults at the time it was signed. I'm only 32. I was 6 when the crime bill was signed. It's easy for me to look back retroactively and complain about the negative impact the crime bill had on our community but I was 6 when it was signed. I want to know what the black people who were adults felt like about it.

I'd also like to add that I had a few crackheads in my family that lived with me at the time the crime bill was signed. These relatives were strung out. Would be gone for weeks at a time lost to the streets. Crack hit our communities hard. Yes I know that we didn't put it there. I know what the war on drugs was really about. I'm just acknowledging that regardless how those drugs got into our hoods and who started the crime waves it was real. So 32 year old me can't argue completely about what our communities needed. I want to know what some of the ol heads remember about our communities when the crime bill was signed.
Start with the 1986 crime bill where Biden put in the 100-1 rule first, if you want to focus on the Drug War. Then go look up the incarceration rate right after. As for the 94 Crime Bill, it basically militarized the police and created what we have today. I was a teen during the LA Riots and when the 94 bill got passed. If you were young and black back then you were targeted from everything you said, the clothes you wore, the music you listened to, and got harassed if you stepped "out your area". That's the backdrop the 94 crime bill was built on. But listen to Biden himself.

On the 94 bill

On the drug war

And I'm not saying people shouldn't vote for Biden/Harris if they can get pass all this, but I don't like anyone who brings up these facts getting shouted down, and told to "shut up and just vote". all the energy for the Democrats is being driven by US, and yet it seems we're still getting nothing but lip service. Being stuck with two bad choices is not the place to be.

Here's all you need to know about Roland

While i agree voting matters especially(mainly) in local elections, I dont understand how some get so outraged, when opinions are voiced against the Democratic party. Makes yall sound just as defeated as the people who say they dont vote on anything at all.

I have no choice in voting for Biden and the thought that the Dems know and are counting on that almost makes me wanna be like, "fuck it" & let Trump go wild even more to show how corrupt our government is. Its the feeling of, "black people are going to get fucked either way, might as well let other ethnic groups get fucked with us."
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