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Breaking News Texas Mall Shooting multiple fatalities

Fam as a mfer that knows the mall, it takes over 15 mins to walk from one side to the other.

Even if that was his point, it was a bad way to make it

He probably could have made his point more clearly, but it seemed pretty obvious to me.

That could be because I know Reps are out here saying more cops are the answer to everything.
So you are saying that the trained police are treating their firearms like toys as they are prone to more accidental/negligent discharges by virtue of them handling firearms more. Ok, no. But I can level with you & say that there is a population of gun owners who may treat firearms like toys.

I think that elongating the process could be good for the reasons you mentioned and bad for other reasons ie domestic issues in which women have TRO against partners or general issues of self protection. I’m all for instituting a training requirement if that training is provided for free.

One issue that I’m noticing that allows malicious people (in this case, mass shooters) to fly undetected is that for the most part, their criminal backgrounds are clean. Universal background checks close the private sale loophole but that’s it. Mass shooters obtain their firearms by passing background checks that don’t delve into anyone’s medical history. Maybe changing the way background checks are performed entirely would help curb bad actors. Universal background checks do not/would not cover medical history either.

No I'm just saying the last part. That there are people who own firearms that don't handle them correctly
Should have to undergo a psych eval before purchasing a firearm.

Training should be paid, just like drivers ed. And the price and number of hours should be high.
I think a of baseline cognitive testing be implemented at the school level would be a long term solution for the evaluation portion.

An annual test that kids would take for mental wellness. Huge variations from year to year could then be flagged and attempts to offer support based on needs before the issue becomes too extreme to treat effectively.

Too many of these types of kids are passing through the school system undetected or underreported. But once they become a shooter all the stories are about how people knew something was off with them but no one responded to the signs. And to piggyback what eyerone said, those kinds of issues aren't gonna show up on a background check, so it'd be beneficial if there were another component meant to supplement the kind of information a background check does cover.
I believe they didn’t bring that up first though.

What's "first" when this shit happens on a weekly basis? I'm looking at a pattern of how certain posters on here react to children getting murdered doing normal shit - yourself included. If you and people like you cared as much about child murder as you do about drag queens reading books to kids in libraries maybe something would change.
I think what gets lost in these conversations is that some of y’all think pro-2a people don’t want productive change when it comes to gun crime in this country. Nobody wants to live in fear that they could potentially be a victim in the next mass shooting.

It’s going to take a concerted effort from everyone to come up with ways to stop shit like that from happening. It’s going to take a concerted effort from both sides of the conversation to come up with effective gun control. It’s going to take a lot of hard uncomfortable conversations to churn out real solutions.

There is no "both sides" to children getting their whole fucking face shot off though. You want an "uncomfortable conversation"? Talk to a mother covered in her child's blood and explain to her why she needs to convince you that guns shouldn't be so easy to get in this country even though you like to play with them.
What's "first" when this shit happens on a weekly basis? I'm looking at a pattern of how certain posters on here react to children getting murdered doing normal shit - yourself included. If you and people like you cared as much about child murder as you do about drag queens reading books to kids in libraries maybe something would change.
That’s irrelevant. We’re talking about THIS THREAD

The 2a defenders didn’t say anything but it was brought by others.
There is no "both sides" to children getting their whole fucking face shot off though. You want an "uncomfortable conversation"? Talk to a mother covered in her child's blood and explain to her why she needs to convince you that guns shouldn't be so easy to get in this country even though you like to play with them.

My man, I don’t make the fuckin rules/laws. Im not in power to change the gun laws federally overnight. The government don’t work like that. I was referring to “both sides” from a political point of view.

You are reacting to me on an emotionally charged level and I get it, I hate when shit like this happens too. I don’t like the idea of children dying for nothing. I don’t like the idea of anyone getting killed randomly doing every day things. The reason I’m even having dialogue like this in these types of threads is to spark conversation on ways to better gun control in America as it stands right now. The toothpaste is already out the tube and I’m sure you realize it as well. We live in a country where there is more guns than people. An outright ban tomorrow wouldn’t change that fact.

I’m not sure how you got the impression that I “play with guns” merely because I own them, but that is fine if that’s what you think. It’s wrong as fuck but it’s fine.
My man, I don’t make the fuckin rules/laws. Im not in power to change the gun laws federally overnight. The government don’t work like that. I was referring to “both sides” from a political point of view.

You are reacting to me on an emotionally charged level and I get it, I hate when shit like this happens too. I don’t like the idea of children dying for nothing. I don’t like the idea of anyone getting killed randomly doing every day things. The reason I’m even having dialogue like this in these types of threads is to spark conversation on ways to better gun control in America as it stands right now. The toothpaste is already out the tube and I’m sure you realize it as well. We live in a country where there is more guns than people. An outright ban tomorrow wouldn’t change that fact.

I’m not sure how you got the impression that I “play with guns” merely because I own them, but that is fine if that’s what you think. It’s wrong as fuck but it’s fine.
Thoughts and prayers.
Thoughts and prayers.

I never said that but ok.

I’ll add on to my ideas for reasonable common sense gun control.

They could put restrictions or regulate certain calibers of ammo thus making it harder to obtain more powerful ammunition.
It’s easy just to say I was right.

Whatever though

Bruh... you are literally never right. If you want me to explain how you're pussy for defending the second amendment of the us constitution I could do that but there really aren't enough hours in the day for you to actually understand it. Sorry to be so harsh but it is what it is.

I'm sick of hearing black people defend the 2nd amendment and they don't oven understand the 13th.
Bruh... you are literally never right. If you want me to explain how you're pussy for defending the second amendment of the us constitution I could do that but there really aren't enough hours in the day for you to actually understand it. Sorry to be so harsh but it is what it is.

I'm sick of hearing black people defend the 2nd amendment and they don't oven understand the 13th.
All this dumb shit you speaking is irrelevant

Nobody brought that shit up but the folks that argue against it

But instead you wanna talk about OTHER THREADS instead of this one.

I don’t give 1 fuck what you think I’m right and wrong about on this site because a certain group of y’all will ALWAYS disagree because on topic’s because y’all are weirdos and I don’t care at all about what you think I’m right or wrong about in here among y’all little weird group.