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Texas just banned MLK speeches, Native American history + More from Schools

The only counter to things like this is for those targeted minorities to continuously tell their story through media, especially film and television. The masses of sheep will always be ignorant. The world's population is only this large as a result of power requiring labor in order to grow; if only two people believe in God, the idea is not very useful. Through media you can battle for the dominate narrative and potentially sway the sheep. They will still be sheep though.

We create a million narratives about why people are here, but ego maniacs need places to recognized their self worth; they aren't going to build their own monuments or find that self-worth in feeling equal to others. This is why issues pertaining to sexism and heteronormativity must be resolved before we can really take on racism, because even the ostracized adopt the elitists' prejudices.
This is true for sure. American democracy is a sham, so I'm not really saying we can fix all problems by voting alone. I am saying that it's possible that we could avoid some of this extreme bullshit by voting. Dems are going to put rich interests over our interests just like the Reps, but again, they ain't out here trying to erase black people from the history books.

Fair enough I guess. I'm not trying to die though. So if I'm going to live here, I'd rather do it under the best conditions possible.

You do realize that the bold is going along to get along and that has never affected change
oh cut the bullshit,

as if the current curriculum doesnt need to be dismantled statewide.

our educational system is shit
Yes like if you think what was being taught was sufficient you already 🤔fucked up. Definitely need our own educational system. Like idk churches, strip clubs and all hood grocery stores need black history classes lol. Before you pray, tip, or get food....get this knowledge 😆
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Yes like of you think what was being taught was sufficient you already 🤔fucked up. Definitely need our own educational system. Like idk churches, strip clubs and all hood grocery stores need black history classes lol. Before you pray, tip, or get food....get this knowledge 😆

real shit 😂😂🤣🤣🤣
they sure aint fighting the ones that are

Some are, but let's be real, the decent politicians are the minority, so it's a hard fight for them. We have to get more of that kind in.

We like to blame the politicians, but Joe Biden didn't put himself in office. A bunch of black people voted for him even though he was a terrible candidate. So the voting black deserves some blame for such terrible representation being in office.

i disagree and if im not mistaken, Black people in texas are one of the most politically engaged groups in the us

it probably would help if dems stop touting around this “reach across the aisle” bullshit

Well I'll defer to you on that. I don't know much about the voters in Texas. I will say the Texas Dems are actually trying to fight, so maybe that shows that voting can work if you vote for the right people. I don't know.

You do realize that the bold is going along to get along and that has never affected change

I'm not saying you just take what's given to you. I believe it will take actual work to fix things.

At the end of the day, I just don't see how not voting and setting that as your stance accomplishes anything. If you have some alternate strategy to voting then I'm all ears. But it seems like a lot of people are just on some "voting is pointless" shit and I don't really se how anything will change by adopting that mentality and doing nothing else.
Some are, but let's be real, the decent politicians are the minority, so it's a hard fight for them. We have to get more of that kind in.

We like to blame the politicians, but Joe Biden didn't put himself in office. A bunch of black people voted for him even though he was a terrible candidate. So the voting black deserves some blame for such terrible representation being in office.

Well I'll defer to you on that. I don't know much about the voters in Texas. I will say the Texas Dems are actually trying to fight, so maybe that shows that voting can work if you vote for the right people. I don't know.

I'm not saying you just take what's given to you. I believe it will take actual work to fix things.

At the end of the day, I just don't see how not voting and setting that as your stance accomplishes anything. If you have some alternate strategy to voting then I'm all ears. But it seems like a lot of people are just on some "voting is pointless" shit and I don't really se how anything will change by adopting that mentality and doing nothing else.

You vote,they change the rules...ie GA lol. Like I use to think you gotta beat them at they own game and get into the system. But idk about that mindset anymore. Voting doesn't address issues now and I actually think politicians go in with one mindset( I can change things) but then quickly realize...naw that ain't gonna work. MLK before untimely passing, recognized that his approach was not the best way and started speaking way more on economic independence vs this we all need to come together plan.
You vote,they change the rules...ie GA lol. Like I use to think you gotta beat them at they own game and get into the system. But idk about that mindset anymore. Voting doesn't address issues now and I actually think politicians go in with one mindset( I can change things) but then quickly realize...naw that ain't gonna work. MLK before untimely passing, recognized that his approach was not the best way and started speaking way more on economic independence vs this we all need to come together plan.

Economic independence isn't necessarily the fix all that people think it is. Remember, we had black communities that were somewhat insular that got bulldozed to make way for I-95. This idea that we can just do our own thing and that will solve our problems isn't fully thought out. We can't just act like the political bodies in this country don't matter.
You vote,they change the rules...ie GA lol. Like I use to think you gotta beat them at they own game and get into the system. But idk about that mindset anymore. Voting doesn't address issues now and I actually think politicians go in with one mindset( I can change things) but then quickly realize...naw that ain't gonna work. MLK before untimely passing, recognized that his approach was not the best way and started speaking way more on economic independence vs this we all need to come together plan.

And that's the part of MLK legacy you don't hear too much about. Like alot of people don't know that when MLK was assassinated he was preparing for a workers strike march I believe.
Economic independence isn't necessarily the fix all that people think it is. Remember, we had black communities that were somewhat insular that got bulldozed to make way for I-95. This idea that we can just do our own thing and that will solve our problems isn't fully thought out. We can't just act like the political bodies in this country don't matter.

There is something to be said about those on the extreme end who pretend as if their lives aren't affected by these political decisions they claim to either not care about or say don't matter...but there also can't be but so much faith put into people whose part of their job is to literally tell people what they want to hear.

It's why people who get disillusioned with politicians end up following grifters who base their entire profile on being "anti everything" because inherently people want to believe that those in charge have the best interests of the people at heart when often its the best interest of whoever cut the biggest check.