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Texas just banned MLK speeches, Native American history + More from Schools

Oh 'they' give a phuck...'they' give enough a phuck to erase any history that implicates them and shows the atrocities and wrong-doing they've historically (and STILL) committed

This is what whitwashing history looks like.

I told y'all (and posted articles) months ago that this has been happening for YEARS and Texas is ground zero.

There is a board of about 5-10 qwhyte men in Texas, that have TOTAL control over what information/"facts" are allowed in textbooks

yep and the entire thing is violent
Oh 'they' give a phuck...'they' give enough a phuck to erase any history that implicates them and shows the atrocities and wrong-doing they've historically (and STILL) committed

This is what whitwashing history looks like.

I told y'all (and posted articles) months ago that this has been happening for YEARS and Texas is ground zero.

There is a board of about 5-10 qwhyte men in Texas, that have TOTAL control over what information/"facts" are allowed in textbooks

Yeah, I know. Texas has been about that fuckery. They were the ones that were trying to change mentions of slaves to migrant workers in the textbooks. Still, banning any teaching about MLK or Native Americans is a new low.
I honestly don't care about CRT. I think it should be taught, but it's Texas...even if they taught it i wouldn't trust it to be taught correctly there or anywhere else in the south. They not even getting the basic shit right there. And now they just omitting irrefutable parts of very recent history that our parents was still alive for. Like for what.

Crazy is this backlash isn't just a southern thing. Plenty places in the Midwest and up north are having push back on the same shit. This is a nationwide thing that right wing news outlets are using fear based tactics to inform their viewers and keep them in line
Yeah, I know. Texas has been about that fuckery. They were the ones that were trying to change mentions of slaves to migrant workers in the textbooks. Still, banning any teaching about MLK or Native Americans is a new low.
It is...but are we surprised, really?

I mean, the shit's been happening right in front of our eyes...that 1619 Project is what pushed these CACs over the edge, strengthened their resolve and hastened them to implement this shit

We should ALWAYS expect this kind of shit from 'them'

"Those who do not learn their history are doomed to repeat it"...WE didn't learn from our history and we continue to pay for it with our very lives and we had/have the information; we just refused/ignored it like none of it could happen again. NOW "we" won't be able to learn it...what do you think is going to happen to the future generations?

I'm very sad, pissed, and more afraid today than I've been in a long time. I've been saying for years this was going to happen smh
If you expected the state of Texas or any of the other 49 to teach your children the truth about their history than you've already lost.
Thats why I'm over the CRT debate (which ain't really a debate but whatever). It's akin to cops investigating themselves.
It is...but are we surprised, really?

I mean, the shit's been happening right in front of our eyes...that 1619 Project is what pushed these CACs over the edge, strengthened their resolve and hastened them to implement this shit

We should ALWAYS expect this kind of shit from 'them'

"Those who do not learn their history are doomed to repeat it"...WE didn't learn from our history and we continue to pay for it with our very lives and we had/have the information; we just refused/ignored it like none of it could happen again. NOW "we" won't be able to learn it...what do you think is going to happen to the future generations?

I'm very sad, pissed, and more afraid today than I've been in a long time. I've been saying for years this was going to happen smh

I ain't gonna lie. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I actually am. They banning MLK? Really. lol I mean even Republicans use his name when they want to try and make some bullshit point. He's like the one black person they give any credit to whatsoever. By formally banning teaching about him, they are basically going on record as saying "Fuck all you niggers." This is a real masks off moment right now, maybe hoods on would be more appropriate.
Crazy is this backlash isn't just a southern thing. Plenty places in the Midwest and up north are having push back on the same shit. This is a nationwide thing that right wing news outlets are using fear based tactics to inform their viewers and keep them in line
True. But I mentioned the south cuz they're laser focused on teaching Lost Cause ideology and deliberately undermining slavery and Reconstruction, which directly correlates to the Civil Rights Movement.
I ain't gonna lie. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I actually am. They banning MLK? Really. lol I mean even Republicans use his name when they want to try and make some bullshit point. He's like the one black person they give any credit to whatsoever. By formally banning teaching about him, they are basically going on record as saying "Fuck all you niggers." This is a real masks off moment right now, maybe hoods on would be more appropriate.

yea im not surprised just fucking annoyed by white fragility. the audacity
I ain't gonna lie. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I actually am. They banning MLK? Really. lol I mean even Republicans use his name when they want to try and make some bullshit point. He's like the one black person they give any credit to whatsoever. By formally banning teaching about him, they are basically going on record as saying "Fuck all you niggers." This is a real masks off moment right now, maybe hoods on would be more appropriate.
That's one of the tactics "they" use to keep "us" lulled into a false belief that "they" also live by and believe in what Dr. King stood and died for...and to keep us 'docile'.

Yes, the hoods are off...been off. The engine has been revving on this shit since 1863...the car took off 2008. Muhphuggas just haven't been paying attention. Those who don't learn their history...
This may be an asshole thing to say but I'm going to say it.

Do some of yall black folks still feel like yall can vote this type of shit out the systems we live under?

What if the representatives who pulled this shit are in office because black people (and other affected minorities) didn't vote?

I get some of ya'll don't think voting matters, but the enemy certainly does. That's why they are trying so hard to pass legislation to hurt the voting rights of black people.
What if the representatives who pulled this shit are in office because black people (and other affected minorities) didn't vote?

I get some of ya'll don't think voting matters, but the enemy certainly does. That's why they are trying so hard to pass legislation to hurt the voting rights of black people.

Why haven't democrats ever removed the lie that Columbus discovered america?

They're both good with the bullshit one is just blunt and in your face with saying fuck you and the other just use finesse tactics with their fuck you.

Different political groups with the same goals just different methods of achieving those goals.
Why haven't democrats ever removed the lie that Columbus discovered america?

They're both good with the bullshit one is just blunt and in your face with saying fuck you and the other just use finesse tactics with their fuck you.

Different political groups with the same goals just different methods of achieving those goals.

I don't particularly like either political party in this country, but there is a limit to this "both parties are the same" rhetoric. Both of them are corrupt for sure, but there is a huge difference between not pushing for more accurate history classes and actively pushing to erase history from classes. Again, the Dems are standard corrupt politicians. The Reps are basically evil human beings at this point.

so Black people in texas dont vote?


Voter turnout for state and local elections tend to be lower in general. I've never lived in Texas so I can't speak for what happens there. I can say that I live in a majority black area and there have been times where we've had majority white county councils and such. I don't believe something like that happens if the black people in the area are as passionate about local politics as they are about national politics.